I do get asked this question here and there.
But this is a loaded question.
Everyone reading this post defines “significant” differently. Some bloggers believe that 20 visitors a day seems significant if prior days netted 0 visitors daily. High level pros may deem 30,000 visitors daily as being significant.
How about a “new” blog? Does new mean 5 days old or 5 months old?
Do you see why it is impossible to answer the new question as well as the significant question?
What About a Practical Example?
Let’s get practical to help you understand why even though asking this question gets you thinking, it is the wrong question to ask because it pulls you down a road of more questions, more analysis and most importantly, blogging inaction. When you are sitting around asking a series of irrelevant questions you are not publishing targeted, detailed content and engaging in blogger outreach, both requirements to driving heavy blog traffic.
Imagine if you and I agree that a new blog is a 6 month old blog.
Now we need to ask at least 12 questions to figure out how you have blogged over the 6 month stretch to actually attempt to make a somewhat accurate estimate – which is impossible in reality – as far as traffic numbers for your blog.
Questions to Ask
- How frequently do you publish posts?
- Do you optimize posts for SEO?
- How often do you rank?
- Is your brand strong enough to drive organic traffic?
- What is your blogger outreach strategy?
- How do you feel when you engage in blogger outreach?
- What is your bounce rate?
- How many posts do you have on your site?
- How clear is your UX?
- How many genuine blog comments have you published on authority blogs from your niche?
- How many blog posts of yours gained traction on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn organically?
- How many guest posts have you published?
OK. Take your time. Spend the next 5 hours tabulating these totals.
When you report back to me I will ask 12 more questions to get a better idea of your traffic estimate.
Nope; I cannot give you an actual answer. I can only estimate.
Do you understand why no one can come close to answering this question accurately?
Reddit and Quora Volley Question Orgy
I have seen many bloggers ask questions just like this over the years.
Reddit and Quora groups rank as the most common offenders.
Bloggers volley questions back and forth over weeks – literally – to ask more questions only to result in a rough estimate.
No blogger gets those weeks back.
Do ya know what bloggers need to do during those weeks?
- publish long-form, targeted content
- engage in genuine blogger outreach
These steps bring blog traffic.
No one can accurately predict that traffic number because no one can step inside of your mind to observe your fears, doubts, questions, limiting beliefs, mental blocks and every single factor which determines if you will drive traffic or not drive traffic to a particular level.
I Love You Guys So I Tell You the Truth
You guys know I love you, right?
Since I love you I tell you the truth with a post like this.
If I did not love you and simply wanted to get traffic and money from you I’d lie to you with some bullshit post claiming to know how much traffic you will get based on the statistics of others.
Do you realize how insane it is to lock someone’s blogging potential inside the prison of other blogger’s results?
That’s nuts. It’s insulting too, when you think about it.
That’s why I rarely do stats on Blogging From Paradise.
Quoting other blogger’s statistics as your benchmark is like spitting in your face.
“Well, this other blogger or these other bloggers get so and so traffic so that’s pretty much the best you can do.”
Newsflash folks; if you learned one thing at Blogging From Paradise over the prior 9 years it is that you are not here to follow in the foot steps of others but to be a blogging pioneer.
No one blogs or lives quite like me because I decided not to base my blogging strategies or expectations on the statistics of others.
What Is the Answer to the Question?
- It’s impossible to answer the question because infinite factors go into answering the question.
- It’s the wrong question.
- It’s an ego delay mechanism dripping in fear fueled with self-sabotage that keeps you asking more procrastinating questions which prevents you from learning how to blog successfully and also prevents you from doing the blogging work to drive slow, steady traffic.
- It’s a fear-based ploy to try to figure out what “significant” and “new” means for all asking and answering parties to delay the work necessary to drive blog traffic.
- It’s a question to pull you down a rabbit hole of more blogging questions.
- It’s a question when, if not answered according to the ego’s desires, gives you an excuse to stop listening to someone who gives you a truthful answer – like the Blogging From Paradise guy – to head towards Quora, Reddit and even page 1 of Google for flattery, impossible to make estimates and days, weeks and months of delay.
Yep; there are a few answers to the question when you drill down to observe motives behind the question.
After You Accept this Truth What Is the Next Step to Take?
Figure out why you blog and tie the reason to something fun and freeing. Doing this pulls you through doubts which gives you clarity to ask the right blogging questions.
Wrong blogging question: How much traffic will I get?
Right blogging question: How do I drive blog traffic?
Wrong blogging question: When can I expect to see results?
Right blogging question: What do I do to become a pro blogger?
Amateur bloggers who will succeed ask me the last question. I created this course for future successful bloggers. Check it out if you want to learn more.
After bloggers kept messaging me about how to get featured on Forbes I created this course for bloggers who will get a high level of exposure. Check it out if you want to learn more.
Patiently develop the skill of asking the right blogging questions.
Get the right blogging answers.
Act on the right blogging answers to succeed.
No Dumb or Bad or Silly Questions Exist
Asking questions gets the wheels turning in your mind.
This is a good thing.
This is also why no dumb, bad or silly questions exist.
But just because no dumb, bad or silly questions exist doesn’t mean that some questions are the wrong questions.
Asking a specific question may never be wrong, bad or silly but will always get you chasing windmills for years until you realize it’s the wrong question.
Before asking a question simply ask yourself:
Is this the right question to ask or the wrong question to ask for my blogging success?
Sit with that question for 5 minutes.
Let your intuition guide you to either ask the right question or to not ask the wrong question.
Do I Get Annoyed By Being Asked this Wrong Blogging Question A Lot?
Of course not.
I help bloggers, drive blog traffic and earn blogging income by answering the question with links pointing to Blogging From Paradise.
I am quite happy to answer this question to help readers, get traffic and increase blogging income.
Please, keep asking.
Even if the question appears to be of the wrong variety I will send you this blog post which puts you on the right blogging track.
I always appreciate you guys.
Blogging is basically a check up from the neck up.
Get clear on why you blog.
Choose a fun, freeing driver.
Ask the right blogging questions to walk the successful blogging path.