Do You Fear Bloggers or Work with Them?

  May 26, 2023 blogging tips 🕑 5 minutes read
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam


Collaborating with fellow bloggers is one key to success.


All high level bloggers collaborate to tap into the power of their collective audiences.


Of course, since most bloggers self-sabotage, the masses fear bloggers instead of collaborating with them.


Oddness infects the blog-o-sphere at times.


Some fear bloggers.


Fear goads this crowd to compete.


Competing pits bloggers against bloggers.


Where does this mistake begin?


All errors begin and end in the mind.


How can you correct the blogging error?


Work with bloggers for collective success versus competing against bloggers to make it tougher on both parties.


Competing never works even if one appears to make more money at the expense of bloggers in their niche.


Never trust appearances like this; illusions are not true.


In reality, no one wins in a fear-based scenario,


Competing Does Not Work Because No One Genuinely Wins


One reason exists for competing against bloggers: you fear that the blogger takes something from you or will take something from you.


Do you make smart or unintelligent decisions from fear?


Fear scares you into making foolish decisions.


How far does one get from making foolish decisions? Not too far.


How far does one get from making intelligent decisions? Generally, quite far.


No one wins in blogging competition because your fear cuts off potentially collaborative bonds guaranteeing that all would in fact win.


Practical Example


For example, imagine if I feared a blogging tips blogger from my niche. Picture me worrying that the blogger would – or will – steal Blogging From Paradise traffic. Based on this fear I decide to not promote the individual. Not promoting the individual robs both of us from a beneficial collaborative strategy.


The moment I decided to take away the collaborative opportunity is the moment we both lose.


Since both parties lose, no one wins.


Work with Not Against


Work with bloggers to expand your collective success.


Never work against bloggers to dissipate your energies.


Going against establishes an imagined enemy because everything is in your mind.


Imagine the rare scenario of encountering a blogger who appears to compete against you by trying to sully your reputation. What can you do? Face the fear in your mind that the individual can actually take anything from you in an abundant universe. Feel and release the fear to lose the blogger.


Disappearing Act


Literally, the blogger disappears from your experience the moment you let go fear related to the individual.


I only came across a few bloggers who tried to compete with me but this simple strategy made them vanish every single time.


Note; I mean not in literal fashion or from a negative perspective. I mean the bloggers disappeared from my experience because the moment you forgive the fear triggered in mind related to the individuals is the same moment where they exit stage left.




Fear leaves once you face it, feel it and learn your forgiveness lesson, in whatever form the fear takes.


For the purpose of this blog post, forgiving does not mean the egoic tradition of forgiveness based on deeming someone to be bad and you being the better person. Do not mistake a grievance for a lame definition of forgiveness.


Forgiving fear means looking past the person who appeared to do the unpleasant thing as being fear in your mind that you need to look past. The person is the symbol, the fear is in your mind and when you pay close enough attention to fear you realize that:


  • fear is an illusion
  • fear is not real
  • the unpleasant blogger appears to be acting out some fear based solely on fear in your mind
  • forgiving that fear involves looking past it so the fear dissolves and the blogger hits the road


Why Does this Strategy Work?


Every person is connected in one quantum field.


We are all part of one mind.


Fearing anyone is fearing yourself since all parties are connected.


Fearing that anyone can take anything from you is like fearing that you can actually take something from yourself. Conquer the fear and you will understand it’s silly to think that you could take something from yourself. As that amusing fear subsides the feared blogger disappears from your experience.


Work With to Collaborate


Collaborating with bloggers is one of the best ways to co-create success for all involved.


For example, commenting genuinely on blogs, guest blogging and promoting fellow bloggers influences bloggers to comment on your blog, submit guest posts for your blog and promote your blog.


One hand washes the other because being generous inspires collaborating.


While Google traffic is still highly coveted, a simple algorithm shift can drastically affect your blog traffic overnight.


Not so with collaborating.


Blogging friends genuinely support each other through thick and thin. No matter what happens in the world you will thrive by networking genuinely.


Human beings Google-proof your blog from this sometimes finicky traffic source. Human beings AI-proof your blog in a world of bots recycling used content and repackaging it for consumption at a high volume clip.


Go for Google traffic and feel free to use AI for light applications like establishing outlines.


But busy yourself with genuine blogger outreach to knock it out of the park for some serious collaborations.


Collaborating is working with bloggers for both parties to benefit. Obviously, you cannot fear a blogger and collaborate with them in a positive way because love spawns mutually beneficial partnerships and fear cuts these potential blogging relationships off at the knees.


For example, if you wished to ask a fellow blogging friend for a guest post swap but fear creeps into your mind concerning losing traffic and profits you resist collaborating due to the fear in your mind.


But if you love the blogger you understand reality: every blogger can only gain in a universe of abundance through the art of collaborating.


How can anyone lose if all bloggers collaborate to gain?


We all win as our collaborations increase.


This is why it is a poor idea to compete when you can co-create to amplify blogging success for all involved in the partnership.






Stop competing.


Conquer your fear of the blogging competition to collaborate and prosper.