5 Benefits of Scheduling Blog Posts

  June 20, 2023 blogging tips 🕑 6 minutes read
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam


Content makes your blog go.


At the end of the day, blogs are a collection of posts.


High quality blogs consist of high quality posts published frequently.


Most bloggers struggle with both quality and quantity departments due to a range of reasons.


Writer’s block, time constraints and limiting beliefs strangling your prolific nature make blogging a struggle.


But I uncovered a secret blogging weapon a little while back that obliterates blogging limiting beliefs.


Scheduling blog posts increased Blogging From Paradise post quality and quantity.


Giving myself time to publish detailed content boosted blog post quality. Scheduling posts out for a week increased blog post quantity.


Why did it take me 15 years to discover this strategy?


My mind was not in the right place up until now.


I focused too much on:


  • getting any type of content out there as long as I wrote and published one post before day’s end
  • thinking short term versus long term
  • spending time offsite with blog commenting and guest blogging
  • promoting each blog post exhaustively before going through the process of writing and publishing the next post


In short, I did not fully realize – until a few months ago – that scheduling content is the simplest way to develop a long term vision which spawns detailed, in-depth, quality blog posts published frequently.


The light bulb flickered in my mind when I realized how easy it was to write a thorough, 1200 word post when I scheduled each post first 1 day out, then 2 days out, then eventually 7 days out.


When you have one week to do something you may do a better job than if you give yourself 2, 4 or 24 hours to do something.


Love combined with relaxation yields better quality content than fear combined with tension.


Of course every blogger adopts a different strategy, but deep down, all of us know that our best work comes from power, not force.


Check out these benefits of scheduling posts to see if it’s the right strategy for you.


1: Enjoy Life Offline


Every time an 8 AM EST or 8 PM EST post goes live on Blogging From Paradise I am:


  • sleeping
  • doing yoga
  • exercising
  • watching streaming video




When I am in the States I am still sleeping at 8 AM. When I am abroad like here in Vietnam, I am doing yoga, exercising and watching streaming video at 8 PM local time. Or if I decide to schedule posts at 8 PM EST I am sleeping at 8 AM local time in Saigon.


I change my publish time based on my location but I typically find myself enjoying time offline when Blogging From Paradise posts go live.


Not scheduling blog posts feels similar to a job at times. Bloggers write and immediately publish posts only to promote posts then dive into blogger outreach, marketing and before you know it, 12 hours go by and you spent another day hunched in front of a laptop.


Why blog if you decide to trade time for money?


Schedule posts to add a passive element to your blogging campaign. Enjoy life offline while your blog beams out content online.


Promote scheduled posts at your leisure according to your schedule. Blog with posture. Let your content promote itself organically before you hop online to market new posts.


Enjoy the freedoms associated with living the internet lifestyle.


Schedule posts to take advantage of being an online entrepreneur.


2: Increase Post Quality


Without fail, Blogging From Paradise post quality increased the moment I decided to schedule posts.


Giving myself space to mindfully add all necessary details to post makes for thorough, in-depth, long form content.


Schedule posts for at least one week out to give yourself 2-3 hours to write a detailed blog post. Write 1200 to 1500 words filled with practical tips. Pick a pleasing blog post title. Format posts for easy reading.


Setting up posts for at least one week in advance instantly removes deadline-related pressure. Letting go pressure allows you to shine as a blogger.


Stop forcing yourself to write and publish a low quality blog post for today.


Schedule posts ahead of time to slow down, calm down and to write and publish in-depth, targeted content that drives organic traffic around the clock.


3: Develop a Long Term Approach


Schedule blog posts to adopt a long term approach to blogging.


Setting up posts for a week or longer conditions you to think long term versus blogging in 24 hour increments.


Aspiring professional bloggers eventually go pro by thinking in terms of yearly time frames. Nothing happens overnight. Blogging success comes together slowly but surely by doing simple things mindfully for years.


I remember one blogger who experienced great online success. He scheduled two content-rich blog posts daily for at least a year.


Setting up blog posts for weeks out gradually conditioned him to think about blogging goals in terms of years. He eventually generated a substantial amount of blogging income based on his long term vision.


Stop creating a day to day blogging campaign based on assessing success or failure on highly volatile 24 hour increments.


Schedule blog posts. Think in yearly terms to become a patient, persistent, generous blogger.


Set a rock solid foundation for your blogging campaign by thinking long term.


4: Remove Hurry-Induced Mistakes


Far and away, scheduling posts for Blogging From Paradise removed hurry-induced mistakes I made by rushing the day to day blogging process.


For example, when I woke up with the idea that I had to write and publish one post for that day I skipped key steps for publishing highly-targeted, thorough content to build targeted traffic and blogging business. I would rush to get a substandard post out there which drove little to no organic blog traffic.


Scheduling blog posts slowed down my mind, calmed down my being and let me patiently follow practical steps to write posts which generated organic traffic.


Basically, when you have 1 week to write and schedule a post you do a smash-up job creating a post which drives organic, passive blog traffic around the clock through a range of channels.


Consider the blog post quality versus quantity argument. Most choose one or the other. Scheduling posts lets you choose both because each quality post builds a high quantity of blog content over the long haul.


Imagine writing and publishing 365, 1200 word, detailed, targeted blog posts for the next year. Letting go the need to rush the process gives you space enough to publish in-depth content on a daily basis.


Meanwhile, most bloggers hurry to publish a volume of low quality, thin content that nabs a few views before fading away into obscurity.


5: Become Prolific in a World of Sporadic Bloggers


Most bloggers struggle with maintaining a sporadic publishing schedule at best.


Publishing one post per month is not uncommon.


Imagine publishing 5, 10 or even 20 quality posts this month compared to most bloggers who publish only 1-2 times this month.


Schedule blog posts to become prolific in a world of bloggers who struggle to publish any posts.


Stand out by putting in blogging work ahead of time versus being under the blogging gun.


Being prolific feels tough in a pressure-filled environment with tight publishing deadlines because fear is a destructive driver.


On the flip side of things, being prolific feels easier when love, peace, relaxation and lax publishing deadlines allow your creativity to flow.




Build something special by giving yourself the time to do it.


Schedule blog posts.


Set up posts for at least one week out to increase post frequency, quality and overall blogging success.

  1. Chris Desatoff says:
    at 11:39 pm

    Man, Ryan, prescheduling blog posts has been such a game-changer for my blogging career this year. And never before has that lesson sunk in so deep for me as it is this month (June 2023).

    June has been crazy.

    My family has had four birthdays this month.
    Plus several more get-togethers.
    Plus a death in the family.
    Plus one of my kids leaving Vegas and moving across the country.
    Plus being a beta reader for my friend’s new fantasy novel.
    Plus me pausing everything last weekend to apply for several part-time jobs.


    I have written 0 WORDS of blog content in the past 14 days.

    Nada…zip…for two whole weeks.


    Despite all that stuff going on this month, I have published a brand new blog post every single day for the past 20 days in a row because I had already prewritten dozens of blog posts ahead of time and prescheduled them.

    This morning – while I slept in – my blog readers woke up to yet another fresh hot blog post at 5:00 am on my blog. And they will CONTINUE to have new blog posts to read for weeks to come because I still have nearly 30 more prewritten blog posts up on deck.

    I remember years ago, John Chow talking about creating content in batches and prescheduling it out ahead of time as being one of his key blogging and vlogging strategies to grow his online business.

    This works, dude.

    It’s sometimes fun and freeing to shoot from the hip and push out blog posts as soon as you write them. I enjoy that sometimes, and I know you do too.

    But as a long-term pro blogging strategy, batch creating content and prescheduling it to go live according to a consistent publishing schedule is a very powerful one-two punch to grow a sustainable blogging business.

    Let’s have a great week buddy =)

  2. Ryan Biddulph says:
    at 4:31 am

    The power of scheduling wins once again, Chris! Makes sense because by thinking even a little bit ahead of time you are set when life seems to intervene.