Why Owning Your Blog Is Critical

  February 3, 2025 blogging tips 🕑 5 minutes read
Kalkan Turkey

Kalkan Turkey


I scanned LinkedIn a few moments ago.


Every suggested update had to do with artificial intelligence.


AI blogging, artificial intelligence marketing and pretty much anything to do with this strongest of trends dominated updates LinkedIn pointed me to read.


I also came across a well-known creator on LinkedIn. He mentioned how small creators need to build posture because large brands try to take advantage of these individuals. “Offering exposure and brand alignment instead of financial compensation” kind of garbage.


I reminded myself once again why blogging is as important as ever. Owning your blog is critical at this juncture because doing anything on rented real estate makes you susceptible to artificial intelligence and it’s global influence. Never mind how you will be at the mercy of big bucks unless you own a resource to build your posture.


AI continues to take off exponentially. Owning your blog insulates you against that wildly unstable world. Building your own real estate from the heart to grow a loyal human following distances you from the histrionics of artificial intelligence.


Look at every artificial intelligence themed headline regarding Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Each invests significantly in AI. Who has any idea where these platforms will go as far as the influence of artificial intelligence? Never mind the general trend of AI in the world.


As for big brands attempting to take advantage of small creators, they have zero leverage when you build your blog into a posturing, income generating asset. Either take or leave brands when you reach that point. I haven’t worked with any brand in over a decade. My blog is my source. I pick and choose. Far from being arrogant, it is just posturing. I put in the work so now I generate passive traffic and income. I choose who to work with if I want to go that route.


Blogs become assets that work for you around the clock because you own the content. Never mind how you control full monetization through your blog.


Imagine cultivating a built-in human tribe who amplifies your reach exponentially. Blogging makes that possible at a level of scale unlike few channels online because you have full creative control of your blog. Owning everything gives you that power.


Consider the chaos surrounding artificial intelligence and blogging or marketing for that matter. Entrepreneurs waste precious time predicting the future of AI. What if you had nothing to do with that world? What if human readers loyally followed your updates?


What if your organic traffic and blogging income depended entirely on the assets you own and patiently built over years? What if your loyal human readers expanded your reach around the clock?


Do humans who trust human bloggers stop following these leaders to read generic, AI generated contents? Hell no!


Trusted blogs generate their own success. Valuable content spawns referral traffic and referral business through loyal human tribes. What does artificial intelligence have to do with this world? Nothing.


AI is over there. You and your human tribe are over here. Some people get involved with the AI world. But your readers follow you. Genuine human beings who want content created by experienced humans will come across your blog and follow it closely too. Never underestimate how artificially generated content continues to turn millions of humans away from AI blogging towards human generated content.


Will my loyal readers stop trusting me to follow content identical to millions of other posts artificially generated via similar AI cues? Of course not. I’m not special. But AI generated blog posts are horseshit at worst and underwhelming at best. I do things from the heart. I blog with compassion. I weave personalized tales. I’ve gained your trust because my blog has been vetted by my experience. That’s the power of blogging. That’s the power of owning your real estate and building it into a rock solid resource.


Whose steps away from this experience to choose a generic experience that you can get through millions of other blogs?


No sane human does that.


Perhaps a few get fooled temporarily but they will smarten up and look past artificial intelligence generated content too.


Humanizing is the new superpower. Running your own blog is about the best way to humanize your online business based on the depth and variety of content one publishes freely to their blogs.


Successes is in standing out through true helpfulness not fitting in by mimicking others. Blogging may be the ultimate way to stand out via your true helpfulness. AI blogging is definitely the best way to fit in by copying others.


As for blogging and working with big brands, running a highly trusted resource gives you the confidence to turn down anyone who does not fit your parameters and match the needs of your audience.


Way too many entrepreneurs have zero posture because they have no authority in their pocket. Run a blog to pocket your authority. Build your site for business to flow to you. Pick and choose as you wish.


I cannot lie. Building your blog into this type of resource takes thousands of hours but if you plan to be around frame it as a freedom investment.


Visualize your blog as being a lighthouse resting on granite rocks amid a violent storm. Artificial intelligence plays the role of tempest. Blogs serve as the brightest of lights positioned on the rock solid foundation of individual ownership for small creators.


Make no mistake about it folks. Small creators can beat the big dogs. I once outranked a billion dollar company with 10,000 employees twice on page one for one of their covered keywords.


Right beats might.


Or more accurately, building a truly helpful resource for a highly targeted reader brings you success no matter what the artificial intelligence movement and big brands do.


They are over there in their world.


You are over here in yours.


Let them predict. Let them manipulate. Let them fight it out.


Own your blog. Publish highly detailed, practical content for a targeted reader. Build your loyal tribe. Go full-time. Grow exponentially.


When you own a well-stocked blog, it is your world.


More than enough humans will want to be a part of that community to amplify your collective success.