1 Sneaky Aspect of Blogging Most Hate to Admit

  December 20, 2024 blogging tips 🕑 5 minutes read
London UK

London UK


I routinely share posts detailing practical tips to follow for aspiring full-time bloggers.


Most become my popular posts.


I also share posts like the one you prepare yourself to read now.


Almost no one wants to read this stuff.




Few human beings take 100% responsibility for the world reflecting their beliefs back to them.


Most feel comfortable admitting that birds of a feather flock together.


But who wants to own the truth of everyone acting out YOUR conscious and unconscious beliefs?


Few do.


Few become full-time bloggers.


The Sneaky Truth You Hate


Broke, angry, manipulative, annoying, agitating, flip-floppy, spamming people you encounter through blogging reflect your broke, angry, manipulative, annoying, agitating, flip-floppy, spamming ways back to you.


Consider this reality as a 1 to 1 deal.


I mean it literally.


What you see in them sits in your mind. But largely, the beliefs rest in your unconscious mind. Few ever become aware of this truth. Most blame. Many complain. Bloggers typically air grievances. The fault becomes outside of you. The annoying spammers hold back your success. Google robbed your traffic. Facebook erased your income.


Of course, I do the blame-game thing from time to time. We live in a world of imperfection; I have not currently mastered my mind, as of the publish date of this blog post. I do however share this reality to free you from the prison of blame. I also guide you along these lines to learn that success flows from the mind and that the world is the indicator of what really is going on in your head.


Quantum Physics


Quantum physics proves that at the teeny weeny, tiny winy, quantum level, everything in reality is one quantum field of thought. No separation exists. No two-ness exists. No people exist out there. No things exist out there. We are one mind. What you see out there via people, Google and the world is your mind mirrored back at you, reflecting its contents.


The world is insane because it is an illusion appearing to violate this truth. Reality is not here.


Blaming people, Google and your blog for failure is blaming yourself for your failure. But instead of mentally condemning self via the trick of blaming externals you can stop the unconscious thought pattern, own how the annoyances are your mind, feel and look past these emotions and move in an abundant direction.


Success awaits if you walk this highly unbeaten path. Never mind how the majority of readers become peaceful, kind, relaxed and prospering….once again, reflecting your mind back to you.


My Practical Experience


I suffered as a blogger for extended stretches a long time ago.


I thought outside-in versus inside-out.


Believing that I fell victim to the world, I did not understand that:


  • readers with no money
  • accepting sponsored posts for a pittance
  • linking out to low quality blogs
  • mass publishing thin content
  • struggles with traffic
  • struggles with income


pictured the contents of my mind reflected back to me.


I created it. I made everyone and everything act out, however hard this seemed to believe.


Everything is only one mind, remember?


There is no one out there.


There is nobody out there.


My ego hated admitting this reality, but I finally became disgusted enough to make an internal change towards taking ownership.


I gradually ceased engaging the world of struggling and resistance.


I gradually surrounded myself with highly successful, confident, full-time bloggers who guided me to:


  • think
  • feel
  • act


way differently than I had prior.


Peace of mind and worldly success slowly but surely found me. But this ensued as an uncomfortable process for quite a long time. I had deep unconscious fear being pictured in the world out there for facing, feeling and looking past. This is not mental fast food but a life long journey.


Working Is Necessary But after Choosing Thoughts and Feelings


I follow practical tips for building my blog.


But the difference maker became patiently choosing abundant thoughts and feelings; not poverty thoughts and feelings.


Make no mistake about it. This practice feels highly difficult at times but becomes do-able with patient practice. Frame it as a skill. Practice makes better.


As you:


  • take responsibility for the world mirroring your mind back to you
  • face, feel and forgive fears in your mind fueling struggles
  • choose abundant thoughts and feelings
  • take abundant blogging action (follow sound practical steps)


prospering people and circumstances, loyal readers, customers and clients, and greater peace meet you.


But it is a long process with many bumps in the road because you and I are typically green horns when it comes to mind training.




I used the “sneaky” word in the title because 10 seconds after reading this post you will likely see people blaming or worshiping externals instead of looking within at the mind as the source for the experience.


You feel good, empowered and inspired after reading this post. Reality does in fact set you free.


But the world throws the insane but insistent “outside-in” approach at you all day long.


Be gentle with yourself as you train your mind.


Imagine your mind bouncing around like a ping-pong ball, hopping back and forth between reality and the illusion. Love and fear. Oneness and separation. Responsibility and blame. Peace and hate.


Why did I use the “hate” word in the title?


One part of your split mind hates admitting this truth because it hates you.


Be easy on yourself as you explore this mental jambalaya of emotions.


But be firm in practicing the concept of the world reflecting your beliefs back to you.


Everything is your mind.




No exceptions.


If anything were outside of you it would violate the basis of quantum physics, Buddha would have been a fool and Yeshua from A Course in Miracles was tricked.


How likely is it that they made the mistake and you are right?




The end game of this idea is increased peace, worldly success and complete liberation from fear.


Yeah you will experience traffic and income increases over the long haul.


But isn’t freedom from fear worth doing the inner work?