How to Improve Your Blogging Skills: 7 Tips

  June 18, 2023 blogging tips 🕑 5 minutes read



Skilled bloggers succeed.


However, most bloggers do not intentionally develop their blogging skills.


Some write only to publish blog posts. Others “network” only to ask for blogging favors.


How can you be skilled if you rarely practice developing skills?


I do what I do now because I spent time practicing the art of blogging. The journey challenged me at times. Blogging was not always easy for me to do.


Hey guys; if I did it you can do it.


Anyone who desires to succeed can become highly skilled. However, the process is not passive. You need to practice to be skilled. More importantly, you need to practice when nothing seems to be happening with your blog. This is code for seeing “no traffic and no blogging income”.


Peep this mantra to get the right blogging mindset for skills development: practice in private to shine in public.


First, put in the skills work when nobody appears to be watching. Gradually, people will see your blog – and your skills – if you keep practicing. Why? You gave them a reason to stop by because you became more skilled, credible and seen through your efforts. Slowly but surely, you will be seen by the public but only because you practiced the skill of blogging for quite a long time.


Follow the steps below to become a skilled blogger.


1: Read Voraciously


Read voraciously to become a skilled blogger.


Becoming a better blogger hinges on educating yourself thoroughly.


I learn more about blogging than most beginners as a 15 year blogging veteran. I routinely add skills to my blogging repertoire by learning about blogs on a daily basis. Meanwhile, most new bloggers either wing it or act like they know it all.


Observing my desire to learn about blogging clues you in to what it takes to succeed. Especially as a new blogger, learning is fundamental.


I keep tabs on leading blogging tips blogs to immerse myself in the niche. How can I become more skilled with my blogging head in the sand?


Become a sponge to blogging knowledge. Become aware of trends. Stay up to date. Learn to become skilled.


2: Follow Professional Blogger Advice


Follow advice from professional bloggers.


Learn from the best to become a highly skilled blogger.


Following professional blogger advice leads you to developing the right skills. Instead of wasting time on the non-essentials you do what pros do to gain serious blogging skills.


For example, pros guide you to write daily, to engage in genuine blogger outreach and to practice detachment about your blog. All critical skills go into becoming a professional blogger.


Pros point you in the right direction.


Follow their lead to know which skills to develop.


3: Write Daily


Write daily to develop your number one blogging skill.


Open a Word document. Write 500-1000 words daily.  Cover any topic, whether your blogging niche or life offline.


Write. Write. Write some more. Keep writing.


Developing writing skills makes you a highly skilled blogger since writing is how you communicate with readers.


Don’t write only for publishing blog posts. Bloggers rarely publish frequently enough to fulfill daily writing practice by following such a sporadic publishing schedule.


Write daily offline no matter what. Put in the time to develop your most critical skill.


4: Surround Yourself Only with Thriving Bloggers


Succeed as a product of your environment.


Gain skills like a sponge.


Surround yourself with high level bloggers to learn how these blogging big dawgs develop skills.


Mimic their habits to become highly skilled.


Top pros provide you with a shining example. Learn from these successful bloggers by connecting with pros and letting go everyone else.


Do not network only with beginner or struggling bloggers. Few if any egg you on to hone your blogging skills because newbies tend to remain in their blogging comfort zone.


High level pros catapult you outside of your blogging comfort zone daily.


Hang with the pro’s pros to gain blogging skills through osmosis.


Personal Experience


I network with top pros online but genuinely got my blogging baptism by attending an internet marketing conference in NYC for two consecutive years. Seeing guys like John Chow and Zac Johnson speak, mingle and collaborate put me in the proper frame of mind to become more skilled.


For example, each of the 4 pros on the dais had built strong, collaborative, lucrative relationships with each other based on joint ventures. Heck, Zac even mentioned me on John’s blog through one of his guest posts.


I got serious about developing my blogger outreach skills with blogging big dawgs after seeing the power of collaborating with high level pros.


5: Remember Your Why


Why do you blog?


Think about your freedom.


Dwell on having fun helping people through blogging.


Remembering your why drives you to do what it takes to improve your blogging skills.


Most non-committal bloggers rarely hone their skills because the majority forget why they blog. Struggling bloggers seek comfort over freedom. Failing bloggers do not gain blogging skills being fixed inside of their comfort zone.


Seek freedom through blogging to engage in authentic skills development.


6: Ask for Honest Feedback


Genuine readers offer honest feedback to improve your blogging campaign.


Ask readers to review your blog. Guide them to not hold back. Put your ego to the side even if honest feedback stings a little bit.


Authentic feedback points out areas for blogging improvement. Developing your skills occurs as the organic by-product of improving your blogging campaign.


Look honesty directly in the eyes. Appreciate real people. Being lied to does nothing for your blog. Flattery puts you backwards.


At the time, I deemed the guy an asshole, but a straight-talking critic changed my blogging course dramatically over a decade ago. He remarked how my old blog “looked like shit”. Fielding his opinion guided me to improve my blog user experience and skills in the process.


Listen to reader comments. Observe social media chats concerning your blog.


Increase your skills by improving various aspects of your blogging campaign.


7: Invest in Your Blogging Education


Invest money in your blogging education.


Get a skills upgrade by receiving the best guidance from experienced bloggers.


Pros invest in their blogging education to upgrade their skills, knowledge and experience. Leaders keep learning to stay ahead of the blogging crowd.


Frame purchasing courses, coaching and eBooks as paying your blogging tuition.


Pay up to play up.


Become more skilled through osmosis.




Believe it or not, blogging gets easier as you develop your skills through patient practice.


Blogging only seems tougher if you resist honing your skills.


Follow these tips to become a highly skilled blogger.


Skilled bloggers prove to be the best teachers and leading pros.

  1. Chris Desatoff says:
    at 12:14 pm

    Still working on #3.

    My monthly word count puts me in the 500-1000 words/day AVERAGE, but I still aim to build the discipline of writing every single day. Getting there.

  2. Ryan Biddulph says:
    at 4:29 am

    Good job dude. Keep up the great blogging work.