Do You Blog to Help People or to People Please?

  May 3, 2023 blogging tips 🕑 5 minutes read
Kensington, London

Kensington, London


Learning the skill of just helping people with content, getting out of the way, letting them choose and succeeding from a purely organic, peaceful space brings your blogging campaign to the next level fast.




In a world of scared bloggers who try to manipulate, people please and control, you will be a breath of fresh blogging air.


This is a challenging post to process, understand and practically apply for most of us.


Here’s why: the world largely taught you to people please.


How much time have you spent trying to make people happy? Been there. Tried to do that. Never worked.


No human who ever existed MADE someone happy because humans possess free will. People choose to be happy or unhappy based on their free will, their intimately person decision, coming from within. Some other human APPEARED to make them happy but that illusion is not:


  • real
  • true
  • accurate
  • honest


since the other person who seemed to be the source of inspiration actually appears to exist outside of the mind of the happy person.


Most bloggers struggle, fail then quit in part because the blogging masses trip over themselves attempting to:


  • please readers
  • make readers happy
  • make readers unhappy, by scaring them and manipulating them, as a sales accelerant (aka scare the shit out of people who panic buy your stuff)
  • control readers
  • manipulate readers
  • influence readers


instead of just helping people and trusting success to take care of you.


Why not honor the free will of others?


Why not allow them to take or leave your content based on their intimately personal decision?


Why are you always trying to get them to do something for you….even if the silly ego believes that it is “for their own good”?


You see, most of us journey through wildly egoic blogging stretches where we try to please people then get something from the people by attempting to control them in some way, shape or form.


Happy, peaceful, successful bloggers walk in the opposite direction from the ego to the heart. This crowd just helps people with content and trusts enough in:


  • self
  • the blogging process
  • their blog content
  • their business


to allow success to find them through:


  • loyal readers
  • trusting customers
  • resonant clients


Reaching this level of emotional intelligence is highly uncomfortable. I know; I’m still walking this journey.


Discomfort arises because all types of fears big and small surface in the mind as you listen more to love (help people and trust that you are forever cared for) and away from fear (try to please people to get something from them) the ego thrashes, kicks and screams in raucous shrieks.


Traditional Business Advice Is Generally Fear-Based Not Love-Focused


Love never asks.


Love only gives.


Everything else is fear.


Most business advice is fear-based, egoic and designed to get something from someone based on manipulating individuals. Nothing is wrong with this approach. Nothing is right with this approach. The approach is fear, not love.


Doing things from fear creates tension, anxiety and a general heaviness because trying to make someone happy (or to control them) by appearing to override their free will feels quite uncomfortable. Using people for your ends feels bad because fear feels bad.


Note; I still do things from this egoic space from time to time. I am slowly but surely migrating from the ego voice to the intuition-love voice in my head.


How Would It Feel?


How would it feel to just help people and to trust enough in yourself, your content and in the blogging process to know that traffic and income will find you?


As a practical example, rocking blogger Sarah Packwood published this tweet:





I helped her in a few ways then let it go.


Letting it go allowed her to publish the helpful tweet for her followers.




Forget that you helped.




Allow success to find you organically.


Benefits of Helping and Trusting (and NOT People Pleasing/Manipulating/Controlling)


Helpful bloggers who trust in themselves and in the blogging process:


  • experience peace of mind
  • exhibit confidence
  • maintain great clarity
  • drive organic traffic
  • drive organic business
  • enjoy the blogging ride
  • have a clear blogging conscience


Trying to people please in order to manipulate creates mental chaos, sows seeds of doubt, muddles mental clarity, eats into organic traffic and organic business, makes blogging feel heavy and weighs on your conscience.


Problems Arise When You Try to Make People Happy to Use Them


The only reason why you try to make readers happy is because you want something from them for yourself like:


  • traffic
  • blogging business
  • comments
  • reviews
  • referral blogging business


Fear, not love, is why you want to manipulate people into giving you something.


When you blog from fear you slam into problems created by that fear sooner or later.


Fear creates problems.


When you try to make someone happy you waste energy because you cannot control their mind. Even worse; when they are not happy or never show up to read your blog……you struggle, fail and eventually quit blogging.


What Solves Your People Pleasing Problem?


Listen to people.


Help them with detailed, thorough blog posts.


Let go trying to get them to do anything. Let them be.




Listen to their feedback to best help them but master the art of helping them, trusting and letting go any attachment to:


  • their feelings
  • their mindset
  • being popular
  • doing things to be popular
  • doing things to please the world, to conform to the world and to become a slave to the world


Why This Strategy Works


Helping people, letting go outcomes and trusting in self and in the blogging process mirrors help back to you.


We are all one mind. Being helpful reflects help back to you because the person you appeared to help is actually you, in spirit, or, your brother in spirit, or, your mind. The division-segmentation-separation bullshit is a hoax, an illusion, created cleverly by the ego (The ego voice also created all of these silly business platitudes based in fear, for the record).


People who:


  • appreciate your help
  • vibe with your help
  • enjoy your blog


help you by buying your stuff, hiring you, endorsing you and growing your referral business.


See how simple it is?








Let go trying to make anyone feel or do anything.


Get help.



  1. Joy Healey says:
    at 4:18 pm

    Thanks for explaining this so well, Ryan.

    In ‘life’ I’ve been a people-pleaser for far too long, it’s only as I get older (much older LOL) that I’m having the confidence to stop it.

    Online, I find it’s easier, and I’m lucky enough that I already have everything material that I want, so truly helping people is what remains as a genuine pleasure.


  2. Ryan Biddulph says:
    at 4:23 am

    As I gain experience Joy I am in the same boat. Life is about helping, having fun then letting go any desire to people please, or to manipulate, or, to try to look good or be accepted by people. Being truly helpful is pure happiness.

  3. Lauren says:
    at 11:58 am

    This is such an important to talk about regarding blogging as you taught to blog about what everyone is ‘enjoying’ or seen as ‘popular’ but it is important to remain true to yourself and write what you love. Thank you for sharing.


  4. Ryan Biddulph says:
    at 4:50 am

    Thanks Lauren. Being true to ourselves fosters genuine peace of mind.