Why Volume Spamming Is Like Begging for Money on the Street

  May 12, 2024 blogging tips đŸ•‘ 5 minutes read
Grecia, Costa Rica

Grecia, Costa Rica


Volume spamming business products and services to millions can net bucks.


But this never means that “it works”.


Street beggars get lucky, too.


Ask enough strangers for money.


Eventually, Lady Luck sends a generous or guilty mind your way.


Does that strategy work?


Perhaps a street beggar can hitch hike to a new city after wearing out his old city. Same faces = more resistance. Different faces = fresh, new opportunities to make money. Volume spammers do this by burning through email handles and social media accounts like paper towels.


Do you aspire to be a street beggar? Do you dream of wasting years asking strangers for money?


A lesser form of mental illness rears its silly little head online.


Bloggers deem this volume spamming.


The strategy of volume spamming involves asking millions of strangers for money via pitching a blogging product or service.


Peep the sound logic: wasting 1000’s of hours asking strangers for money yields money.


Does it sound wise to waste 1000’s of your hours chasing people for money?


Would you deem a homeless street beggar wise for wasting 1000’s of his hours asking strangers for money?


If you condemn him for being just some dumb bum…..look squarely in the mirror to see just some dumb blogging spammer who wastes 1000’s of your hours chasing people for money.


Would you call this strategy highly efficient, effective, intelligent, wise and sound as a leveraging, freeing, liberating blogging approach?


  • set a goal to reach out to 100’s, then 1000’s, then 10,000 plus then 100,000 then millions of human beings ************without clearly qualifying that these human beings deeply desire, hungrily, your blog content, products and services************
  • brainstorm ways to beg them
  • work those ways
  • beg them again, then again, then again and again, by following up with your begging cup repeatedly
  • nail down a client or customer
  • waste 1000’s upon 1000’s of hours asking unqualified strangers for money


Let Us Intelligently Dissect the “It Works” Argument


The not sane frame the world through a pinhole.


The volume spamming “it works” pinhole is code for:


“Largely wasting 10,000 hours of my life begging strangers for money identical to a boxcar hobo yielded a full time income….it works!!!


Look closely at the wasting 10,000 hours claim.


Most of those 10,000 hours became:


  • ineffective
  • inefficient
  • unintelligent
  • stressful
  • worrisome


because you asked people who ALMOST ALWAYS did not want what you had to offer if they wanted your offer.


You blindfolded yourself, spun yourself around 50 times then attempted to throw darts at a board positioned 500 yards from you.


Does that sound smart?


Does that sound wise?


Does that sound like an efficient, effective use of your time, energy and work?


Does it sound like you used most of those 10,000 hours to build an online business asset that eventually worked for you passively, around the clock?


Or does it sound like most of those 10,000 hours spent volume spamming was volume begging strangers, wasting it ridiculously, save the beggar used a laptop to be a manic mendicant?


Do I Sound Harsh?




Sometimes, someone needs to slap folks upside the head with the truth to wake ’em up.


Do you really think me dropping a message of:


“please do not spam my friend,”


will wake up a volume spammer’s mind?


Or do you think someone imagining themselves as a successful entrepreneur with a Starbucks coffee and $3000 USD MacBook may rethink their approach when they trade the cafe and snazzy laptop for being a homeless street wino with a beggar’s cup?


In one moment, the ego tells you: “Your strategy works because people told you it works.”


After reading this post, the volume spammers who actually decide to think may say to themselves: “I’m wasting most of my blogging time begging strangers for money.”


The Solution


Create the content and build the friendships which attract money to you.


Your content and friends put money in your pocket while you:


  • work
  • sleep
  • vacation
  • eat
  • exercise


because entrepreneurs build assets which passively work for them and networks who generously expand their reach.


This strategy requires a bunch of time and work. But using that bunch of time and work to invest in insane strategies which fail is foolish.


I have sufficiently covered each topic 100’s if not 1000’s of times over the years.


Do not ask for a broken record to play once again.


Read these posts:



Visualize this Analogy


An individual invests money in a vacant apartment building.


He patiently fixes it up with a team of hired help into something highly attractive to renters.


He invested:


  • money
  • intelligent work
  • a long time


making the building attractive to renters.


Eventually, he makes millions of dollars on his wise, sound investment, courtesy of his mindful, patient work, vision and willingness to calmly build an asset which works for him (and his renters) around the clock.


A street beggar stationed in front of that apartment spends the same years if not decades asking random strangers for money.


What sounds like the more intelligent business plan?


Build an asset which nets you passive income?




Ask strangers for money?


The Next Step


You are entitled to volume spam. You may even earn a full time income from spamming.


But you can also spend those 10,000 hours building a blog and friend network which offer you:


  • freedom
  • liberation
  • peace of mind
  • passive traffic
  • passive income
  • a blogging business asset working for you around the clock


Does the blogging volume spam street beggar model offer you any of that?


I didn’t think so.


If wasting most of those 10,000 hours:


  • being ignored
  • receiving rage-filled emails from annoyed humans who hate spammers forcing something on them that they never asked for in the first space
  • burning through email addresses like toilet paper
  • burning through social media handles like a Hollywood actor through spouses


sounds like “it works”.…..because it will eventually net you some sweet dough, feel free to punish yourself before you reach your income goal.


The tin cup approach to blogging is one of many ways to reach a personally desired end.


But think about this post before shaking that tin cup 1000 more times today.

  1. Sophia says:
    at 1:44 am

    Hey Ryan,

    I also think the same, and I don’t want to become a street beggar. The solution you provide is great, I also recently started building a relationship with other bloggers in my niche. Btw, great share buddy, you inspire me to start a blog.


  2. Ryan Biddulph says:
    at 11:12 am

    Excellent job Sophia.