1 Interesting Aspect of Running a Social Media Blogging Group

  June 22, 2024 blogging tips 🕑 5 minutes read
Volcan, Panama

Volcan, Panama


On a regular basis I either decline or look past updates to my social media blogging groups.


All declined or ignored updates do not comply to the clear rules I established for each group.


The rules are so crystal clear, simple and brief that even a 5 year old could understand the regulations.


Being armed with this knowledge, one realizes that none of the bloggers who post off-topic content read the group rules.


How interesting is that?


None of those bloggers think enough of:


  • themselves
  • their blog
  • their online business
  • their success
  • their peace of mind
  • their freedom


to spend 3-5 seconds to read 1-2 sentences.


Literally, their success, quality traffic, blogging income and worldly freedom is so utterly worthless, unattainable and hopeless that they do not even devote 3-5 seconds to reading and closely following the rules.


Before you think that sounds harsh…..why would you not read the rules to a blogging group?


Every sane adult – my groups tend to attract sane adults – understands the concept of a group. People meet in groups to discuss stuff. Every clear-thinking adult knows that social media groups possess rules because human meeting spaces online need regulations to establish order, decorum and a civil cyber society.


If you know that the group has rules and that your quality blog traffic and income depends upon staying within the rules and that not following the rules means no quality traffic and income because the admin will decline or ignore your off topic posts…..it becomes painfully obvious to alert-minded bloggers that most believe how they are not worth 3-5 seconds of their own time. Most value their success so little that 3 seconds is too large of an investment to make in their success, freedom and peace of mind.




But hugging these “ouch” realizations is the only way to explore the unconscious fears in the mind turning seemingly rational human beings into mindless, self-sabotaging, self-punishing robots.


My Group Admin Experience


I chuckle and look past group members who do not spend 3 seconds to read one sentence.


I have been in their shoes.


But I am out of their shoes. I intend to guide them to put mindlessness behind them because robotic/unconscious fear-thinking creates endless blogging problems, untold suffering and torpedoes blogging careers.


Hence this blog post.


Your Success Is Worth More than 5 Seconds of Your Time


Actually, your blogging success is well worth 1000’s of blogging work-hours.


Freedom is the goal. Creating and connecting for 1000’s of blogging work-hours lets you reach that goal. Reaching that goal affords you a life of fun, freedom and peace from a worldly level. Being a full-time blogger allows you to:


  • circle the globe non-stop
  • chill in your home town as you run your online business
  • empower others to do the same


Every blogger clings to different goals but all want worldly freedom.


Perhaps you possess no worldly ambitions but at least you crave freedom of expression. Maybe you just want freedom for others who feast on your written word and look within for inspiration based on your glowing example.


Investing 1000’s of hours to be free for years and decades is worth the 1000’s of hours.


But you need to view a 3-5 second investment as being valuable before stepping up to the 1000 plus hour investment as being valuable.


Think Deeply and Clearly


If you perceive this post to be dramatic…..you are not really, deeply, clearly thinking.


Why would you join a blogging group that you know has rules but not spend 3-5 seconds to read the rules to ensure that you:


  • follow the rules?
  • honor the regulations?
  • drive quality blog traffic by following rules and regs?
  • drive blogging income by following rules and regs?


Calm, deliberate thinkers instantly know the reason:


you do not value your traffic, income, worldly success and freedom enough to devote even 5 seconds to gaining traffic, income and worldly success.


In a way, it is highly interesting albeit a bit sobering to see this unconscious thought pattern.


Bloggers struggle like hell to drive quality traffic from social media groups but do not spend 3 seconds to take the first step to driving quality traffic from social media groups, that being, to read, understand and follow the rules closely.


Fascinating, right guys?


But if you take yourself and your blog seriously then you may find this truth sobering if not shocking. Most despise looking at their destructive mental patterns honestly. Most prefer to blame:


  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn
  • Groups admins
  • Group rules


for their failure, keep the failure going and to never look within at the source of blogging failure which is the mind of the blogger failing.


How can a rule stop an unlimited mind?


How can a social media site or admin stop an unlimited mind?


If you want to ask an even more accurate question, how can admins who set rules engineered to explicitly send high quality traffic and income to your blog “if you freaking do what they guide you to do” cause the opposite effect of starving you of quality traffic and income?


It makes no sense!


For example, if you spent 10 minutes to write a thorough, detailed blogging tip to my blogging tips themed groups on Facebook and LinkedIn whose members want blogging tips, daily, for months, some will visit your blog and you will have scored quality blog traffic. The rules, the process, the success science dictate these simple truths.


Yet when I scan my pending updates for each of these groups, bloggers who value themselves and their success so little that they do not invest 3 seconds into putting this fun, freeing process into motion will either complain about their lack of investment or sprint wildly forward instead of actually spending 20 seconds to:


  • look at the group wall
  • see that their updates have not been approved
  • ask what they need to do to get updates approved, drive traffic and income


Isn’t your blogging success and worldly freedom worth at least 20 seconds of your time?




Open your mind.


Read the rules, all of which are engineered to bring me, you and all group members success.


Create helpful blogging tips for these groups over the months.


Enjoy sweet success.