How to Become a Prolific Blogger: 6 Powerful Tips

  April 7, 2023 blogging tips 🕑 5 minutes read
Troon Scotland

Troon Scotland


Being a profile blogger accelerates your online success.


Publishing detailed content frequently boosts your traffic and blogging income.


Bloggers who publish thorough content regularly reach the top of their niche.


Pros aim for a quality and quantity approach over the long term to thrive. The way to fulfill both requirements is to become a prolific blogger.


Writing is the prime skill for all bloggers to develop.  Readers, customers and clients trust you primarily based on your writing ability.


Skilled writers go pro.


Prolific bloggers overcome common challenges like slamming into writer’s block by following a few simple strategies.


Follow these tips to become a prolific blogger.


1: Blog Mainly for Fun


Blog mainly for fun. Watch words flow from your noodle to fingers to laptop to WordPress backoffice.


Figuring out how to become a prolific blogger gets easier if you blog predominantly to enjoy the process.


Blog with love.


Blogging primarily to get traffic and money instills mental blocks because craving diminishes your creativity.


Imagine not being able to help people because you bury your hands deep inside of your pockets. “Getting” obsessed bloggers bury their mitts in their pockets. How can you help others by focusing only on your traffic and income?


Pick a blogging niche that feels fun to you.


Frame the blogging work as the reward.


See traffic and income as bonuses.


Become prolific by blogging with a pure intent.


Practical Tip


Did you pick a niche based solely on income potential without considering the passion factor?


Trash the niche if being prolific seems impossible.


Letting go what does not work usually precedes a successful blogging surge.


Never hold on to what holds you back.


Follow your passion to become prolific.


2: Write 500 Words Daily in a Word Document


Write 500 words daily in a Word document.


Delete the document when you’re done. Detach from your writing, gain confidence and get clear as you allow your writing voice to surface.


Practice in quiet to become prolific in public.


Practice writing daily to strengthen your writing muscles. Prolific bloggers write freely by cultivating this skill through patient practice.


Doing something regularly makes that something easier to do.


Common Writing Error


Bloggers err in only writing to publish blog posts. If you only practice writing once weekly to publish a post how can you become a skilled writer? Pros practice writing daily in an online and/or offline setting for a long time. Amateurs rarely practice writing.


Commit to writing. Embrace the top skill for all bloggers to develop.


Hone your craft to overcome writer’s block.


3: Manage Your Energy


The idea known as “writer’s block” stops you from being a prolific blogger.


Writer’s block is fear.


Fear dissolves into love and fun but only by raising your energy from fear to love.


Follow an energy management ritual daily to raise your vibe.


Practical Ideas


  • meditate
  • do Kriya yoga
  • read and apply A Course in Miracles
  • exercise
  • do yin yoga
  • spend time in quiet


I follow a few strategies from the bullet point list religiously.  At my peak, I maintained a fairly prolific nature based on diligently following a few energy management strategies. Doing inner work makes being prolific a little bit easier. Skipping inner work makes writer’s block seem like an impossible to defeat foe.


Do whatever vibes with you to boost your energy.


Prolific writers see above low energy limiting beliefs like writer’s block.


Vibing higher helps you nab and use ideas to become prolific.


4: Read Voraciously


Read voraciously to write freely.


Diligent readers write freely through osmosis.


Readers gain ideas for sharing through the written word. Prolific bloggers transmute ideas acquired from skilled authors.


George R.R. Martin, Nelson DeMille, Lee Child and James Patterson comprise my list of favorite authors. Consuming their work goads me to write and publish my next post.


Read fiction and non-fiction. Expose yourself to different writing styles to stoke your creative fire.


Become a reading machine to become a writing machine.


Read for at least 30-60 minutes daily.


5: Release Bloggers Plagued by Writer’s Block


Stop networking with bloggers who routinely complain about being saddled with writer’s block.


Don’t allow their fears to infect your mind.


Hang out with prolific bloggers. Feast on their prolific energy.


Surrounding yourself with bloggers who publish content frequently automatically ups your writing game.


Giving your attention and energy to prolific bloggers increases your prolific nature through osmosis. Learning from pros influences you to become a writing pro.


Sponge up creativity from these folks.


Learn their ways.


Uncover their secrets.


6: Guest Post Frequently


Guest blogging rockets you outside of your writing comfort zone.


Blogging for different communities boosts your writing confidence.


Confident writers become prolific bloggers.


Resist the urge to only publish content to your blog. Blogging inside of your comfort zone fuels writing-related limiting beliefs.


Guest blogging exposes tender inner writing weaknesses for expressing and forgiving. Both praise and criticism received through guest blogging for a wide range of communities develops writing chops. Fans and critics who stumble upon your guest posts bolster your writing confidence in alternating fashion.


Fans goad you to keep writing. Critics trigger leaden, heavy fears for expressing and releasing to become a more prolific blogger.


Blog offsite regularly to cultivate your natural prolific nature.


Bonus Tip


Believe it or not, humans are inherently prolific.


Being truly helpful is your natural state.


Remember your naturally prolific trait to ease through egoic writing mental blocks acquired over the years.


Meditate on this idea. Dwell on your inherent talent to help people.


Become prolific by remembering who you really are.




I share one tip for becoming a prolific blogger.


Check out the video:


1 Way to Become a Prolific Blogger


Your Turn


What tips can you add to this list?


How did you become a prolific blogger?

  1. GiGi Eats says:
    at 1:23 pm

    I have been blogging for about 5.5 years at this point and people always ask me for advice, etc… And my single piece of advice is: be yourself. Don’t pretend to be someone you are not – the second you do that, is the second you will be unhappy with what you’re doing – and you will also just become exhausted. Blogs are your OUTLET!!! If people don’t like what they are reading, well, they can leave – you can never satisfy everyone so going into blogging with that mindset is only going to wind up hurting you more than anything else!

  2. Ryan Biddulph says:
    at 2:44 pm

    Being yourself lets the words flow which also keeps you prolific GiGi. Thanks much.

  3. Prosper Noah says:
    at 5:51 pm

    Hey Ryan,

    Awesome Post as usual

    Hope you doing great!

    Becoming profilic blogging keeps you going. I know of a lot of guys out there who stopped blogging as a result of lack of these few things.

    Blog for Fun, Great Insights.

  4. Ryan Biddulph says:
    at 8:43 pm

    Yep Prosper; we want to keep going no matter what. Even if you are struggling with blogging, holding onto your passion and seeing blogging through helps you become super prolific over the long haul. Thanks as always.

  5. Vishwajeet Kumar says:
    at 8:03 am

    Hello Ryan,

    To become a prolific bloggers these steps are necessary. Practice makes everything perfect and I always follow this. These tips are really so helpfl to those who want to become a prolific blogger. I hope that soon I will also become a prolific blogger. Thanks for writing this amazing post.

    Have a great day 🙂

  6. Ryan Biddulph says:
    at 8:43 am

    Practice gives you clarity which helps feed your prolific nature. Indeed. Thanks Vishwajeet as always.

  7. Vincent Feindouno says:
    at 8:00 pm

    Hello Ryan!
    This is a very inspiring blog post. I just started out blogging and I am doing it in two languages. I will try my best to follow these tips!
    Posts like yours help people reach that remaining extra mile when they feel that they really can’t continue and finish they are doing.
    Thanks for sharing!

  8. T I Antor says:
    at 11:52 am

    Hey Ryan,
    The more i read your post the more i am becoming a fan of yours. Your word choosing, your throw of words and writing art make me feel jealous. Wish i could write like you do(jokes a part). Once again you hit the top. A mindblowing solution for any bloggers and content writers. I always try to follow your words and hope i can start guest posting after reading your post. Thanks again dear.

  9. Ryan Biddulph says:
    at 12:31 pm

    T I much appreciated buddy. Keep on writing. As you practice, your voice will arise, helping you get clearer and more confident. Have a great week.

  10. Ryan Biddulph says:
    at 3:35 pm

    Nope all on Chromebook touch pad FB.

  11. David says:
    at 7:05 pm

    Great post Ryan! My biggest mistake over the years was not guest blogging enough, but I will be fixing that issue now…Thanks again Ryan….

  12. Ryan Biddulph says:
    at 7:23 pm

    Awesome David! I dove in to guest posting again last week after a 3 month break. Oodles of fun 🙂

  13. Ayush Mishra says:
    at 8:59 pm

    Hey Ryan,

    Blogging is not a sprint it’s a marathon and beginners need to understand this. They have to work with patience and consistency to achieve success. This post helps them to understand all about success in blogging.

    Ayush Mishra

  14. Travel Addicted Unicorn says:
    at 9:25 pm

    Great tips! Checking your energy is a good reminder! Love James Patterson’s books…you should check out James Rollins, his books are really interesting!!

  15. James McAllister says:
    at 7:39 am

    Hi Ryan!

    I recently started tracking how much I write in a spreadsheet. I’ve found there’s a noticeable, tangible difference when I track it, even if I’m not intentionally writing more. It’s been pretty motivating, actually.

  16. Ryan Biddulph says:
    at 8:51 am

    I will check out his books. Thanks!

  17. Ryan Biddulph says:
    at 8:52 am

    Well said Ayush. This really is a long haul journey brother.

  18. Ryan Biddulph says:
    at 8:53 am

    This is a great idea James. Tracking the words gives you confidence because you realize how much you practice your writing, boosting your clarity. I dig it!