This is why:
The individual above looks like he is up to big things; I applaud them.
But recognizing one of the top blogging tips bloggers is not in his wheel house. ๐
All ball-busting aside, I prefer to do an in-depth, scientific analysis here. I harbor no condemnation for the sleeping mind. However, seeing a screen share creates the graphic approach necessary to dissect the scarcity focused mind.
In struggling, afraid, private mind, this was perceived:
- a struggling blogger
- someone who gets no engagement
- someone who persists against crippling struggles
But in reality:
- the blogger is one of the top blogging tips bloggers in the worldย (per feedback)
- the blogger nailed down backlinks from Forbes, Entrepreneur and Neil Patel Dot Com
- the blogger can turn his life into a movie, circling the globe non-stop for 13 years straight
- Facebook comments are largely worthless currency even though the blogger nabbed 10,000 or 20,000 or more cumulatively over his career
- the blogger approved 20,000 comments on his blog
- the blogger brings targeted humans from Facebook updates to his blog without most Liking or commenting because they waste little time on Facebook and spend most time on Blogging From Paradise Dot Com
I could spew about the Blogging From Paradise Guy in 3rd person for 35 minutes but you understand reality.
Do you see why I stress mind training so frequently on my blog?
In the private mental world of the individual above, they inaccurately perceived the illusion of a struggling blogger.
In reality, the guy inaccurately perceived has achieved:
- immense worldly freedom
- expanding peace of mind
- worldly success in terms of traffic and yeah the scrilla stuff
Fear makes you foolishly perceive a loser instead of the free folk who can guide you the way out of blogging hell.
Mirror Effect
We see the world as we see ourselves since only a single mind exists.
But accepting this truth feels highly difficult; especially in moments of pain when it temporarily feels easier to project your struggles onto someone else via a poverty-induced fear.
Nothing is personal.
Everything is a reflection of mind.
We are one mind.
How can one mind be personal?
It is one freaking abstract, invisible thing. Nobody is out there. Nothing is out there.
But for practical purposes, we appear to be 2 minds within 2 people in the illusion.
Bloggers struggle mightily because fear in the mind creates struggle projected onto others and themselves simultaneously. Making matters worse, fear in the mind tunes you out of reality or truth into unreality or illusion. In essence, you experience a world through the pinhole of:
- fear
- pain
- guilt
- grief
- struggle
so that is what you will see in others even if others truly live in abundance, peace, relaxation and success.
What Happened in Reality Above?
A successful blogger shared 6 practical tips for sneaker bloggers to gain organic traffic and earn blogging income.
But a scared mind completely deludes itself, looks past reality and sees bizarre illusions that simply are not true. This appeared to happen via that screenshot. Fear in the mind projects onto the world so in their mind….even successful bloggers appear to be struggling to them…..which is frankly insane.ย ย
In other cases, fear-projection makes successful bloggers gods who achieved what the fear-saddled minds cannot possibly attain.
Pinhole Effect
Being afraid scares you into seeing through the pinhole of the struggling blogger who gets no engagement.
Being relaxed, peaceful and abundant reveals the expansive reality of a blogger whose life could be made into a movie, said blogger who has received more comment engagement across the board than all but 5-10 blogging tips bloggers out of billions of humans on planet earth.
Fear makes you ignorant.
Love and openness helps you to see the complete picture, reality, truth.
Why Do Bloggers Struggle for Such a Long Time?
Few look into their minds to see fear as the root of their struggles.
Most prefer to mock others, to mock themselves, to blame others, to blame Google, to pity the happy, thriving, peaceful, free bloggers of the world (wink wink) without realizing that all is self-condemnation, a disgust of self, a fear of looking within at fear to be entirely liberated from the whole can of worms.
Struggles persist because bloggers resist:
- searching for
- facing
- feeling
- forgiving
fear in mind creating struggles.
If you resist looking within to face fear, the pinhole, tunnel vision effect begins to make things really weird.
The thriving blogger shares a rich update to empower bloggers to make money and in your addled mind you see a suffering bastard who fights the good fight. Fear makes you insane. Detached from reality. Incapable of perceiving truth.
Imagine being given the keys to success, looking at them as being worthless and tossing the keys into the River Thames here in my current stop of London, UK.
You cannot perceive success and freedom through the prism of fear and subjugation.
Everything depends on your deep willingness to do the brave thing of looking within.
My Experience
Now time to get even more real. ๐
My worldly success yo-yo’ed during my 16 year blogging career.
But peaceful, mind-training me understood that I did not need the heavy blog traffic and income at those times.
I am at peace with that.
My highest earning income years always occurred from my peaceful, abundant, trusting, practical approach, all of which unfolded from within my mind, first, before being pictured on the screen of time and space.
Lower earning stretches joined with my deeper fears which I resisted facing. Typically, psychological explosions occurred after I bottled up fears for a while to observe some critic or symbol of loss.
For example, the individual above dropped that comment today to help me observe my mental perception of the comment.
Would I react from fear to take it personally? Or would I calmly observe the comment, chuckle, then serenely turn it into a blog post as a teaching mechanism for all?
My mind removed all personal grievances from the comment to use it as a teaching tool; this is why bloggers struggle and this is why facing, feeling and looking past your fear is the only way out. Otherwise, you will tune into a completely untrue fantasy, a warped version of the world based on your pinhole of fear, light years away from reality.
I had to feel comfortable dispassionately sharing the achievements of the Blogging From Paradise guy based on:
- reader feedback
- customer feedback
- worldly perceptions of traffic, wealth and success
in addition to offering a graphic representation of the screen share above as a learning device.
Everything can be used for teaching.
But most bloggers harbor too much fear to see this.
Your blogging experience is the projected contents of your mind.
Struggles symbolize fear in the mind.
Fear scares you into seeing through a narrow alleyway of loss and scarcity not an all-encompassing, infinite potential, opportunity-seeking view of love, abundance and peace in the mind.
On an even more bizarre level, helpful, peaceful, successful minds who guide via detailed content will only be suffering, struggling, pained fools because that is the only way you see yourself, deep down, under the cute illusions that you create on the surface.
Fear makes you see dumb shit.
Fear makes you do stupider shit.
Clearing your fear tunes you into reality; unlimited help through generous, genuine, warm minds all around you.
The Solution
Based on the heels of this post, the way out of struggles is into your mind.
I saw a mind living in an illusion today. The individual believes this about themselves but the error has nothing to do with my peace, freedom and success.
But all struggling minds out there will need to walk a similar journey within to share my carefully chosen perception.
Guys; this process is difficult but do-able. There is a way out but it is in. Struggles go away when fear in your mind is faced, felt and forgiven by you. I suggest spending much more time in quiet. Quiet time allows fears to arise. Busy work keeps fears buried and struggles preserved. All hinges on your spiritual adventures, how deep you feel willing to go.
Take your time. Be gentle with yourself. I know it feels not easy at all; remember that I have walked this inner journey for a few years. I am a beginner and an eternal student but do have some solid experience with looking within to see that all blogging struggles are fear buried within.
Look at your mind to understand your experience.
Put blogging struggles in the rear view mirror by observing, feeling and forgiving your fears.
The upside to this process is unlimited peace, expanding worldly success and freedom from fear.
Generous, genuine bloggers will find you and guide you. You will become generous, genuine and yes, you will guide your readers with even greater authenticity.
We all win because we are all in this together as one.
Why not see the world from a peaceful 360 degree view of opportunity, abundance and truth?
Isn’t your success worth it?