I updated this blog post to show the bots who’s boss and to show how ai generated content comes up short.
AI seems to be gaining in popularity from the original publish date. But more bloggers continue to wake up to both their power of imagination and the un-reality of AI.
Check out this story below to see why human bloggers will outclass AI over the long haul
Biddulph barfed on a bus in Burma.
A begrudging Kelli warned RB. I preferred sitting in the cheap seats. She suffered through this gastrointestinal nightmare for the prior 3 days.
I learned my lesson the hard way.
At each bend, high in the mountains, as we made our way from Bagan to Inle Lake, I clutched to the bathroom door in cramped quarters, begging to the gods, hoping, praying and seemingly willing my way through gut-wrenching, puke-inducing, nasty nausea.
Queasiness invaded my being as we barrelled around each hair pin turn.
My stomach felt like Dante’s Inferno, dipped into a Pacific Ocean sized vat of acid, an army of riotous monkeys jumping to and fro within my gut, bickering, biting and trying their best to induce a seismic upheaval the likes of Krakatoan proportions……
Burma Bus Barfing
I recounted this experience above.
Can AI do that?
Can AI write like that?
Can AI ride a bus through Burma and recount the tale in heartfelt fashion? Can AI remember? Can artificial intelligence access my mind, tap into my memory bank, feel my emotions and convey the rich experience in vivid, soulful, energized fashion? Can AI do this routinely? Can AI practice to become more highly skilled in matters of heart, soul and spirit?
Have you thought of these ideas before trumpeting the positives of using AI to write entire blog posts?
A few moments ago I came across an advertisement for some AI solution on Facebook.
The Facebook user comments field goaded me to write this blog post.
Far from being complementary, these FB’ers cat-called, jeered and pretty much made a mockery of AI. I feel surprised that the AI company has not pulled the ad for the negative feedback and general fear of losing reputation in such a public setting.
I understand: people benefit from technology. AI has its place. AI, applied responsibility, intelligently and ethically, can improve the human condition. You and I use AI indirectly every time we log in to Facebook and Twitter. Various processes unfold according to artificial intelligence.
But AI-generated content will never replace human being bloggers no matter how much AI-generated content seems to be spit out.
These are the reasons why.
1: It Is Artificial
According to Merriam Webster…
artificial: lacking in natural or spontaneous quality.
Do you know, like and trust content that lacks a natural feel? Do you know, like and trust content that lacks spontaneity?
Do you enjoy reading drab, plain, lifeless, boring posts?
AI will always lose to human beings over the long haul because humans spot artificial intelligence in most cases. In the rare cases of the highest quality AI-generated post or a complete ignoramus reading and trusting shit-AI content, how many dazzling AI-generated posts or utter morons do you need to build exponential business growth over the long haul?
Way too many too fool.
Artificial intelligence is intelligent but only artificially. Do you build your life around artificial:
- people?
- relationships?
- concepts?
- environments?
AI is improving. So are human bloggers. So are human readers.
AI loses because it is artificial.
2: It Is Not Human
AI will lose because it is not human.
AI cannot:
- love
- care
- feel
- express emotions
AI cannot add vividly personal experience dripping with emotion to blog posts.
Not only can AI not recount each event in heart-felt, genuine fashion, AI cannot experience each circumstance. AI cannot hop on a plane, travel to Burma, observe these circumstances unfold and share its perspective from a raw, open, transparent viewpoint courtesy of emotions.
Human bloggers access the depths of their souls. Human bloggers face deep fears. Human bloggers experience bliss.
Human bloggers add these palpable emotions to blog posts.
AI cannot.
At the end of the day, humans will always win because we are spirit and AI is not.
AI is a puff of nothingness.
We are eternal spirit.
3: Humans Buy Stuff, Hire People and Click Ads
Have you ever been hired by AI?
Did AI ever buy one of your blogging courses?
Did AI ever click an ad on your blog?
Oddly enough, some stress how AI-generated content can increase your profits while actually believing that tens, to hundreds, to thousands to millions of:
- living
- breathing
- sentient
- heart-centered
human beings will actually:
- follow AI-generated content closely
- trust AI-generated content
- buy eBooks and courses created by bloggers who happen to stock their blogs with AI-generated content
The chief problem with AI is that money still flows through human beings. Humans actually need to deeply trust AI-generated content before buying stuff, hiring people and clicking ads through blogs populated with AI-generated content.
Some humans appear to be fools. I admit that. But fooling human beings who buy based on:
- raw emotion
- heart
- passion
- pain points
- suffering
- brilliant dreams
with content generated by a robot, said robot lacking emotions, heart, empathy, compassion or any human feeling, is an incredibly titanic task.
Human bloggers win because humans buy from humans, hire humans and click on ads embedded by humans.
Largely, humans can see through robots.
4: Quantity Cannot Buy Trust
One of the chief benefits of AI-generated content stressed by individuals is the tsunami of content that a bot can write and publish in a mind-numbingly short period of time.
However, quantity cannot buy trust.
Trust is the success currency. Humans follow bloggers who the humans:
- know
- like
- trust
Humans buy from trusted bloggers, hire trusted bloggers and grow referral business for trusted bloggers.
How in the Hades can you buy trust based solely on using AI to write and publish a 1500 word blog post in the blink of an eye? Then, in the next blink of an eye, another 1500 word, AI-created post pops up on your blog. Then, a while later, 200 blog posts – 1500 words in length – appear on your blog.
At day’s end, 200 lifeless, dry, computer-generated, artificial, emotionless pieces of content grace your blog. Will people trust 1 piece of lifeless content? Nope. Will people trust 200 pieces of lifeless content? Nope. Hell; after reading 10 words of lifeless content via your first post for the day, readers will skip the remaining 200 blog posts never to return again. Does that sound like a wise AI-investment to you? Paying money for 200 articles that no one reads, likes or trusts makes little sense.
Creating a high volume of untrusted content is like creating one untrusted blog post; no one reads, listens or trusts in either scenario.
Creating a high volume of untrusted content is like creating one untrusted blog post; no one reads, listens or trusts in either scenario.Click To Tweet
A tidal wave of AI generated content cannot earn trust. Skilled, capable, human writers earn trust one blog post at a time.
5: Google Smartened Up
Google issued an algorithm update clearly designed to eradicate low quality content not created by humans.
Albeit, some claim AI posts have reached page 1, position 1. But for how long will these posts remain on page 1? How much revenue will each post generate? How many list subscribers will each post generate? What about the bottom line?
Before you worry about AI-generated posts ranking on page 1 of Google think about the end game. Ranking on page 1 of Google is utterly worthless unless readers take the next step.
Readers need to:
- bookmark your blog
- subscribe to your blog
- buy your stuff
- hire you
- engage you in some way, shape or form, via a question, comment or general observation
- grow your referral business via word of mouth marketing
for Google traffic to have any value.
Google cracked down on AI-generated blog posts with its recent update but any AI posts seemingly slipping through the cracks won’t inspire living, breathing human beings to routinely take that next step to actually benefit AI bloggers on a bottom line, worldly, business-expanding level.
Rest easy, human beings.
Google smartened up.
Even if the Big G algorithm lets a few AI posts in the backdoor these will rarely lead to the next reader step that yields any form of solid, dependable, steady business.
6:Â Human Blogger Success Momentum Increases by the Day
More than any time in the history of blogging, people are blogging the right way in increasing numbers.
Bloggers are creating and connecting genuinely across a wide range of bloggers.
Blogging the right way simply makes it easier to drown out AI-generated content published to blogs whose owners do not create and connect in genuine fashion.
7: Laziness Always Loses Long Term
Some bloggers who use AI are industrious, leveraging pros who consistently experiment with expanding their reach.
Other bloggers who use AI are lazy.
Laziness always loses long term.
Bloggers who take shortcuts quickly learn that shortcuts lead to nowhere. AI is one such shortcut. Literally, AI-generated content is a study in trying to get something for nothing, effort-wise.
Buy an AI tool that spits out 1000’s of blog posts quickly. Count your riches quickly.
Short cuts do not exist.
Now, the illusion of shortcuts exist to the:
- greedy
- desperate
- scared
- deluded
bloggers of the world.
But illusions are not real. Appearances do not exist.
When you try to get something for nothing, you get nothing for something.
When you try to get money without developing the skills to earn the money, you will get no money while paying money and time for your non-existent returns.
Do yourself a favor.
Be a human blogger.
Put in the work. Put in the time. Develop skills. Gain credibility. Earn the right to succeed. Go pro.
8: Some Human Bloggers Are Cybernetic Organisms
I toyed around with looking directly into the camera while I randomly typed.
Watch the video:
Ryan Biddulph is a cybernetic organism
9:Â Fear Pushes the Movement; Only Love Is Real
Predominantly, the ego-fear pushes the AI movement.
Bloggers claim how AI churns out a high volume of content fast. This means quickly. This means fear.
Anytime you wish to achieve something fast you FEAR losing time. Anytime you want something quickly you FEAR what may happen if you need to achieve the task slowly.
Fear is illusion.
Only love is real.
Illusions may stick around for a bit before vanishing.
In the end, love, expressed through the human divine center (the spiritual heart) always wins.
Reality wins over illusion.
10: We Choose
Human beings choose whether or not to move forward with improving AI-generated content or putting the kibosh on this bit in terms of writing and publishing blog posts.
You and I decide.
As of now, most bloggers choose to write and publish their own blog posts.
As more bloggers choose to write and publish blog posts AI-generated content will be:
- less in demand
- less developed
- less reliable
- purchased less frequently
until companies will scrap content-generated AI applications and this solution becomes a dinosaur.
No one is a victim.
We are not subject to external forces.
We choose.
Each day, more humans choose to polish their blogging skills. I see this in various blogging circles. People are deciding to write rather than outsource the job to artificial intelligence, even if AI companies and the general AI lobby seems to push their agenda within the web.
This is why human bloggers will win.
Artificial intelligence provides helpful applications for bloggers.
From brainstorming to outlining content, this advancement benefits the industry.
But AI will never win against human bloggers.
Bye-bye, AI.