1 Blogging Fear I Intend to Conquer Today

  May 10, 2023 blogging tips 🕑 5 minutes read
Notting Hill, London

Notting Hill, London


For the rest of Blogging From Paradise I intend to write and publish one post daily.


How will this help you?


You get me to watch some dude conquer his fears.


You see, I harbored many fears around publishing quality content daily. This sounds ridiculous because publishing quality content and marketing-blasting it are keys to success….but of course, the ego IS ridiculous.


I feared losing my entire email list, even though some subscribers LOVE when I publish blog posts daily. I feared overloading my servers, even though I can afford to pay for hosting upgrades, thank you. I feared annoying my web developer with any future hosting transfers, even though he is a kind, generous, skilled man.


Guys; the cat who clings to all of these fears lives a cool life. I circle the globe non-stop. I do genuinely love my life. My life is fun and freeing.


The blogging lesson or point here is this: someone who guides bloggers, who teaches blogging and who sells blogging courses, including this one (have you checked it out?):


How to Get Featured on World Famous Blogs


fears blogging stuff you may not have expected him to fear.


For example, if you check out that course above you may see that at the peak of my blogging exposure that I was featured on:


  • Forbes
  • Entrepreneur
  • Fox News
  • The Huffington Post
  • Virgin


but still had the above fears kicking around in my mind.


Sounds odd, right?


Actually, this can be all the more inspiring.


If a guy with these seemingly absurd blogging fears gains exposure on world famous blogs and lives his dreams it is 100% proof positive that anyone can live their dreams, be happy and be free even if saddled by various blogging fears, some of which seem as if each would torpedo their chances at becoming a successful blogger.


Isn’t that encouraging?


For example, you may deeply fear publishing too much content for the terror of:


  • annoying your readers
  • blowing out your list
  • overloading your hosting servers and needing to upgrade


yet, you can appear on some of the most famous sites on earth and live your wildest dreams.


Sounds like a square deal to me.


Today Is My Independence Day


Cue the patriotic movie spiel from the Will Smith classic.


Anyway, I intend to face, feel and release the fear of publishing daily content on Blogging From Paradise to make this my independence day.


Celebrating this day means becoming independent of the deep, pulsating fears plaguing my mind over the years concerning maintaining a daily publishing schedule.


Hell yeah I published daily posts for quite a long time. I semi-conquered this fear. But I also published daily with a more fearful intent at the time. By this, I mean that publishing daily came a bit too much from an egoic fear in scarcity versus the intuition’s intent of love, being truly helpful and giving all to all. I also did a terrible job blasting these posts; I no longer do a poor job blasting content because I only share it in about 15,000 targeted spots….or maybe a few less.


That changes today.


We’re leveling up.


Are you with me?


What’s In It for You?


A few things:


  • increased blogging guidance
  • increased blogging inspiration
  • greater opportunities for blogging growth
  • brand consolidation: basically, instead of looking far and wide for blog content published by me through an array of guest posts you will get my best blog content here


Basically guys, I am letting it ride here.


I feel good about it.


But I also see a few egoic fears arising.


This is a good sign; facing, feeling and forgiving fear signals accelerated blogging growth for me and you. I get to purge fear from my mind. You get to see a guy conquering fear which inspires you to conquer your fears. Nothing teaches like example, eh?


Post Length


I intend to publish long-form content daily spanning 1000-1200 words but we will see where that goes.


Point blank, I dislike SEO-optimizing blog posts and only a few out of hundreds upon hundreds here ranked for Blogging From Paradise. I may go down that road but if I do not have fun doing it, you largely care less, and I have seen no strong returns, why in the goodness would I write like a robot, which is one core mistake in these days of AI-generated content?


I predict that scores of AI-bloggers will deeply regret trying to de-humanize their blogs and that SEO-obsessed humans who write will deeply regret writing dry, bland, lifeless blog posts that AI will be able to fully replicate as it nabs words from the web, regurgitates and puts those bloggers out of business.


However, bloggers like myself who predominantly blog from the heart will avoid any AI-generated heartache because artificial intelligence cannot replicate the divine.


Think about it; if something is not real, can it perfectly imitate God?


Your heart is God speaking to you through the intuition, or, the Holy Spirit.


Can an egoic, glorified bot replicate “that”?


This is the main reason why I intend to blog daily too; doing so keeps me in touch with my heart which distances me from the dingbat AI-generated blogging crowd.


The more real I become the more fake they become and the more bloggers will decide to blog frequently from the heart versus using something that is not real that regurgitates what is not real.


As an aside, AI bloggers will slowly but surely understand that Captain Caveman speak can only evolve into something like Vicky, from Small Wonder.


Blogging is challenging enough.


Why surrender to your fears to make it even more challenging?


Today, I invite you to seek your blogging independence.


Do something that scares the shit out of you, Seriously.


As soon as I publish and promote this post I will begin writing my post for tomorrow.


I promise.


This as we are settling in to our new house sitting location.


I am up against it but feel that I am up to the task.


No looking back.


Blogging Help


Oodles of bloggers need blogging help.


I see this on a daily basis on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.


For you bloggers seeking guidance I created and self-published blogging courses and blogging eBooks.


Do click those links above and check them out if you need help with your blogging campaign.

  1. Marc Hall says:
    at 2:53 am

    Love that Ryan. Some honest truths among a little personal accountability to your audience. Look forward to reading.

  2. Ryan Biddulph says:
    at 3:30 am

    Awesome Marc. Great to see you here my friend. Enjoy paradise down in New Zealand.

  3. Corinne says:
    at 5:10 pm

    I posted daily for about 5 years and it was a huge relief when I stopped. I was not posting quality content at all!


  4. Chris Desatoff says:
    at 5:26 pm

    Hey Ryan,

    Well, I’m sure you already know how I feel about your decision to post daily blogs again…I am smiling so hard my teeth are about to break.

    I hope to be right there with you every day, both as a daily blog reader and as a daily blog writer.

  5. Ali Asgar Attari says:
    at 3:36 am

    Hello Ryan! I’m here again thanks to your emails!

    I don’t think I am afraid to push out blog posts daily. If I could, I would definitely do it.

    But apart from blogging, I have other things to do and there’s not enough time.

    My posting frequency went down since a month. I’m trying to get back at it again.

    I can related to you when say that you don’t enjoy SEO optimizing your posts. I feel the same.

    Some posts on my blog are written purely from the heart. No Rank Math, no target keywords, nothing! It feels fulfilling to write freely.

    But Ill admit I also have put in
    heavy efforts for SEO optimizing some of my posts. I guess my niche demands it..

    Thanks for the inspirational post.

    Will be waiting for your posts daily! 🙂


  6. Ryan Biddulph says:
    at 3:49 am

    Good job on honoring your blogging journey Corinne.

  7. Ryan Biddulph says:
    at 4:26 am

    Good to hear that brother! Cool to see that you are trusting your heart to write from it as you free form blogging and optimize too. You are doing an excellent job with your strategy. Keep it up Ali.

  8. Ryan Biddulph says:
    at 4:28 am

    Chris that is deeply appreciated bro. Knowing this gives me even greater clarity in publishing daily. Excellent job on your posts over there.

  9. Donna Meyer says:
    at 4:57 am

    What an exciting challenge, Ryan. I’m not ready to commit to daily posts–heck, I’m only just restarting after a long pandemic/cancer/move hiatus–but your enthusiasm is no contagious and motivating, that I know my post count is going to begin growing quickly. Thank you.

  10. Ryan Biddulph says:
    at 12:13 pm

    Awesome to see you back in the blogging game Donna. I am happy to hear that you are healing through it all. Super inspiring my friend.