2 Often Ignored Blogging Success Secrets

  January 5, 2024 blogging tips 🕑 5 minutes read
New Jersey, USA

New Jersey, USA


Bloggers typically engage in information orgies engineered to give away commonly taught strategies to get quick results.


But you will become most successful by uncovering the blogging success secrets rarely discussed by the masses.




Discovering the seeming secrets gives you access to:


  • abundant states of mind
  • posturing strategies
  • exponentially increasing worldly success


Basically guys, if you mindfully work your blogging strategy with these 2 ideas in mind you will experience the greatest, most freeing success.


Let’s dive in.


1: Relevant Content Can and Does Really Take off Quite Randomly Down the Road


This Sasquatch video detailing my vivid encounter registered 6,000 views over 3 years.


Over the past month, this video tabulated 22,000 views. The YouTube algorithm favored it without rhyme or reason last month as it pops up prominently for one highly competitive keyword.


Relevant content eventually takes off with rapid acceleration if you publish a steady volume of detailed, targeted content. Perhaps it takes off next week. Maybe it takes off 3 years from now.


This underscores why you need to publish relevant, targeted, in-depth content now, frequently.


Your current day success slowly but surely grows but an increasing volume of this content takes off big time down the road, eventually, greatly amplifying your blogging success.


Few bloggers discuss this secret because most teach how to succeed today, tomorrow, next week or next month. No one really guides you to create as much thorough content now to not only thrive slowly but surely….but to also observe how an increasing number of these posts gain you massive exposure years down the road.


You will be pleasantly surprised at how your current day generosity, mindfulness and genuine nature creates major league blogging success well into the future, often from unforeseen directions.


2: Hungry Users Who Want Your Content Accelerate Social Media Success *Not Necessarily* Facebook Friends LinkedIn Connections or Twitter Followers


As my:


  • Facebook friends number plummets
  • LinkedIn connections remain constant
  • Twitter follower count drops




  • drive more quality traffic
  • increase my blogging income


through Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.




Sounds upside-down, right?


It’s not.


I finally figured out after a long time that using social media to only:


  • publish highly detailed content
  • reply to social media users who Like, Share or ask questions about blogging


drives these people to Blogging From Paradise.


Some are followers, friends and connections but an increasing number are not followers, friends and connections.


These people proceed to follow my blog closely, buy my stuff and build my referral traffic and business.


That’s it. That’s all I’ve done on social media for many months.


I stopped:


  • approving friend requests
  • approving connection requests
  • following people


many months ago.




I am here to help bloggers with free content which guides them to Blogging From Paradise Dot Com.


Making them a Facebook friend, LinkedIn connection or Twitter follower is not only irrelevant as far as this simple process….it is generally a waste of time because it is a worldly formality that does not directly or heavily influence your worldly blogging success.


Helping a human who wants my blogging tips has nothing to do with individuals appearing to be a friend, connection or follower. Being a genuine servant who drives quality traffic and business has nothing to do with social media vanity metrics.


This is a secret that few bloggers discuss for a wide range of reasons. First and foremost, most humans do not love themselves and attempt to fill that void with imaginary popularity metrics like friend, follower and connection counts.


Being helpful means everything.


Tapping a button to claim that many people know you only means that both parties know how to tap buttons.


Be Helpful and Exit Illusions on Social


Being helpful drives targeted traffic and business from social media to your blog.


Spend all social time helping people.


Exit the illusion of believing that you need a high volume of people to officially become:


  • Facebook friends
  • LinkedIn connections
  • Twitter followers


to drive targeted traffic and blogging income.


I have seen first hand over the past 3-6 months that this illusion is completely untrue.


This is a genuine blogging secret because few talk about how to drive the highest quality, targeted blog traffic and business through social media without friend/connection approving or following anyone.


Hungry bloggers simply see my targeted updates and visit my blog. Some appear to be Facebook friends, LI connections and Twitter followers. An increasing number are not connected to me via these official metrics but visit my social media handles and blog regularly.


Should You Not Request or Approve or Follow Anyone on Social Media?


In the beginning, as a new blogger, your mind is usually so filled with doubt that making a few trusted friends/connections and following a few trusted pros makes sense.


So yeah, approve, connect and follow during your beginner blogger days.


But think long and hard about this secret as you gain experience because quality, targeted content drives people from social media to your blog.


Publish it in the right groups or with the right hashtags, become prolific and you will drive targeted people from social media to your blog whether or not you’ve many friends, followers and connections.


Key Points to Keep in Mind


  • volume publish targeted content to social media to drive a volume of targeted readers
  • face your fears concerning letting go popularity metrics
  • sear this idea onto your mind: social media content drives traffic not follower, friend or connection counts


How Do Social Media Users See Your Content if You Have Few Friends Followers or Connections?


Bloggers mistakenly believe that social media users can only see your content if they follow you, connect as friends or connect as connections.


This is not true.


Social media users:


  • follow hashtags on social media
  • query keywords via social media
  • subscribe to, follow and engage in niche specific groups


None of these folks need to be a friend, connection or follower for them to see your content.




Keep these blogging success secrets in mind.


Keep publishing detailed, targeted content. You never know when more of these updates will take off.


Create detailed, targeted content on social media and share in the right spots to drive quality blog traffic. Consider pumping the brakes on acquiring followers, friends and connections because content and not popularity metrics drive traffic and business.


Thrive by thinking, feeling and acting how successful bloggers think, feel and act.


Blogging Resources



  1. Lisa Sicard says:
    at 2:02 pm

    Hi Ryan, I’m right there with the social media friend requests, etc. I’m trying to stay more focused on the blog and take a few breaks to hang over on X. Most of my traffic today is all organic and that is doing much better than any social media traffic I had back in the day!
    So much has changed over the decade on blogs and on social Ryan.

  2. Ryan Biddulph says:
    at 3:58 pm

    Good job my friend. We always want to go where we are most helpful and in turn, our success builds as a neat by-product of this.