Opotiki New Zealand
Passive blog traffic is manna from blogging heaven.
Everybody wants it.
Freedom and peace of mind come with patiently building a passive traffic asset through your blog.
Everyone seems familiar with the “make money while you sleep” ads.
Passive traffic drives passive blogging income.
Your blog needs to work for you while you do stuff other than blogging. Otherwise, your active traffic campaign involves trading time for:
- traffic
- money
- referral business
which is a glorified job not a genuine blogging business.
Copying and pasting links to send to strangers, to plaster to dozens of inactive social media groups and any tactic requiring your full bodily participation for any ounce of success is pretty much an active traffic strategy.
Get Into the Proper Mindset
Few bloggers know how to:
- think
- feel
- act
in order to build a passive element into your blog.
No one learns this life skill because the system involves trading time for money.
Work a job. Be an employee. Work to pay bills. Work to increase savings.
Trade, trade and trade some more, the worldly thinking goes.
I hate to rain on your blogging parade, but trading time for money has absolutely nothing to do with gaining passive traffic. No business works that way.
Investing time, work, patience and confidence into an asset which gradually drives passive traffic and passive income *for you* is the blogging mindset.
Increasing traffic passively requires mindfulness. Being mindful requires practice for most of us. People prefer to rush forward in a mindless sprint to failure. Few mindfully add necessary details to create an asset which works for them.
Be Mindful
As you review the steps below, being mindful becomes paramount.
Adding critical details demands one to maintain a peaceful mind.
Think, feel and blog mindfully. Notice your blogging work. Mentally take your time. Develop this skill. The mind is a mental muscle.
Passive traffic originates from doing a heavy volume of detail oriented work over a long period of time.
Become mindful to set the table for driving passive traffic.
Publish Long Form Content
Publish long form content to solve reader problems. Detailed content generates referral traffic. Trusting readers happily share thorough resources because it makes their network happy. Never mind that most see themselves as looking smart for sharing dazzling content.
Publish guest posts, social media posts and/or forum posts. Cross the chasm between your blog and the outside world by publishing in-depth content off-site. No blog is an island. Every blog needs roads leading in to generate passive traffic.
Create detailed value onsite and offsite.
Respect this 2 pronged approach. Blogging is not just writing and publishing posts to your blog. Getting traffic involves patiently working an off-site component. Spend a decent chunk of time away from your blog to drop content breadcrumbs for generating passive traffic.
Publish genuine comments on blogs from your niche. Share your thorough thoughts to make an impact. Personalize comments to stand out from the crowd. Avoid spam folders by sharing authentic thoughts. Sound like a real person. Imagine yourself having a conversation with a friend in your living room.
Enter that frame of mind to drive passive traffic through your comments.
Reply to everyone on social media who Likes, shares and drops positive replies to your social media content. Engage freely to build bonds. Allow your social media buddies to drive referral traffic through their generous shares.
Connected social media users who blog gain passive traffic freely. Imagine 5 or 10 Facebook friends who share your latest blog post with their tribes to envision this passive traffic phenomena and action.
Do these things consistently.
Passive blog traffic flows to creators who connect with readers.
How it Works
Detailed content behaves like an asset that works for you around the clock. Helpful blog posts gain referral traffic via merit; this is passive because the post does some work without your bodily participation.
Your readers – whom you engage via social media – drive referral traffic as you reply to them via social media. Bonds form. Readers drive traffic to your blog sans your bodily participation (passive traffic) by sharing your content with their networks.
Expect to work diligently. Your body will need to participate in creating content and replying to readers who dig your content.
I did not say “traffic without you working”.
I did not say “easy traffic”.
Passive traffic depends on building assets through work. Content assets and relationship assets work for you while you sleep, circle the globe or exercise.
Do detailed work. Publish 1200 word blog posts oozing with practical tips. Write highly in-depth guest posts. Passive traffic is referral traffic; readers share thorough resources. Drill down. Add steps, tips and tactics to handhold readers through processes.
Reply to people on social media relatively quickly. Let bonds take root swiftly. Be awake at the blogging wheel.
Eventually, content and connections drive passive blog traffic for you.
What About Difficulties?
Most bloggers find it difficult to drive passive traffic.
Do you need evidence?
Pay close attention to how many spammers are out there.
Few put in the mindful work for a long time to build their blog into a passive traffic generating asset.
Taking this route is not difficult but uncomfortable sometimes because it takes a long time and great work to enjoy passive traffic.
Picture yourself spending thousands of hours spanning years publishing highly detailed content on site and off site. Imagine yourself engaging swiftly on social media to everyone who replies to your content favorably.
Now visualize traffic flowing along at a trickle as you’re putting in a great deal of work for a series of days, weeks or even months. This is the challenging part. Bloggers typically quit at this point because they can’t stomach getting so little in return over days, weeks and months for such a great workload.
But that’s the curse of having no vision.
Blogging is not a job. No one gives you money every week for work completed.
Blogging is a business asset. After you work intelligently for a long period of time your blog works for you passively.
Think Like a Confident Entrepreneur
Think like a confident entrepreneur to get through this challenging time.
Blog mainly for fun and freedom.
Consider blogging to be an investment for your freedom from time and location.
Imagine how nice it would feel to be living your life offline while your blog works for you.
Dwell on that emotion to get through the inevitable blogging challenges.
Put in the work until your success accelerates exponentially from a passive perspective.
Blogging is not for weak willed individuals but it can be for everyone willing to leave their comfort zone regularly.
My mentality has always been: if you plan to be around you may as well do something that frees you.
I wanted to give you a bit of a mindset theme post here with practical blogging tips.
The work gets easier as your mind becomes more peaceful.
Think abundantly. Trust in your blogging skills. Develop a vision for your life to see beyond temporary resistance.
Commit to the blogging process to drive passive blog traffic.