Do you feel intimidated by blogging growth?
Secretly, you may fear growth.
Sure bloggers talk a big game about wanting tons more traffic and blogging income.
But what about the blogging requirements for gaining traffic and blogging profits?
Being that blogger makes some piddle in their pants. Taking on that workload for a sustained period of time feels like a daunting task to some.
Count the old blogging me in. I feared growth because I feared working. Working precedes growth.
Growth scares bloggers sometimes.
Some bloggers fear growth all of the time.
Growing means taking on increased responsibility. Being more responsible means leaving your comfort zone. Exiting your comfort zone means facing fear.
Facing fear feels uncomfortable.
Peep this practical example guys.
Blogging Growth Triggers Fear
Imagine this scenario.
Boosting traffic and income increases blogging business.
Everyone loves this aspect of becoming successful.
But bigger blogging business also means attracting critics.
Few love getting negative feedback. Fewer enjoy receiving 1 star reviews. Even fewer do a happy dance after a client refuses to make payment and vanishes. Having experienced all three scenarios over the years, each feels highly uncomfortable at first for the alien nature; to the uninitiated, slamming into stout resistance flat out sucks for the first few times.
Blogging growth exposes tender inner weaknesses. Most self-sabotage to fail rather than exposing their tender inner weaknesses as a highly successful blogger.
For example, you may deeply fear being criticized because shame, embarrassment and humiliation long buried surface when someone criticizes you. Rather than sell a bunch of eBooks, prosper and face a few negative reviews which trigger shameful, embarrassed, humiliated emotions in your mind it seems more comfortable to self-sabotage, struggle and fail.
Avoiding the emotions of shame, embarrassment and humiliation while failing horribly seems like a more comfortable option than facing, feeling and releasing these tender inner weaknesses while experiencing fun, freeing blogging success.
This is how the insane ego works; it seeks hell and comfort over love, fun, freedom and temporary, fleeting discomfort.
Fearing success is far more common than most bloggers realize.
Most never grow because fearing success keeps ’em anchored firmly inside of their comfort zone.
Do you fear blogging growth?
Responsibility Scares Bloggers
Successful bloggers shoulder great responsibility.
Does that idea scare you?
Do you fear losing freedom as you become responsible?
Taking on an increased workload frightens bloggers since this eats into their prior habits. Some completely define themselves by their habits. Others fear suffering some form of breakdown if their simple pleasures go away.
Let’s look at a practical example.
Imagine blogging part time as a full time employee.
Night time is a cold beer combined with 2-3 hours of TV. Why? You believe a nightly brew in front of the boob tube is the best way to rest, relax and engage in some mindless chill-time.
Becoming a successful blogger means devoting 1-2 of those hours to publishing detailed blog posts and engaging in blogger outreach.
What happens at this point?
Bloggers who fear success as being a freedom-sapping responsibility choose comfort, keep their night routine and struggle, fail then quit.
Fearing responsibility creates an equally powerful fear of blogging success.
If you fear succeeding you will self-sabotage in some way, shape or form.
It’s as if an opposing force meets you with resistance at every turn. But it is not some mysterious force; it is your unconscious mind acting up.
My Blogging Gig
I am writing these words at 11:08 PM local time in Incheon, Korea.
Blogging deep into the night feels routine to me NOW.
Many moons ago, I believed that blogging involved writing and publishing a blog post here and there. Failure followed. I had no idea what it took to succeed because my unconscious mind blocked successful ideas, prospering emotions and successful blogging actions.
I seemed cursed but simply became blind to finding good blogging advice, following the advice to fruition and building a thriving blogging career. My unconscious fears did the blinding.
Now things seem different but only because I triggered deep unconscious fears to face, feel and release. Forgiving these fears involved identifying and letting go my fear of blogging growth because growing meant succeeding. Becoming successful scared me since I harbored odd beliefs related to succeeding.
I feared rejection, criticism and isolation. Successful people did not seem to be appreciated in my household. Being programmed with these limiting beliefs deluded me for a bit.
Feeling these fears to get rid of ’em moved me in the right direction.
I gradually embraced sweet aspects of blogging growth versus fearing this freeing blogging state.
See Freedom in Growth
Growing traffic and income frees you.
Succeeding offers you more people to help; being of service feels fun.
Being responsible gives you power. Gaining power offers you the freedom of choice.
I had a blast walking around this smart, technologically advanced, immaculately clean city in Korea today.
Being responsible positioned me to live this life.
Does that sound so bad?
Did this level of responsibility sound like a conveyor belt of nightmarish sacrifices flowing to me?
Why do you fear freedom?
Why does growing seem scary?
Look at the bright side of blogging growth.
Being free is no small feat in a world of bound minds.
Network with Pros
Connect with pro bloggers.
Pros embrace growth.
Professionals love blogging growth. Growing means greater success and freedom.
Allow their mindset to rub off on you.
You, too, will be up at 11 PM on a week night putting in blogging work to be freed.
Growth = freedom.
Let this idea sear itself onto your mind the next time you fear blogging growth.