Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
Pro bloggers tend to do one thing well.
As a matter of fact, pros do that one far more skillfully than most bloggers.
What is the one skill?
Pro bloggers write clearly and confidently.
Readers understand points which pros intend to convey because skilled bloggers know how to use the written word powerfully.
Pros do the best job relaying their message to highly targeted readers through blog content.
But pros do not write clearly by accident. Nor does a fairy sprinkle pro blogger writing pixy dust on amateurs to magically transform struggling bloggers into skilled, full time bloggers. Place the “gifted”, “talented”, “blessed” and “a natural writer”, egoic, bullshit excuses for being a poor writer to the side. We don’t do that stuff on Blogging From Paradise. No victim mentality here, folks. You do want to become a pro blogger, right? Forgive those imprisoning mental states. Put in the work. Succeed.
Amateur bloggers go pro by practicing their writing diligently.
Practice Writing Daily
Open a Word document today.
Write 500 words. Pick any topic. Just write.
Trash the Word document after hitting the 500 word threshold.
Following this simple practice boosts writing confidence. Deleting the document detaches you from your writing. Do not skip this step or else you will fall into the common blogger mistake of judging, analyzing, over-analyzing and critiquing your writing. Or, being highly impressed with your writing – because you choose to heavily attach to your writing – you will sit around admiring your blog posts for hours, pumping up your ego. Wasting hours on admiring or demeaning your work instead of helping others serves as a common amateur blogger stumbling block.
How do you break the habit of heavily judging your writing?
Practice writing to become clear, confident and skilled.
How do let go a strong attachment to your writing? How do you cease wasting time picking apart or admiring your blog posts?
Trash the Word document after completing your daily writing practice. Throw it away. Be done with it. Take the skills with you; leave the words behind. Move forward with confidence; let go the content.
Think Like a Professional Blogger Now
Professional bloggers do not necessarily publish one post daily.
But most pros practice writing patiently for a long time to morph from amateur to pro blogger.
Do what you can right now to position yourself to become a full time blogger. Think like a pro. Prepare yourself to go full time. Practice the most important blogging skill.
Write daily to become confident.
Step into the professional blogging mindset. Begin to think, feel and act like a pro to lay the foundation for a thriving blogging business.
Ease through discomfort by remembering why you want to go pro. Dwell on the feeling of being free to work from home or anywhere on earth as a a full time blogger.
Imagining this freeing emotion guides you through fears related to thinking, feeling and acting like a pro during your amateur blogging days.
Consider Offline Analogies
Observe a professional basketball player.
Pros like Lebron James practiced dribbling, shooting and passing for years before going pro.
Professional teams only draft basketball players because each flashes NBA skills combined with potential.
Developing NBA level skills requires many years of patient practice, often executed in private. NBA players may spend 10,000 plus hours practicing alone in a gym. Or perhaps the nearly empty gym contains a personal trainer to guide the amateur through drills to polish their skills.
At any rate, practicing one skill patiently in private is how to become a professional in any endeavor.
Amateur bloggers practice writing to reach a professional level of quality traffic and blogging income. Going pro never happens by accident. No amateur stumbles in to a pro blogging career. All pros write for quite a long time to instill confidence, to gain trust and to establish credibility.
Look Back as Honestly as Possible
The ego mind loves creating delusional blind spots concerning past blogging performance.
This insane level of mind loves to frame your blogging past through rose-colored glasses.
But if you honestly observe your first few blog posts in the light of truth, a tinge of a cringe usually arises in the mind.
Hey; all bloggers progress slowly but surely. We all need to start somewhere.
However, your first blog posts typically sport a low quality feel because no new blogger has enough writing practice under their belt to be a clear, smooth writer.
Observing your current day blog usually signals a marked writing improvement.
You practiced writing for months or years.
Organically, your writing skills improve based on committing to your writing craft.
Practical Tips
Keep these ideas in mind:
- find a quiet spot to allow words to flow sans distractions; disconnecting from the internet could be a smart idea if the monkey mind attempts to pull you in 101 different directions
- consider timing writing practice sessions in the beginning if you struggle with writing even a few words; after a set time expires without reaching 500 words just try practicing that evening
- cover any topic to establish a free-flowing writing session infused with confidence
- try not to judge your writing; write to become confident, not to instill self-doubt
- delete the document to detach from your writing work
Similar to riding a bicycle, practicing your writing daily creates success momentum.
Words flow freely when you write a blog post based on writing offline daily. Or, based on filling your Word document daily, online.
Put in the time now. Write daily. Trash the document to practice detachment.
Become a skilled writer.
Position yourself to become a pro blogger by polishing your most critical skill.
Write patiently to connect powerfully with your readers.
Succeed by practicing your way into a full time blogging career.