Blogging part time while working a full time job requires careful planning, a desire to succeed and a willingness to exit your comfort zone.
Many full time employees who blog part time maintain busy schedules.
Part time bloggers who eventually go pro make blogging a priority.
Bloggers make blogging a priority by valuing the:
- fun
- freedom
- expression
which blogging affords you.
Blogging offers you a way to work from home on your time. Calling the shots feels fun, freeing and quite unlike being an employee who answers to a boss. Vacationing when you want to, having lunch with the kids or avoiding crowds by running errands during off hours are sugary sweet benefits of being a professional blogger.
Uncomfortable Venture at Times
I deeply respect anyone who begins blogging as a side hustle.
Some part time bloggers cling to no compelling reason for blogging. Some intend to give blogging a shot. Others never give blogging an honest, persistent effort. Most make some series of excuses as to why they cannot seem to find time to blog.
Newsflash; no one finds time to do anything. Everything is your choice.
Choose to follow your blogging dreams versus sprinting away from problems associated with your job. Making this distinction is critical to your blogging success.
Part timers often struggle because these folks treat blogging like a quick lifeline to escape from a depressing job versus a long term plan for fun, freedom and fulfillment. Blogging success never arrives quickly. Blogging part time never yields swift success since you have much to learn, study and practice before going pro well down the road.
Earlier today someone on Reddit asked if blogging yielded a solid income as a way to pay bills while he worked on an epic novel. I explained how believing this was as sound as trying to earn steady income from the novel he had yet to complete.
Exponential blogging success unfolds slowly, steadily and organically over the long haul for both full and part time bloggers.
As for your motivator, do not escape from working a job. Choose blogging to follow a fun, freeing passion.
I discuss this idea for tip #1.
1: Follow Your Passion or Trash the Blog
Passion pulls you past problems. Fun nudges you past fears. Either trash your passion-less blog or keep your passion-filled blog and allow your joy of covering the topic to energize you for a long journey.
Do not waste time picking a niche without assessing your passion test. Unpassionate part time bloggers struggle, panic and quit blogging because they have no dependable blogging motivator during low traffic and low profits periods.
Blog your passion. Full time employees need fun, freeing reasons to wake at 5 AM in order to write and publish a blog post before you commute to your full time job. Passionate bloggers do what it takes to see their professional blogging journey through.
2: Make No Excuses
Part time blogger excuses make your job tougher than it has to be.
Making excuses about the 3 T’s of Full Time Employee Part Time Bloggers:
- I am TIRED
- I have no TIME
- I TRIED that already
perpetuates struggle, guarantees failure and makes successful impossible.
Excuses handcuff you. Shed the handcuffs by remembering why you want to eventually blog full time. Remember your freeing driver to break the mental chains of self-imposed excuses.
Do not anchor yourself down with excuses. Cut these heavy energetic weights by refusing to make excuses about your part time blogging campaign. See opportunities instead of obstacles to knife through blogging excuses.
Be gentle with yourself. Full time employees do mental gymnastics sometimes to worm past their limiting beliefs and to get the blogging work done.
Don’t be tough on yourself but let go your excuses to put in blogging work.
3: Set Up a Blogging Schedule
Setting up work time adds a sense of order to your part time blogging day. Perhaps you feel overwhelmed by the time demands of your hectic schedule. Blogging during specific periods goads you to get the job done.
Treat blogging like a job from a logistics perspective. Work at a set time to complete your tasks for the day.
Working a set blogging schedule adds order to the mind. Orderly minds impel bloggers to get the work done for laying a rock solid blogging foundation.
Make time to blog. Commit to a part time blogging schedule to complete your daily tasks no matter what.
4: Create Detailed Content and Build Connections
Immense blogging success flows to bloggers who:
- create detailed content
- connect with top bloggers
Full time employees should spend most time creating blog posts and videos, commenting genuinely on blogs and promoting other bloggers to leverage their time effectively. You have limited time to blog; make every minute count. Detailed posts drive organic traffic passively. Blogging friends amplify your presence 24-7.
As a general rule, blog for at least 30-60 minutes daily to build success momentum. Even 30 minutes of effective blogging work executed daily lays a strong foundation for your blogging business.
Create long form content spanning 1200 to 1500 words to solve problems suffered by folks in your niche. Listen closely to their feedback. Do keyword research to optimize posts for SEO.
Remember; content is forever. Content promotes your expertise around the clock while you work your full time job.
Promote top bloggers on your blog and through social media. Comment genuinely on their blogs. Befriend these pros. Observe pro blogging buddies promote your blog while you work full time, blog and sleep. Access the powerful leveraging potential of a tight knit blogging buddy network.
5: Invest in Courses and eBooks to Do Blogging Right
You work 40 hours a week. Can you afford to waste your blogging time? Nope. Invest in proven strategies that lay the foundation for a successful blog.
Investing in pro blogger’s course and eBooks lets you use your precious time effectively. Versus spinning your wheels for months you simply invest money in pro blogger advice, follow their lead and eventually transition from the work force to running an online business through your blog.
6: Open Multiple Streams of Income
Consider affiliate marketing for starters; hit the ground running by earning on the efforts of other entrepreneurs. Write a few PDF eBooks tackling problems in your niche and sell each on Gumroad like I do.
Other ideas include:
- coaching
- consulting
- freelance writing
- creating and selling online courses
- generating advertising revenue
Income streams are no big deal; see each as a simple receiving channel. All the dough flows from following steps 1-5. The biggest earners are incredibly passionate (tip #1) which makes them generous, patient and persistent, whether they began blogging part time or full time.
Never base your blogging business on a single income channel. Income streams come and go like the tide. One channel can dry up and go away overnight. Open multiple streams of income to prosper accordingly. Insulate yourself against channels disappearing while maximizing your blogging income.
Part time bloggers need to leverage more than any blogger for the limited time they have to work with. Open multiple income sources to get the most bang out of the blogging bucks that you earn.
7: Never Look at Your Blog as the Escape Plan
If you hate your job allow your passion for blogging to fuel the journey. Do not see blogging income as an escape plan. Money responds terribly to attachment, desperation, greediness, delusion and all fear-energies common with a blogger who sees an inanimate object (money, blog) as the way out.
If you want to eventually blog full time be so passionate about blogging that you:
- practice writing your ass off
- create and connect generously
- cultivate immense patience and dogged persistence
- almost completely forget about traffic and profits stats
Part time bloggers lost in the process of helping people position themselves to quit their jobs and blog full time.
Be passionate about the process. Allow the outcome-dream to unfold at its own pace. You’ll get there.
Part time bloggers who work full time jobs can and do become professional bloggers.
Following simple tips persistently is the difference maker.
Don’t quit when the journey gets uncomfortable.
Think about why you’re blogging to nudge yourself through challenging but necessary blogging stretches.