6 Reasons Why AI May Be Irrelevant for Blogging

  August 7, 2023 blogging tips 🕑 4 minutes read
Songdo, Korea

Songdo, Korea


AI seems reputed to be a helpful tool for bloggers.


But what if all of the answers are in your mind?


What if everything you turn to AI to do for you can actually be accomplished in your mind?


Most bloggers think small because the masses harbor a mental victim mentality. By that, I mean most minds believe themselves to be incapable of brainstorming, or outlining, or being prolific.


Fearing a personal lack, or, not feeling like they are enough, bloggers turn to AI to fill the perceived lack.


Using AI to write posts is not right or wrong, good or bad, ground-breaking or a precedent to the blogging apocalypse.


Turning to AI only proves that you are afraid of missing out, afraid of being left behind, afraid of not being enough, ahead of not keeping up with tech…..and that fear sits only in your mind. It ain’t out there in the world, folks. How you feel about the world depends on your mindset, not the world.


AI may be fully irrelevant for bloggers.


Here’s why…….


#1 – Brainstorming is easy if you use your mind consistently; use your mind to do it.




Give yourself 10 minutes to brainstorm blog post ideas. Thinking strengthens your mind. Brainstorming improves your ability to brainstorm.


Doing something mentally boosts your mental strength in that area.


No mind needs to turn to a perceived outside source to brainstorm. Look within. Brainstorm. Give yourself a few moments to think about possible blog post ideas and the ideas will come.


Do what you intend to do and AI quickly becomes irrelevant. The ideas are in your mind, not out there. Make the decision to strengthen your brainstorming ability and the ideas will flow to you.


#2 – Outlining is easy if you use your mind consistently; use your mind to do it.


The human mind generates some 40,000 thoughts daily.


Pluck 8 of those thoughts to set up a reliable blogging outline.


Outlining is easy; you already have the thoughts. Organize a few thoughts into a simple outline for blog posts.


How many outlines did you build before AI came into form? Why do you fear outlining now?


You can do it.


If you did it hundreds or thousands of times in the past you can do it now.


Outline your next post using your unlimited mind.


Outlining is easy when you realize how many times you’ve done it in the past.


Forgive your outlining amnesia and get to work.


#3 – Writing posts is simple if you use your mind consistently; use your mind to do it.




Did you write and publish posts in the past? Do so now.


Write to develop writing confidence. Confident writers write seamlessly.


You need nothing outside of your mind to sit down and write a blog post.


Practice writing daily. Aim for 500-1000 words. Develop your prime blogging skill.


Write to become a skilled writer.


Decide to write your posts in order to thrive as a blogger.


#4 – Becoming prolific is improbable, then possible, then a certainty, then reality if you use your mind to do it.


Becoming prolific appears to be challenging at first.


But writing diligently eventually allows you to flex your writing muscles.


Being prolific depends on making a clear decision in your mind. Writing regularly morphs one into a prolific writer, and blogger.


Publishing a high volume of detailed, long form posts over the long term is possible. If not, top pros could never have achieved this feat…..and of course, they have.


The more you choose to write…..the more you can write. Being prolific becomes an organic effect of the writing cause.


#5 – Publishing a high volume of thin content is worthless.


Publishing a hefty volume of 600 word posts is worthless.


Thin posts drive no organic traffic or blogging income.


Thin posts populate blogs but do nothing to drive high quality, targeted blog traffic.


Before turning to an artificial source to spawn these no-quality posts at a dizzying rate, understand how 10 billion low quality posts still drive low quality traffic and little to no blogging income.


If your blog becomes a collection of 20,000 low quality posts then these low quality posts will bring low quality results.


20,000 thin posts achieve the same business end as a single thin post.


No one buys anything because no single post emits quality, builds rock solid trust or boosts credibility.


#6 – Publishing a high volume of lifeless content is worthless.


A human being with:


  • life
  • heart
  • a mind
  • emotions


reads posts, follows bloggers loyally, becomes a customer or client and drives referral business through word of mouth marketing.


A high volume of AI-generated content is:


  • lifeless
  • heartless
  • mindless
  • non-sentient


Do you see a pattern developing here guys?


People with life, hearts, minds and feelings do not closely follow lifeless, heartless, mindless content spawned by a non-sentient thing. At a level of scale, no one convinces humans to buy eBooks and courses at a full time level rate because no one builds a thriving business based on lacking the core element to building a thriving business: inspiring, influencing and educating with positive emotions to empower human beings.




AI just might be irrelevant.


Consider using AI to enhance your blogging campaign up to the point of seeing its irrelevance.


You have every single answer, ability and skill in your mind.

  1. Joy Healey says:
    at 6:27 am

    Hi Ryan,

    I haven’t been tempted by AI blogging – and very pleased to hear your thoughts confirming I was right not to be!


  2. Ryan Biddulph says:
    at 8:23 am

    Excellent job my friend.