Why Is It Hard to Maintain Blogging Clarity?

  February 4, 2025 blogging tips 🕑 5 minutes read
Koh Samui Thailand

Koh Samui Thailand




Sounds like a blogging buzzword.


Ample mentors discuss finding clarity as a key success accelerant. Get clear. Drive traffic. Increase income. Or so the theory goes.


But real world scenarios appear to shred the concept of clarity to ribbons.


Imagine picking one blogging niche. Be a specialist. Build topical authority. Be known for doing one thing. Reach a leadership role in said niche. Get clear on one niche. Cover the topic inside-out. Cover the topic upside-down. Cover the topic inside-out, forwards and backwards, from a plethora of angles.


Blog into the sunset as you go full-time from a peaceful, confident mindset.


This is the perfect scenario for getting clear on one blogging niche.


Do you want the common scenario?


Example of Why It Seems Hard to Get Clear


After considering one blogging niche a few voices may speak loudly in your mind:


  • “I want to blog about what’s on my mind.”
  • “I want to blog about whatever I want to blog about.”
  • “I feel like blogging about multiple topics because I do not want to give up any.”
  • “I want to get more traffic by covering more topics to achieve a broad appeal.”


Getting clear on one niche brings:


  • peace of mind
  • authority
  • organic traffic
  • blogging income


But unclear voices in mind scream raucously, shrieking like a banshee being strangled by Bigfoot.


Who do you trust?


Most trust the unclear, wild, incessant voices in mind.


Most do not trust the voice of clarity, peace and success.


Do you wonder why few bloggers go pro?


Most trust fear (and fail) because trusting unclear ideas feels comfortable. Perhaps it feels safe. Maybe it feels secure. But trusting in fear leads to struggling, failing and quitting.


The Difficulty


Hearing the unclear voices in mind but not trusting the mad dingbat to follow its advice feels highly uncomfortable.


Feeling intense discomfort without taking the bait is difficult…..but do-able.


I had to do it. I desired to cover multiple niches sometimes. But getting mentally clear revealed logic. People trust specialists. People do not trust a jack of all trades who masters none.


I felt comfortable with looking past unclear voices in my head to trust clarity.


Trusting clarity made me peaceful. Thinking peacefully boosted my effectiveness. Increasing my effectiveness increased worldly success. I figured out how getting clear creates peace and success. Moving in the opposite direction creates failure and frustration. I had to experience that opposite direction too in order to establish contrast.


Feeling an uncomfortable lack of clarity is no picnic. But the alternative sucks. Either feel temporary discomfort to eventually gain peace and success. Or feel predominantly comfortable to experience failure and frustration. All happens in the mind. Nothing really happens in the outside world even though it appears to seem that way.


Find Clarity


Find clarity.


Decide to cover one niche for one ideal reader. See this person clearly in your mind. Publish content for this person. Solve their problems with all blog posts. Solve their problems with all social media posts and guest posts. Comment genuinely on blogs from this niche. Engage only people who trust, like and support your content.


Let go of everything – and everyone – else.


Letting go feels difficult but it is always do-able.


Letting go moves a lack of clarity behind you.


Letting Go of My Email List


Most Blogging From Paradise readers find my blog through:


  • bookmarks
  • RSS feeds
  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn
  • genuine blog comments
  • guest posts
  • backlinks via interview requests, quick hitter mentions and other links in
  • email


Email comes in dead last with little engagement because my engagement is so strong through the top channels above.


Getting clear – and putting a lack of clarity behind me – influenced me to email my list for the last time a few moments ago. I abandoned my list because everyone follows Blogging From Paradise through social media, tens of thousands and backlinks, by bookmarking it and by adding it to their feed. Almost no one gets my updates by email; I put it behind me to get clearer, to feel greater peace of mind and to accelerate my overall blogging success.


Getting clear is blogging from:


  • love
  • confidence
  • true helpfulness
  • abundance


by putting unclear:


  • fear
  • doubts
  • selfishness
  • scarcity


behind you.


Honor this mental process. Everything occurs within. No one gives you clarity. You get clear, first, mentally, then appear to project the concept onto the outside world.


I got clear in mind to abandon my email list. Getting clear inspired me to publish a heavier volume of helpful, detailed, practical content for Blogging From Paradise Dot Com. Getting clear also motivated me to double down – yes even more – on social media. I intend to create more content and to engage more social media users intrigued by my blogging tips.

Getting clear influenced me to recently add eBooks to the Blogging From Paradise Online Store. I promoted each more aggressively by getting clear.


The Tough Part


Facing intimately personal fears consistently feels tough.


But do it you must to go from a lack of clarity to clarity.


For example, even though my list was tiny and non-responsive I felt fear of loss surface in my mind as I looked past it. Par for the course. Part of the game. Fear arises but looking past it is the only way to gain clarity. Success unfolds well outside of your personal comfort zone beyond your fears. Success is a highly individualized journey. We all walk a separate path of fear filled with some similar but some different pitfalls. We all walk from an unclear path to a highly clear path.


Every blogger clears obstacles by getting mentally clear of the obstacles. Solutions reveal themselves after gaining mental clarity. Wise bloggers act on these clarifying solutions to mine greater success.


What About the Work Part?


Work gets easier with clarity because resistance dissolves.


Work gets tougher with a lack of clarity because resistance arises.


Obstacles pop up hot and heavy in unclear minds.


Obstacles vanish in clear minds.


You choose.


Mindless bloggers robotic-ally charge forward into heavy resistance. Obstacles arise frequently because their lack of clarity makes it so.


Mindful bloggers peacefully proceed into lessening resistance because their clarity makes blogging increasingly easier.


The process unfolds in your mind first then appears to happen in the world out there.




Get clear.


Do the inner work.


Thrive peacefully.


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Onward and upward, fellow bloggers!