1 Intelligent Alternative to Predicting the Blogging Future

  March 15, 2024 blogging tips 🕑 5 minutes read
Connecticut, USA

Connecticut, USA


Why not control your present moment?


Some bloggers attempt to predict the blogging future.




Attempting to say that something will or will not happen may make you right or wrong….but doing this will never make you happy for a sustained period of time.


Predicting devotes your attention and energy now to a future that may or may not arrive for you. Why think about later when you can control your mind now?


Something fascinating happens when you focus on timeless fundamentals now versus ever-changing trends: you succeed.


Doing what works now and forever – human psychology will never change on a predominant level of scale – all but guarantees success.


Take this blog post. Evergreen in nature, whether predictions pan out with blogging or not, humans will read it and see my online courses and eBooks for bloggers. I can control that right now. I can write and publish a blog post right now. So I did it. This is how to thrive. This is how to succeed. Control now. Focus on it. Do what you can from an evergreen approach to slowly build the foundation for a successful blogging career.


What About AI?


AI and its effect on blogging seems to be a hot topic these days.


Some predict doom and gloom scenarios for bloggers.


Others frame AI as having a mild influence on blogging going forward.


In both cases, much thought goes into trying to figure out how AI will affect blogging in the future.


Human readers will always want human bloggers to:


  • express compassion
  • exhibit empathy
  • gain genuine human experiences to share through blogs
  • publish detailed, authentic content from the heart


AI is artificial. Look at the name: it is not real. Not being real, or true, it is an illusion that cannot:


  • express compassion
  • exhibit empathy
  • gain genuine human experiences
  • publish detailed, authentic content from the heart


Knock yourself out spending time attempting to predict whether a no-thing that recycles words, lacks compassion, empathy, genuine human experiences and the ability to do anything from a divine center will take over blogging.


I hope you guys have figured out that the only way for AI to take over blogging is for AI to read blogs.


You have realized that, right?


Humans will never closely follow AI-generated blogs because humans have a heart, or, divine center, or, intuition, which knows when a fellow heart or divine center communicates through a blog or when something without a heart, or divine center, fakes content.


AI may become smart……but it will never have a heart.


This is why attempting to predict whether AI will take over blogging is a waste of your time and energy.


While those spending 20 minutes discussing this topic ponder the almost certainly impossible, I wrote and published this long-form blog post.


Who got ahead?


Bloggers who predict?


Or Blogging From Paradise?


Control Your Success


I control my success by publishing a heavy volume of targeted blogging tips daily to social media.


I also currently publish 1 post weekly to Blogging From Paradise.


I cannot control the outcomes of each helpful act.


But I can control the basic success momentum which pretty much guarantees that my success will expand if I keep cooking with gas.


More importantly, I rarely spend much time at all predicting blogging trends, minus sharing my thoughts via a blog post or social media update for a few seconds.


Consider my prediction of AI blogging failure sooner than later. I spent a few seconds sharing my thoughts only because some readers asked me to share my thoughts on the topic. That’s it. I then get busy publishing more thorough blogging tips to social and my blog because that, I can control.


What if My AI Prediction Is Wrong?


What if AI blogging does take over the world?


We’ll all be dead already, anyway, so you have nothing to worry about.


Either way, who cares?


Get busy helping people now.


That you can control.


That determines your blogging success.


Let the prognosticating crowd go bonkers.


Spare the Predictions and Do Only This


Do only this: publish targeted, helpful content for your ideal reader to your blog, to social media and engage in some blogger outreach.


Feel free to explore other tactics of course based on your intuitive nudges but at the very least you want to publish one long form post weekly to your blog.


This pretty much precedes your blogging success but over the long haul. Do this stuff and you will not think about making predictions; you’ll be too busy helping people and experiencing greater blogging success over the years.


Predictions Are Gossip


Does social media or your blog for that matter need more gossip?




Predictions are gossip.


You are talking about other people and nothing has been verified to be true concerning the prediction. Or you are predicting something about yourself and nothing has been verified to be true. It hasn’t happened yet.


At best, the gossip will lead to you being right. But being happy and successful beats being right. People who need to be right usually find themselves by themselves. Or perhaps they surround themselves with other folks who love making predictions and being right; not a happy crowd.


Be Process-Focused Not Outcomes-Focused


Every blogging prediction is outcomes-focused.


You prophesy if so and so will happen.


Predicting and pontificating about your oracle-u-lous ways wastes time better spent creating something truly helpful that will accelerate your blogging success.


One predicts and may succeed. The other succeeds.


Why not go with the sure thing?




Go wild if you wish to make blogging predictions.


There is nothing inherently wrong with this approach but walking this path wastes your time.


Keep creating consistently.


Keep helping people patiently.


Target your readers.


Busy yourself with serving versus predicting.


Take care of what you can control – helping people through your blog – and success will gradually find you.

  1. Bret Bernhoft says:
    at 10:51 pm

    Agreed, that AI isn’t going to replace blogging. Artificial Intelligence aids the writer, not displaces them. You make some good points in this article.

  2. Chris Desatoff says:
    at 10:01 pm

    [ R2D2 has left the chat…while beeping sadly… ]

    Hey Ryan, I guess I am straddling the blogging fence on this one.

    While I will always prefer and value human bloggers, it seems inevitable that AI-generated content will continue to grow and dominate the blogwaves due to cost-effectiveness, not unlike how AI voice content has replaced human-narrated videos on Youtube, TikTok and elsewhere.

    People watch what their phones put in front of their faces…and more and more our apps are putting AI and robo voices in our faces.


    Still, I like your solution.
    Just keep blogging…