1 Intelligent Way to Increase Your Blogging Success

  March 25, 2024 blogging tips 🕑 6 minutes read
Grecia, Costa Rica

Grecia, Costa Rica


One of my blogging errors from the past surfaced a few moments ago.


Quite literally, I cannot correct this mistake completely on a worldly level because other powers make the end decision. The residue remains.


I did correct the error the best I could on a worldly level. I also forgave a decent chunk of the boo-boo in my mind.


It got me thinking…..if you fully regret and chain yourself to past errors you blind yourself from the:


  • thoughts
  • feelings
  • ideas
  • circumstances
  • people


who’d help put the error fully in your rear view window and help accelerate your blogging success.


Consider this 3 Step Process


  1. Admit your mistake.
  2. Correct the error to the best of your ability.
  3. Forgive yourself and the error in your mind.


Accelerate your blogging success intelligently by looking past errors of the past. Frame each error as a mental anchor holding you in place until you break the chain. Being chained down makes forward movement impossible. But smartly knowing that you created the chain in your mind – by grabbing at and holding on to the past – goads one to admit, correct and forgive.


Breaking the chain accelerates growth.


Accelerated growth expands your success.


Let the Cryptic Mentions Commence


I am about to get real cryptic here, guys.


A few moments ago, an event in the world triggered one of my bigger blogging errors from roughly 10 years ago.


Shame arose immediately. Embarrassment followed. Guilt rounded out these uncomfortable emotions surfacing in my mind.


I admitted and partially corrected the error on a worldly level roughly 1-2 years after erring big-time.


Obviously, I am still in the process of mentally forgiving myself and the error to put it 100% in my rear view window. Hence the triggered feelings from a few moments ago.


But something neat happened after I faced, felt and forgave some unconscious fears in mind associated with the blogging blunder earlier today: I felt more peaceful and experienced mild blogging success within 5 minutes of partially forgiving the event, once again, earlier today.


I cannot give specifics on the mistake because mentioning specific:


  • keywords
  • brands
  • businesses


creates mildly greater potential for the error to play out as I leverage.


Basically guys; the spirit of this message matters and the details matter not.


Picture this Analogy


Imagine placing a chain on the ground.


Picture yourself hammering a railroad spike into the ground through one chain link.


You then fasten the chain to your ankle, lock it with a Master lock and drop the key into your pocket.


A pack of menacing-looking pit bulls shows up.


Panic sets in to the point that:


  • you cannot remember doing this to yourself
  • you forgot that the key rests in your pocket


Logically, you did this to yourself and can simply un-do it by digging it to your pocket to grab the key, unlock yourself and slowly back away.


But panic is fear and fear is highly illogical.


A Rhodes Scholar will likely burn to a crisp like kindling in a house fire because logic, intelligence and genius are not worth dog doody when one becomes terrified to lose their life. Fear obliterates worldly intelligence. When fear prevents you from thinking your intelligence becomes obsolete.


However, a 30 year Buddhist monk without a grammar school education will peacefully walk outside of the burning building because he has mastered fear. He has forgiven all past fears, regrets and the associated chains with self-destructive emotions.


The intelligent one has not figured out: he is doing this to himself. The Buddhist monk, has.


The key to accelerating your blogging success is to dig deep into your unconscious mind to:


  • face
  • feel
  • forgive or look past


fears from past blogging mistakes, often clung to and shrouded in guilt, embarrassment, shame and regret.


Doing this is the key to freedom, or the symbolic key sitting in your pocket that YOU placed there. You have amnesia; no one realizes at first that they built the trap and appeared to throw away the key.


But you will gradually experience how your fears and attachments related to past blogging errors both perpetuates failure and prevents future growth.


Real World Example


Imagine offering products for sale yielding a few pennies per transaction during your clueless, early blogging days.


Making matters worse, you split those pennies with a producer so you cannot remove the products save by their consent.


You gradually:


  • own your error; admitting the mistake burns but at least you addressed the boo-boo
  • create and publish high quality. bigger ticket, higher end products by yourself yielding a 90% commission in the range of $100 to $200 per sale (or a tiny bit less)
  • emotionally, DO NOT explore the deep unconscious fear, guilt, rage, embarrassment and regret associated with making that error


No matter how intelligently, diligently and patiently you promote the high quality, bigger ticket products yielding the bigger bucks, your unconscious fears will keep repeating to you:


“God I am so pissed at myself for earning pennies per commission on a low quality product that I legally cannot erase from the internet. I hate that it looks horrible to me and I cannot do anything about it.”


Those unconscious fears will largely influence your blogging:


  • thoughts
  • feelings
  • actions
  • strategies
  • plans


Symbolically, those unconscious fears and associated thoughts, feelings, actions, strategies and plans are the chain, railroad spike and Master lock along with the key in your pocket.


On a worldly level, you will need to face, feel and forgive the unconscious fears in your mind to discover the key in your pocket, to unlock the chain and to free yourself from the railroad spike so you can stop being the one pissed about losing pennies and start being the one who feels abundant and accepts far greater income per sale.


How Does this Blogging Growth Look in the World?


As you face, feel and forgive fears associated with past blogging loss, you will think, feel and act more abundantly. Success is forthcoming to the abundant mind.


For example, forgiving yourself for past mistakes and embracing regret may make you more:


  • bold
  • clear
  • confident
  • detailed-oriented
  • genuine
  • courageous
  • fearless
  • generous
  • prolific


As the result of embodying these blogging qualities for a few hours, days or weeks, or perhaps months, your:


  • quality traffic
  • blogging income


increases organically as the by-product of forgiving past fears and stepping in to those characteristics.


Why did you not do this prior?


You unconsciously feared past loss and consciously blocked abundant ideas for present and future gain.


How can you even think about making money when you chain yourself to the fear of being broke?


Makes sense…..right?


Growth means moving forward from greater peace and generosity.


Failure means moving backward from greater guilt and stinginess.


Imagine someone so embarrassed about losing that they blind themselves from doing what it takes to gain.


You got almost the whole world unconsciously self-sabotaging again and again looking backwards at and ruing past failure instead of breaking this emotional, fear-based chain and looking forward to doing what it takes to grow.


Practical Tips


  • find a quiet room
  • write out or type past blogging struggles and failures, with special emphasis on the deeply humiliating or frustrating events
  • calm your mind even as it appears to roil
  • gently feel and then look past any fears associated with these events
  • as you clear these fears, listen closely to your intuition since it will guide you with successful ideas


As a practical example, after going through this process regarding the sting of wasting money on no-quality, crappy backlink building services, your intuition may guide you to click on the courses tab above to see this one:


How to Get High Quality Backlinks (AKA How to Get Featured on World Famous Blogs)


Not only is this a clever way for me to insert an online course commercial here, it reveals that when you cease to regret losing money on terrible backlinks you will be clearly guided to secure the highest quality backlinks in the world from a guy who has done it.


Do the inner work, guys.


Succeed intelligently.

  1. The Blind Blogger Maxwell Ivey says:
    at 6:47 pm

    Hi Ryan, it’s been a long time since I have read a post and left a comment.
    Sorry about that bro!
    For me, my mistakes have generally become part of my message.
    Mik when I posted that video of myself screwing up at karaoke.
    And I wrote a blog post titled, just keep singing what you can learn from bad karaoke.
    Or when my first blog post went right and included a photo of a train engine instead of a photo of lovable me.
    Enough people thought I was making a reference to the engine that could that I just left the post up there.
    Had a great time with it in the comment section 2.
    I think the main thing we are trying to teach people don’t let mistakes small or large steal your joy for what you were trying to accomplish.
    Did I get that right Ryan?
    Thanks so much, Max.

  2. Ryan Biddulph says:
    at 1:20 pm

    Max you really did get it right brother. The thing that few understand but that you and I have gradually learned: this world is not a place of perfection. Even if we strive, it is a place of imperfection. So we gain experience, sometimes screw up, correct mistakes and yes, even if we cannot erase errors in the world on a level of form we can forgive ourselves, the error, maintain peace of mind and keep moving forward. Well said my friend.