How to Conquer Blogging Obstacles

  December 16, 2024 blogging tips 🕑 6 minutes read
Accoeek Maryland USA

Accoeek Maryland USA


Conquering blogging resistance comes part and parcel with your experience.


Everyone faces obstacles sometimes.


Wise bloggers follow systems for defeating their stout foes, even if the methods do not seem entirely conscious. What I mean is that professionals think a specific way to overcome obstacles on their blogging journey. But not many share this truth. How could they if they are completely unaware of this reality? It’s unconscious to them, remember?


Defeating resistance is the way to go pro. Obstacles build into the system.  Done deal. Navigating the obstacle course gracefully forces you to follow fundamental steps diligently.


Most of all, be highly flexible. Be open. Be willing to change.


Let’s make that tip #A1 below.


A1: Be Open-Minded (Be Flexible)


I recently increased my publishing schedule based on intuitive nudges.




Resistance arose. I faced a few obstacles over the prior months.


I had two choice:


  • rigidly adhere to my strategies to fight against resistance (slam into identical obstacles like beating my head into the wall often)
  • open my mind to flexibly follow sound strategies, dissolve resistance and to drive increased blogging income


I chose the latter. For me, that looked like increasing blog post frequency. Even though I feel some mild discomfort in so doing I know this is the proper blogging track for me and you.


I also know not to sacrifice blog post:


  • quality
  • detail
  • depth


to fulfill an increasingly ambitious publishing schedule.


Doing mental gymnastics gives you greater inner flexibility.


Leave a rigid, fixed mental blogging system guaranteed to create obstacles and successive struggles since most try to ram a square peg into a round hole.


See possibilities instead of roadblocks. Change blogging strategies when needed. Spot opportunities for growth. Shed worn out tactics. Forgive tired techniques. We have all been there, when blogging feels boring, soul-sucking and dispiriting, but only because bloggers lack mental flexibility.


What do you need to change with your blog to be more flexible and successful?


1: Follow Professional Bloggers


Follow pro bloggers.


Put obstacles behind you by doing what works. Trust guidance from full-time bloggers. Do what pros do to succeed.


Obstacles arise often for bloggers who follow amateur advice. Resistance arises because bad advice creates a laundry list of obstacles.


Pro bloggers teach what works. Follow their guidance. Stick to the basics of creating and connecting.


Believe it or not, most obstacles dissolve if you do what works and leave what doesn’t work behind you for good. Obstacles exist in strategies that do not work. Look past the ineffective to blog successfully and to let go of blogging resistance.


Practical Tips



2: Train Your Mind


I train my mind daily. Methods include meditating, practicing A Course in Miracles and observing my mind and its perceptions throughout my day.


As a rule of thumb, mind training reveals fears in the mind fueling blogging obstacles. Yes; all blogging obstacles are in your mind even though each seems to be out there in the world. Mind training uncovers fears projected onto:


  • Google
  • email lists
  • social media
  • readers


Most blame externals to be hostage to obstacles. Few do the mind training necessary to free self from obstacles.


Google does not wipe out blog traffic. Bloggers saddled with personal fears who refused to diversify traffic lose everything per an algorithm update. Google reflected fears back to scarcity-minded bloggers. Nothing more happened.


Training your mind allows you to look past fear-induced obstacles. From there, opportunities for growth arise in the mind for execution. Success follows.


Advanced Tip

Ease into your unconscious mind even though the process feels unpleasant at times.


Unearth self-sabotage. Observe how you unconsciously hurt yourself to be rid of these mental maladies pushed way out of awareness.


For example, my traffic stats dropped for a while because I unconsciously thought, felt and did things to prevent people from visiting my blog. Unconscious fear makes no sense. I wanted more traffic but my unconscious fears of freedom, peace, success and greater worldly responsibility won out. I wanted to punish myself. I did not feel deserving. Unconscious self-sabotage followed.


Let’s get practical…..


I resisted:


  • linking to Blogging From Paradise posts
  • embedding a related posts plug in
  • embedding a popular posts plug in


because doing so keeps people onsite. Keeping people onsite could slow down my blog, negatively affect the UX and I could need to invest bigger bucks in my server. I can seamlessly afford to do so but again guys; unconscious fear is insane, illogical and scares you into doing mindless, jackass-worthy stuff that only hurts you and never helps you.


Another unconscious fear of mine: emailing Blogging From Paradise subscribers “too many” detailed, practical, truly helpful posts, for fear of losing humans who want not value. Asinine, I know, but this advanced tip is only for future pros who prefer to take off the bitter blinders to eventually succeed by facing their own mental shadows.


3: Spot Opportunities for Growth


Seize growth opportunities amid blogging obstacles.


For example, I nab the opportunity to increase my publishing schedule any time resistance pops up on the horizon in terms of a temporary traffic shortage.


New bloggers may hit the ground running by publishing their first genuine blog comment to build strong relationships with full-time bloggers if they appear to be alone; not at all connected to any blogger.


Look for growth in roadblocks. All obstacles build-in opportunities for expansion. Gaze at blogging obstacles to spot the growth potential.


For example, I choose untapped markets through tactics like genuine blog commenting versus competing against popular bloggers on page 1 of Google. Google traffic is pretty much a god to most bloggers but I prefer to succeed by finding my own peaceful, relaxing, prospering niche versus following the herd to step in blogging shit, or to fight it out with alpha males on page 1.


Bring your special talents to the table to be truly helpful.


Grow by spotting opportunities most other bloggers – even successful ones – seem to miss.


4: Network with Uplifting Bloggers


Inspiring bloggers carry you beyond obstacles.


Some inspire you through osmosis. Others guide you past blogging obstacles with their wise take.


Benefit from their experience. Network with positive bloggers to get past various forms of resistance. Every blogger faces these inevitable obstacles. You may as well bond with a team of like-minded, inspirational bloggers to seamlessly pass these trial periods.


Practical Tips


  • comment genuinely on blogs
  • promote bloggers on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn
  • email bloggers asking how you can help them


5: Be Generous


Being generous gets you past most blogging obstacles.


Obstacles manifest to seemingly block bloggers from driving traffic and income. Giving more freely of your time and talents by:


  • publishing detailed content
  • increasing your publishing schedule
  • helping fellow bloggers with a retweet and Facebook share frequently


does in fact increase blog traffic and blogging income.


Generous bloggers increase their skills, credibility and exposure. Skilled, trusted, seen bloggers get past obstacles to experienced increased blogging success.




Blogging for a living entails facing obstacles from time to time.


Conquering obstacles gets easier with practice.


Leave your comfort zone.


Face fear.


Develop the skill of dissolving obstacles.




Be an inspiration to bloggers who follow you.


Remind everyone that they are the hero of their dream by being so yourself.