Koh Samui Thailand
I am not special.
But I am a specialist.
Before I go any further I want to stress an important point.
Top blogging tips bloggers do a dazzling job with covering their subject matter. I admire their attention to detail. I also envy their willingness – and success – with branching out into sub niches.
Follow these bloggers closely based on your intimately personal needs. Some of you need internet marketing guidance now. Others resonate with blogs not quite as current as most but nevertheless evergreen.
This post is not a put down but lift up for all of the established blogging tips bloggers out there.
I salute you.
Trust these resources.
Follow accordingly.
My intent is to help you follow a solution if you only want blogging tips exclusively covered from many different angles.
If you want that…..Blogging From Paradise Dot Com is an established solution.
I listened to my intuition to carve out my niche.
Blogging From Paradise Dot Com is likely the highest profile blogging tips blog on planet earth.
I am not the best blogging tips blogger.
I am the only high profile blogging tips blogger who covers blogging tips exclusively.
Big difference between the two.
I’d be a jackass to claim the former but truthful to state the latter.
Readers perceive me to be a high profile blogger; these individuals tell me so. I honor their perception of me via this post. Think of it as me offering their feedback to you through my words.
As for the blogging tips niche, running a few searches recently revealed how all of the page 1 heavies do a smashing job but none covers blogging tips exclusively. My blog does. That’s all.
A few ideas to keep in mind:
- a few high profile blogging tips themed blogs regularly delve into topics like writing, approaching influencers, working from home and productivity
- a few high profile blogging tips blogs no longer offer current content; some bloggers either removed dates all together or last published content 4 months prior to the publish date of this post
I certainly do not condemn bloggers for going off niche. Nor do I perceive anyone to be asleep at the blogging wheel.
But instead of tooting my own blogging horn or backdoor bragging I offer you a clear, exclusive blogging tips solution with absolutely nothing else.
(OK; I do rarely publish a travel-themed post but only because my readers explicitly told me to do so.)
How Does This Help You?
Since I have ONLY covered blogging tips since 2014 you have a blogging tips specific resource at your cyber fingertips.
I publish a wide range of posts dissecting multiple aspects of blogging.
Trumpeting mindset tips for bloggers seems to be one of my carefully honed talents. But I delve heavily into:
- genuine blog commenting
- authentic blogger outreach
- traffic driving tips
- blog monetizing tips
among other topics on the minds of most bloggers. Or at least some bloggers.
Blogging From Paradise is one of those soup to nuts resources for individuals who crave blogging tips. You have it all here. OK; maybe you do not have it all here but one does have all one needs to know to become a professional blogger.
I benefit you by being a blogging specialist. I am certainly not special. Anyone can build a blogging tips themed blog.
But I am one of the few who decided to never deviate from the blogging tips field (save my readers pining for odd travel-themed posts) to cover topics almost no other blogger covers.
Forget my colorful analogies between travel experiences and blogging.
My mindset posts benefit bloggers tremendously. Few journey within from a practical perspective. Minus the rah-rah post here and there we see smattering the blogging tips niche – nothing wrong with that – the science of mind training plays a chief role at Blogging From Paradise.
Why do you struggle to drive quality traffic and blogging income?
Fear in your mind creates the struggle.
First, you feel it, bury it, project it onto the world then turn around. Running away from fear makes struggles persist.
This is why I add a mindset element to most blog posts here. First, facing, feeling and forgiving fear is necessary to think, feel and blog abundantly.
My blog benefits bloggers who would rather look within to succeed peacefully versus struggling in the without permanently.
Should You Choose My Blog Over Other Blogging Tips Blogs?
The reason why: all top blogging tips bloggers do something really well that could benefit you handsomely.
I scanned one prominent blogger who offers rich internet marketing resources. One other blogging leader drills down on the writing side of things.
At this stage of your blogging career, maybe one or both of these folks can benefit you.
My blog is just the place to go for *all blogging tips all of the time* if you:
- need blogging tips now
- resonate with my blogging guidance
- vibe with my blogging school of thought
My blog is one of the well-rounded blogging tips resources because:
- my readers say so
- I spent a decade doing only one thing – sharing blogging tips from all different types of thought-provoking angles – so I appear to do it fairly well, at least
Folks; I am not claiming special-ness but specializing.
Do you want a fabulous cut of steak?
Visit the butcher.
Do you need to win a court case?
Hire a lawyer.
Do you need well-rounded blogging tips?
Consider visiting Blogging From Paradise Dot Com.
That’s what I do.
That’s how I can help you.
Some bloggers do not appreciate my “in your face” style at times. Take it or leave it. You will get nothing else from me. I maintain my peace of mind by being loving, caring, empowering and directly honest with you.
Go to a theme park if you wish to be coddled with kid gloves.
I do the incredibly rare thing of treating pretty much everyone I come across as an empowered adult with unlimited potential even if said folks view themselves through the victim’s prism of littleness.
But it’s not all mindset here.
I over strategies like blog commenting, building high quality backlinks and the monetizing mindset in a unique way within my blogging tips niche.
I Hate Commercials But Love Being Taught
Blogging From Paradise ain’t no running commercial.
I am far from a used car salesman here.
I certainly do sell stuff but teach. Teaching is my thing.
Actually, my content sells because it:
- teaches
- earns trust
- generates income
I hate commercials but love being taught how to do things.
BFP is a collection of free and premium resources for how to do things blogging-wise but virtually all tips are blogging tips and absolutely nothing else.
You will find perspectives on blogging that can empower you outrageously because I’ve spent a decade thinking, ruminating, pondering then publishing content that most bloggers never thought to brainstorm.
This is the chief benefit of specializing.
Do one thing to do it well.
Carve out your place in that niche.
If you need a blogging tips blog that rarely covers anything else, Blogging From Paradise could be your solution.
Do your homework to find the right match for your needs.