5 Actions for Struggling Bloggers to Take Now

  November 10, 2023 blogging tips 🕑 5 minutes read
Pine Junction, Colorado, USA

Pine Junction, Colorado, USA


No blogger needs to struggle.


Admitting your errors and asking a pro for help puts you on the successful blogging path now.


Unfortunately, almost all of us punish ourselves courtesy of unconscious thought patterns leading to self-sabotage, failure and eventual quitting.


For example, 1000’s of bloggers make the seemingly identical obvious mistakes on Facebook Groups and LinkedIn Groups daily. But the errors are not obvious to these bloggers, at all, because all punish themselves, blinding themselves from the fact that schemes, scams and various blogging bullshit strategies guarantee failure, 100% of the time.


Do you struggle with your blog?


Working harder makes no difference. Working longer makes no difference. Forcing things only makes blogging more difficult.


Honestly assessing your blogging strategy now marks the turning point because addressing failed tactics allows you to prune these schemes to make room for successful blogging techniques.


You can and will succeed.


I believe in you.


Succeeding begins with pinpointing failed blogging tactics and trashing those suckers.


Do these 5 things now if you’re having a tough time with blogging.


1: Look Honestly at Your Blogging Strategy


List everything that you do with your blog. Take an inventory. Run your strategy against advice from a few, top, professional bloggers. Do you see a mirror image? Probably not….otherwise, you would not be struggling! Own the fact that you did not closely, diligently, meticulously follow advice from genuine pros as the first step in the process to succeed.


The main reason why I struggled during various blogging periods is because I lied to myself about my blog. I shoved my head in the sand versus admitting how my blogging strategy sucked. Stepping into my strategy of blogging suckdom felt uncomfortable but at least I owned and stopped doing what didn’t work to make room for what worked.


Practical Tips 


  • list every blogging activity
  • compare your tactics to blogging activities pros work
  • trash everything that does not match up
  • keep any pro-inspired activities


2: Gauge Your Persistence


In rare cases, you may be doing what pros teach but only for 1 week, 1 month or 1 year. Yes…..ONLY for 1 year. Blogging is a marathon not a sprint.


Accept that your persistence is not sufficient. Own how you “tried that already!” means “I did this for a very short, unrealistic period of time and want to quit because I am impatient, frustrated and afraid.” Being persistent and patient is the way to succeed.

Guys; you cannot succeed while being delusional about your:


  • blogging workload
  • blogging timelines


Yet, many bloggers want to quit after working a particular strategy for 3 weeks.


Blogging is a marathon not a sprint because learning, practicing and mastering blogging consumes vast amounts of time. Worldly freedom costs you a steep time, learning and work investment in that freedom. Yet, if you plan to be around for that period of time, is it sane NOT to invest your time, learning and work into building something (aka a blog) which expands your worldly freedom?


Important Note


Some bloggers have been persistently busting their tail for years working failed blogging tactics.


I deeply admire your tenacity but if you keep doing what does not work (see action #1) you will keep struggling.


Being persistent never saves you unless you’re persistently doing what thriving pros guide you to do.


3: Step into Your Mental Demons


The main reason why you struggle is because you project fear in your conscious and unconscious mind onto the world, blaming the world for your failures, running away from your mind versus stepping into your mental demons.


Face, feel and forgive some of your fears, being gentle with yourself, in a quiet room. This process is a little messy at times – bring a pillow to scream in or cry in – but is necessary because if fear in your mind calls the shots you will fail for 80 years, let alone, 8 months or 8 years.


You cannot outrun your mind because your experience IS your mind.


You need to journey into your mind to patiently observe:


  • fears
  • self-destructive thought patterns
  • self-sabotaging work patterns


to face, feel and forgive these emotions or you will make the same errors spawned by these fears, thought patterns and work patterns.


For example, most bloggers having a helluva time making money ask me how to make the most money blogging. I clearly explain how publishing targeted, long form content makes the most money independent of income channels yet most cling to such deep money terrors that they ask the identical question or ignore my advice and ask if a particular income channel makes the most money.


It’s almost like your mind is so filled with fears that you have shoved out of awareness that it cannot:


  • understand
  • process
  • act on
  • benefit from


profitable advice from genuine, experienced bloggers.


However, feeling and releasing these fears tunes you keenly into pro guidance which you act upon and profit from, slowly but surely. Consider it a light-bulb moment when you forgive a deep fear of poverty and all of this professional advice makes perfect sense and even feels fairly easy to execute….most of the time, at least.


Guys; if you harbor deep fears in your mind then successful, pro blogger guidance may as well be Greek to you (for all non-Greek readers). Feel and clear the fear so pro guidance begins to sound possible, do-able, then, fun to work.


Success slowly but surely follows.


4: ONLY Follow Guidance from Pros


Clearing out some fears from your mind reveals: “Oh crap! I’ve been winging it wildly and/or following advice from struggling bloggers. No wonder why I struggled!”


After that Eureka Moment, only follow guidance from seasoned pros, preferably, blogging tips bloggers. A genuine blogging tips mentor points out your errors and offers corrections to get you on the right track. DO ONLY THAT.


Put these non pro tactics in your rear view mirror for good:


  • link sharing threads
  • comment sharing threads
  • social media sharing threads
  • blindly pitching your business to strangers
  • buying cheap, worthless traffic
  • blogging on free platforms


Begin working these pro tactics:


  • publish 1200-1500 word, long form, targeted blog posts bursting at the seams with practical tips
  • engage in genuine blogger outreach
  • listen to and serve your readers with empathy
  • monetize through multiple income channels


5: Invest Money in THEIR Products and eBooks


Since you trust their free advice it is time to do as successful bloggers do: invest money in their premium resources to feel like a pro, to take your blogging education seriously and to follow rich, detailed, comprehensive guides for becoming a successful blogger.


Smart bloggers invest money in their blogging education. Consider it to be paying your blogging tuition.


Seasoned veterans offer their best, most-detailed guides as premium online courses and eBooks.


Put your struggles behind you by investing your money where your mouth is. Invest in your blogging education to follow the best, success-promoting advice from full-time bloggers.




Any of you can follow these practical steps now because your power is beyond belief.


Do it now.


Begin thriving.

  1. Foster Senu says:
    at 5:26 pm

    In fact, your actionable steps provide a clear roadmap for overcoming blogging challenges.

    By now, we all know that acknowledging mistakes and seeking professional guidance are key steps to unlocking success in blogging.

    I’ll soon start my blogging journey, so I’m happy to read this insightful post

    Ryan, thanks for sharing this valuable advice!”

  2. Ryan Biddulph says:
    at 10:20 am

    Foster great to see you here my friend. You are on the right blogging track from the beginning.

  3. Harvy James Espellarga says:
    at 4:00 pm

    Having a cool blogging system/strategy in place will skyrocket the rate you can write blog posts or any written content in general. I’m struggling to find the “optimal” blogging strategy.

    This is where number 4 comes in…

    Thanks to Ryan, a seasoned Pro Blogger, I get reminded of the tips I should follow as a new blogger.

    This blog post is a gold mine!

  4. Chris Desatoff says:
    at 12:37 pm

    Hey Ryan (and comment readers),

    That ebook you link to in this post (Creating the Mindset of a Successful Blogger) was one of the first books I bought from you back in the day when you had 100+ ebooks for sale. I enjoyed all the ones I read, but this one on mindset was and still is one of my favorites.

    And now…(15 minutes after I started typing this comment)…and now here I am reading it again on another tab. Good stuff, man. Hope you’re having a fun/relaxing weekend.


  5. Ryan Biddulph says:
    at 3:28 pm

    Excellent job Chris. I am happy to see you blogging patiently and persistently.

  6. Ryan Biddulph says:
    at 3:28 pm

    Harvy great to see you here my friend. You are diving in genuinely, hitting the ground running. I dig it.