Do You Frame AI and Blogging Like This?

  April 15, 2024 blogging tips 🕑 6 minutes read
Grecia, Costa Rica

Grecia, Costa Rica


LinkedIn tells me to rewrite updates with AI.


Medium banned AI articles.


Google bitch smacked AI bloggers as of the latest algorithm update.


AI polarizes.


But framing AI and blogging in a specific way puts this topic to bed for good.


Here’s how to think about AI:


Either you use something which lacks humanity to increase output and make money or it does not appear to make money and increase output so you trash it.


Why did Medium allow AI generated articles until now? Were the higher ups dumb enough to not know that Medium users spun articles with AI-generated content? Of course not; AI generated content appeared to have the potential to make Medium money. But the human Medium reader and creator backlash proved less profitable than the alternative so Medium banned AI-spun content. Medium took a brave stand after profitably waned.


Do you believe that Medium runs a charity? How about Google? Does LinkedIn bleed altruism?


No. No. No.


The world runs on a bottom line of profitability. If something makes money then it makes logical business sense. If something does not make money then it does not make logical business sense. I do things somewhat differently than the world because love, helpfulness and some detachment go into Blogging From Paradise decisions. I still run an online business but it is more for you and less for me. Evidence; me giving away oodles’ worth of free content and not pushing you guys to give me something in return every single time I create something. Few calls to action and even fewer instances of begging, pleading, cajoling, manipulating, bamboozling and all that common online business 101 stuff. Here is my content, course and eBooks; take or leave.


Bloggers who use AI extensively to generate articles do so to increase output and make money. But human backlash spawns bans because making money suffered a profitability hit. Human beings buy stuff, hire people and click on ads. Humans also build referral business. If humans become pissed off at being lied to they affect your profitability.


I love looking at the world for what it is because at least you see the truth.


LinkedIn sees AI as potentially being profitable….for now. If enough users on the network get pissed off they will remove that prompt altogether. Don’t be an idiot guys. You know it’s bound to happen.


Google offered no official stance on AI for a while to see how AI generated posts affected profitability. Well, not so much; Google wiped out AI generated posts from page 1 because the content hurt profitability.


If you can’t quite read between the lines here’s what Google said: AI generated articles adversely affect our trust which lessons our profitability so we will erase these articles from page 1 results.


Now here comes the tough part for bloggers hell bent on being more AI reliant.


Now your fear, desperation, delusion and greed arises.


Now you get to see how your bottom line profitability reigns supreme over the needs of your readers.


Now you get to see how: “But it works!” means “Screw my human readers and their desire for genuine, empathetic, authentic content created by a human who vetted the content with their human experience.”


Walk this highly uncomfortable journey. Squirm. Do what it takes to find your true motivator. See yourself placing output, profits and blogging income over the needs of readers who deeply value human generated content from the heart with empathy, compassion and genuine human experiences.


I hate to break it to you guys but the only reason why you would use more and more AI and less of your mind is because you care about money and not your readers.


The moment you care more about your readers than income you stop using AI and start using the mind that worked beautifully before AI.


Irony alert: over the long haul you will make more money with your mind and less with AI generated posts because your skills earn more trust at a level of scale than something that doesn’t exist.


Plus AI bans will increase when the humans with the money to buy stuff, hire people and build referral business stop reading AI generated blogs.


Most human beings cannot see these realities because unconscious fear in their minds create a blind spot. Evidence of the blind spot appears as a blanket belief that AI is inevitable. But nothing is inevitable in a world of infinite possibility so obviously you’re not thinking clearly.


Why do you not think clearly? Fear in your unconscious mind calls the shots. You’re being a robot, like AI.


Remind yourself that using something artificial to increase profitability is greed. Greedy minds care more about money and less about helping people. That’s the definition of greed folks.


How quickly do you put your bottom line on money and not being truly helpful like LinkedIn, Medium, Google and all big companies of the world which reach a tipping point eventually? If you believe this to be an unfair assumption, why did LinkedIn, Medium and Google not immediately issue media statements denouncing AI or at least banning it the split second big money backed and blitzed AI many months ago?


The answer: the heavies at these companies desired to see if using something artificial could make the companies money.


Forgive these companies for doing as the world does. But never believe that you need to take an identical path to have peace of mind and worldly success. Peace of mind eludes those who use people to get money.


Sure you get a lot of money along with many lawsuits and hellish resistance. Grievances are aired.


But if you put helping people first those folks build your referral business and peace of mind exponentially, organically and passively.


Doesn’t that sound like an enjoyable way to build a thriving business over the long haul?


Big money backed AI many months ago. Now big money hedges its bets. What will the people do?


Each company plays its hand by manifesting its risk tolerance right in front of your eyes.


LinkedIn will try to make money off AI until human LinkedIn users get pissed enough with grievous feedback.


Keep an eye out for that tipping point; notice when the default “rewrite with AI” goes away.


Facebook continues to push AI. But blowback will change that too if the day arrives.


I personally care less about what the big money does because I run the show here.


We do things a little differently here.


I do not condemn these companies for their policies but prefer not to follow their path.


You guys will get my truthful perspective on blogging.


I certainly run a business but dependent on being truly helpful for you.


Do what you wish to do with my content.


Take it or leave it.


Look at big companies of the world and how they use AI.


Do they adopt a similar approach to building business?


No they do not.


They want you to take everything and never leave it because their profitability model depends on manipulation not true helpfulness, creation, detachment and trust.


Most bend over backwards to get you to do something for them which ultimately leads to profitability.


Does someone wanting to use you for money appear to have your best interests at heart?




This forms the foundation for the whole AI movement.


Arguments hinge on increased output, profitability and getting something for nothing.


Note how each seems dependent on individuals or organizations who use AI and not their readers, customers, clients and consumers.


Shouldn’t that tell you something, at least if you’re going to think about it?


Do you want to be just like individuals and organizations who put their bottom line over the needs of human beings who at least up until this point, have somewhat trusted these individuals?


I’ll keep my clear conscience, peace of mind and exponentially increasing blogging success, folks.


Everything here is RI generated.