5 Tips to Move Higher in Blogging Circles

  June 29, 2023 blogging tips 🕑 5 minutes read
Incheon, Korea

Incheon, Korea


I created and sell this blogging course:


How to Get Featured on World Famous Blogs


Enough bloggers asked me how I landed on Forbes before a light bulb went off in my head.


Why not answer your question by creating an online course?


Being seen on world famous blogs requires one to network with well-known bloggers. Yep; that’s tip #1 below.


Networking with well-known bloggers means moving higher in blogging circles, for most, at least. Few beginners venture into pro blogger circles. Most feel comfy-cozy networking with beginner, struggling bloggers. Birds of a feather scenario. Pros seem scary to approach. But overcome this fear you must to rocket higher in circles in order to accelerate your blogging success.


The old blogging me networked with struggling bloggers. I connected with new bloggers and veterans having a tough blogging time because it felt safe. No beginner had experience enough to call me out on my delusions; only seasoned pros could do that.


Do well-known bloggers hang out in struggling blogging circles?


No; they do not.


Thriving bloggers network with thriving bloggers in higher blogging circles.


Struggling bloggers who wish to thrive network with thriving bloggers in higher blogging circles before moving up the ladder.


Of course, moving into higher circles requires a vastly different skill set than chilling with struggling bloggers. Nope; pitching pros link exchanges with the subtlety of a baboon at the height of its heat does not work successfully. If anything, pros block your profile based on these poorly-conceived pitches.


If however you learn how to network with blogging big dawgs you can and will move higher in blogging circles.


Networking in higher blogging circles:


  • boosts quality blog traffic
  • increases blogging income
  • solidifies blogging credibility


High level pros who endorse you increase your success through the power of association.


Instead of tripping over yourself by trying to do it all solo you gain exposure via a retweet, backlink, interview or guest post invite lobbed your way by a seasoned blogging pro.


Pro bloggers open blogging doors for folks on the come-up.


But networking with big dawgs requires a mindful, nuanced approach to gain trust.


Pros only connect with trusted bloggers. Earning trust is an in-demand skill.


Follow each of these tips below to move higher in blogging circles.


1: Network with Professional Bloggers


Network with pros to move into pro blogging circles.


New bloggers usually cling to fears regarding networking. Why would pros read your blog comments? Why would pros check your emails? Do pros even care if you comment in response to their social media updates? Pros do not notice you sharing their post on Facebook and tagging them, do they?


They do.


I answer that confidently because pros read my comments, replied to me on social media and invited me to guest post on their blog. Pros interviewed me, read my emails and endorsed my eBooks.


Never write off pro bloggers as potential blogging buddies. Do not be intimidated by successful bloggers.


Boldly move into higher blogging circles by networking genuinely with high level bloggers.


Successful bloggers are human, just like you.


Never forget this.


Remember this truth before putting any established blogger on an imaginary pedestal.


2: Publish High Quality Long Form Content


I did not land features on world famous blogs until I published long-form content frequently.


Successful bloggers pulled me up into their circles after I wrote detailed content on the regular.


It’s almost like – generally-speaking – pros don’t allow you into their exclusive blogging club until you deliver long-form content for a bit. Most won’t link to or share anything else since most built their rep on detailed blog posts.


For example, Neil Patel publishes only the highest quality, most thorough, detailed, practical content. He linked to Blogging From Paradise after my genuine comments caught his eye. Knowing his level of backlink quality control, Neil vetted my blog and saw detailed blog posts. I passed the test and scored a seriously powerful backlink from one of the top bloggers on earth.


Long form, quality content positions you to move higher in blogging circles.


Publishing detailed content serves as a rite of blogging passage.


Spot patterns among pros. Most write thorough content. Thinking logically, pros resonate with up and coming bloggers who also publish long-form blog posts.


3: Blog Consistently for a Long Time


No joke; being prolific for a long time elevates you in blogging circles.


Most bloggers quit. Some persist but blog sporadically.


Woody Allen was right; success is mainly about showing up. In a world of no-shows the few who show up consistently shine brightly.


The highest blogging circles consist of bloggers who showed up for a long time.


Showing up is not always easy.  I love blogging. But writing these words at 1:30 AM challenges me a bit. Still though; posts need writing.


Being consistent proves your mettle. High level bloggers appreciate your consistency because each pro knows the drill.


Keeping at it earns their respect and edges you higher in blogging circles.


4: Invest Money to Convey a Professional Image


Invest money to emit a professional image.


Buy your domain and hosting. Let pros know that you blog seriously.


Using free themes reflects a lack of blogging commitment. Why would pros be impressed by a blogger who fears losing $10 per month on hosting? Why would pros admire bloggers who fear losing $20 per year on a domain name?


Buy partial credibility. Purchase your domain and hosting to move higher in blogging circles.


Buy a premium theme or hire a developer to design a custom theme. Play the part to step up the blogging ladder.


Impressing professional bloggers gets easier if you invest money to earn some credibility.


5: Develop the Skill of Giving with No Expectations


Move higher in blogging circles by gaining trust.


Help pro bloggers without expectations. Stop asking pros for favors. Cease asking for their business. Never bother with attempting link exchanges with pros.


Pros trust bloggers who earn their trust. Earn their trust by helping and asking for nothing in return.


When you resist urges to expect anything you do the very thing that earns trust. Help established bloggers. Ask for nothing.


Developing this skill rockets you higher in blogging circles.


In a world of bloggers asking for favors, the generous blogger without any asks becomes highly attractive.




There you have it guys.


Migrate higher in blogger circles with these tips.


Enjoy the benefits of being a connected blogger.

  1. Vishwajeet Kumar says:
    at 9:32 am

    Networking Plays a great role in connecting with like-minded bloggers, Ryan. Blog commenting, Guest posting is one of the best ways to make connections with fellow bloggers and increase your blogging circle. Thanks for sharing this helpful post

  2. Ryan Biddulph says:
    at 3:38 am

    Agreed fully Vishwajeet. Networking expands our collective reach.