Professional bloggers blog persistently.
Blogging is a lengthy marathon not a quick sprint.
Learning how to be a persistent blogger precedes a full time blogging career.
Developing this skill is attainable. The trick is really no trick at all; following powerful steps diligently breeds the habit of being persistent in the mind.
Blogging persistently builds your future full time blogging career. Imagine each long-form post you publish serving as one brick laid for building a blogging mansion. The brilliant blogging mansion rests on single bricks laid persistently over a sustained period of time.
You can do it, guys. As I regularly remind you; if I can do it you can do it too. I am not special, gifted or talented in any way. I did my best to be a “blogging guinea pig” for you to enjoy a smoother, more comfortable journey. I then recorded that information in my blog posts, blogging courses and blogging eBooks to report on what works and what did not work, to help you go pro.
Being persistent is quite fun because one gradually sees the fruits of their blogging work. Seeing it all come together feels thrilling.
For example, Google judges your blog as a full body of blogging work. Persistent bloggers who publish a high volume of long form, targeted content over a period of time rank a steady volume of posts. Even if your posts do not rank your organic traffic through sources other than Google rises significantly over months then years.
Being persistent is all about long term upsides.
I want to guide you to become persistent like a full time blogger. You deserve pro blogger results. Being persistent is a key that unlocks the long-term approach for building something inspired.
Follow these tips to develop pro blogging persistence.
1: Blog for the Fun of Helping People (Mainly)
Blog mainly for the fun of helping people.
Be persistent by falling in love with the blogging process.
Enjoy writing blog posts. Frame blogging as a labor of love. Make the work feel like the reward. See all else as extras.
Loving the blogging process fosters persistence. Why would you quit if you love your work? Why would you give up if you have fun helping people?
No reason exists for lacking persistence if you love blogging.
Nudge outcomes to the side primarily. Set a goal to go pro but do not let that goal dominate your mind. Think about it here and there via your vision (We’ll get to that step in tip #5). Let the process leading to the goal occupy most of your mind.
Pros persist because passion compels pros to go from amateur to full time.
2: Go on a Stats Fast
Go on a stats fast.
Be persistent by releasing a common, persistence-sapping habit.
Check statistics infrequently to move forward, not backwards. Pros check stats but infrequently because no pro looks back to the past 15 times daily. Full time bloggers access power in the present moment. Stare directly at the now. Check stats infrequently to spot patterns. But give most attention and energy to helping people with glee.
How can you move forward if you look back? How can you go pro if you keep reminding yourself of amateur-level metrics? Eventually, pros let go the past results to focus heavily on the process, not outcomes of the process. Think like a blogging pro. Check stats here and there but invest significantly in the blogging process.
As a rule of thumb, statistics form reliable patterns every few months. Day to day fluctuations behave in volatile fashion. Even week to week metrics flash peaks and valleys.
Pump stat checking breaks.
Be persistent by infrequently looking back.
Blog for the long haul by being in the now.
3: Learn Voraciously
Learn how to blog successfully from professionals.
Be a voracious learner to persistently succeed.
Blogging involves learning, practicing and mastering multiple skills. Read leading blogs, invest in blogging courses and eBooks and hire coaches to facilitate learning.
Learning inspires you to blog persistently because you feel informed, confident and clear on knowing what it takes to succeed. Being a learner compels you to teach. Teaching boosts your self-belief.
Learn to persist.
4: Hang Out only with Pro Bloggers
Professional bloggers teach persistence as a force of habit.
Full time bloggers went full time only because pros persisted for the long blogging journey.
Hang out with professional bloggers. Succeed through osmosis by sponging up their habits. Patiently observe their mindset.
I recall attending an internet marketing conference a while back. One pro blogger professed to blogging for years before big worldly success came into form. Another full time blogger said he’d still be blogging 15 years into his career if he had not made a penny. Both became thrived through their general attitude about blogging. Each blogged persistently for years without panicking because both pros trusted self and also trusted in the blogging process.
Being around only bloggers who trust in self and in the blogging process goads you to trust in self and in the blogging process. Network with professionals to take on their qualities. Move into higher blogging circles to strengthen your mindset.
Believe it or not, blogging is an inside game.
Pros teach this often misunderstood truth, and seeming secret, through their example.
5: Create a Vision
Create a vision to persistently blog for the long haul.
Imagine your dream life. How does it appear to be? Step into the picture. Visualize with your five senses, but in the mind.
I dreamed of circling the globe through blogging. Re-visiting this vision influenced me to have fun helping people, to trust in self and to trust in the blogging process.
Your blogging vision guides you over blogging bumps. Seeing your dream from time to time inspires you to be the blogger who lives the dream.
This professional blogger secret accelerates your success exponentially over the long haul because seeing your vision literally pulls you toward that life.
When you know in your mind that this dream life is yours, you keep going. Being persistent becomes a habit.
Be a blogging visionary to become a persistent blogger.
Follow these tips to be a persistent blogger.
See the journey through to go full time.
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