Blogging fears sitting in your mind prevent your success.
I know it seems like obstacles out there hold you back.
But inner fears that people project onto the world create the illusion of outside problems.
In reality – thank goodness – the fears in mind are the beginning and end of all blogging problems.
With that being said, forgiving these fears may require an outside-in approach to gradually unwind the scariness.
Be gentle with yourself.
Migrate within.
Truthfully admit your blogging fears.
Blogging Fears
I partially fear writing and scheduling posts for 10 days out for a few reasons. One reason is fearing that I will not make it to those days; I am not kidding. A little, teeny eeny, weeny part of my egoic mind fears I may die before the post goes live. Dying means I’d have wasted my time scheduling posts. Plus it’d look foolish on some level. Never mind the fact that I’d be dead, or, would have put my body aside.
Anyway, I also fear that I’m not doing enough today if I schedule posts for tomorrow, and next week, today. Do you know what I mean?
Living in the moment feels freeing. Going the 24 hour distance today feels liberating. Who knows what tomorrow brings? Who knows what 5 minutes from now brings?
Being scared about wasting the now to schedule the future plagues my little bitty mind here and there.
How do I overcome each fear?
I think about freedom.
I desire to be free of these worries.
Desiring freedom more than fearing each fear inspires me to write and schedule blog posts.
Of course the annoying little egoic voice for fear shrieks raucously at times. But edging into the voice for fear also lessens its intensity. Edging in to it quiets the fear-voice gradually. But keep edging to get rid of it because shying away from fears makes fear grow in your mind.
What Happens if You Sprint from Your Blogging Fears?
Sprinting from blogging “scares” imprisons you.
For example, if I ran away from fears related to scheduling posts then some aspect of my blog would immediately contract.
Scheduling expands. Publishing fresh, new, long-form content daily for a sustained period of time boosts quality traffic.
Trusting fear immediately contracts that expansion if I ceased writing and scheduling blog posts.
Never mind the worldly downsides of trusting blogging fear.
Focus on the general feeling of being scared.
Does it feel freeing and fun or imprisoning to feel scared?
Does it feel freeing and fun or depressing to observe successful bloggers who conquered their fears to thrive?
On one level, pros may inspire you to defeat fear. But the nagging feeling of:
“Why isn’t that me?!”
also surfaces in the mind when one blogs mainly from the fear of loss.
Benefit of Conquering Blogging Fear
One chief benefit arises from facing blogging fear.
Blogging from an abundance mentality rockets you higher in blogging circles.
Note how some aspiring bloggers help people for free – for a long time – and never seem to panic. This crowd blogs from an abundance mentality. None fear not getting anything in return for helping people. All trust in themselves and in the blogging process. Each knows that giving freely increases exposure and credibility. Success will follow.
Why do aspiring bloggers think this way?
This crowd either conquered the fears bedeviling most by stepping into the energies or in the rarest of cases, never appeared to be programmed with these fears.
Fear Is a Ghost
Fear really is an illusion.
Just because you feel it does not make fear real.
Fear is an emotion created by the ego to honor its death wish. The ego believes that you are a piece of shit; it hates you and wants you to die. The ego loves reporting on people’s deaths when in reality you and I are eternal mind that goes on forever and ever. We do move in and out of bodies but the mind keeps going.
Evidence of the world should be enough to convince you of this murderous egoic trait.
Everyone reading this post knows that edging into fear dissolves the illusion. In one moment, fear seems real. In the next moment, after embracing discomfort, fear is gone. Fear being gone proves that it was never real, save in the egoic section of your mind.
Nudge into fear to purge this egoic chatter in your mind. Organically disprove fear in the process.
Becoming more fearless reveals that it is not there.
There is no need to be a Blogging Buddha to realize this life truth.
Ease into blogging fears today.
Begin the process by admitting what scares you.
Green Lantern Wisdom
I began watching the movie Green Lantern last night for the umpteenth time.
Comic fans skewer the film but I love it for its silliness and also, its powerful message.
Spoiler alert for those living under a comic movie rock; the main character wins in the end because he admits his fears before facing and conquering his fears. Allegedly wise beings blinded by pride, arrogance and delusion did not admit to being afraid and almost caused the destruction of the universe in the process.
My point is this, guys: you need to honestly admit what scares you about blogging before stepping into each fear. Bullshitting yourself buries each fear. Burying each fear creates festering anxiety, worry, hopelessness, grief and guilt.
How does an anxious, worried, hopeless, grief-stricken, guilty blogger blog?
Look around. Observe the average blogger with their blind pitches, deluded timelines and complete detachment from reality.
Do you see what I mean?
Face, feel and release fear in your mind to free yourself from these destructive mental states leading to failure.
Step into abundance.
Free yourself from these fears to be:
- generous
- patient
- persistent
- intelligent
- trusting
Gradually, success will find you but only because you did the inner mental work.
Everything begins when you admit that you are scared about aspects of your blogging campaign.