What Is the Hottest Blogging Niche?

  January 4, 2025 blogging tips 🕑 6 minutes read
Grecia Costa Rica

Grecia Costa Rica


The hottest blogging niche is the one spawning the most true helpfulness and greatest profits 5-10 years from now.


Instead of equating “hottest” with today or 365 days for fleeting income and a trashed reputation think in terms of 5-10 years. Freedom comes from thinking in 5-10 year time frames to create something truly special through 1000’s of work hours. Poverty comes from trying to separate people from their money for the next 365 days.


The demand now may or may not be established prominently. Some people want it now. But most people do not want it right now. Their desire increases based on your vision and careful attention to detail in creating a truly helpful experience through in-depth, practical content. You may even solve a problem that they will face down the road but have not become aware of yet.


Imagine if in 2004 Elon Musk said:


“Are electric cars the hottest niche of 2004?”


Did any of you see charging stations in 2004?


Did you see hundreds of Tesla cars whizzing around major cities in 2004?


No you did not.


Wise entrepreneurs like Elon Musk create a vision based on:


  • true helpfulness meeting a pressing need over the next 5-10 years or even decades
  • long term profit potential over 5-10 years or decades
  • creating the most highly-detailed, highly personalized experience through their business which typically involves 5-10 years to decades


The guy is the richest person in the history of humans.


Tesla is a $1.2 trillion USD market cap company now based on free advertising.


Is it possible that he knows how to build a thriving long term business model?


Is it possible that bloggers chasing the hottest niche for this year do not know how to build a thriving long term business model?


Is it possible that trend-chasers will need to trash their niche next year and start over from scratch with a new niche 365 days from now?


Is it possible that when your business model is based mostly on turning quick profits and not a truly helpful, beneficial, detailed experience cultivated over 5-10 years or decades…..that this business will fail sooner than later?


Chasing Hot Blogging Niches Is Looking for a 365 Day Contract Job


Bloggers who chase hot niches each year sign up for a contract job. At the end of the year these bloggers typically collect meager income from the 365 contract-niche then scramble after the new hot niche to do the same contract job next year then next year then next year. Most quit after 1-2 years. Some quit after 6 months. Some quit after 3 weeks.


Picture building a house of cards in a hurricane to visualize the long term business potential of niche-chasing.


Chasing hot niches to earn substantial long term profits is like trying to climb Mount Everest with your teeth. You make a few measly bucks before being outed as a fraud who chases the next niche. You will need 50 human lifetimes of earning scammer pennies to piece together an “exponential” income increase.


Maximum Blogging Income Originates from 5-10 Year Windows Based on Evergreen Niches


I recall visiting a retirement community in South Carolina.


The homeowner complained about crappy “finishing” work within the house. He ripped his toes open on exposed nails. Windows did not seal properly. A neighbor stole a shower head because builders neglected including one in her home.


The home builder:


  • sold these homes for dirt cheap to maximize profits
  • rushed contractors into doing a shitty job to build more homes and earn more profits at the expense of crafting quality, comfortable, safe homes
  • delivered a semi-rubbish, mediocre experience


The homeowner wanted to make money quickly versus patiently engineering a one-of-a-kind experience which of course would generate wild-fire word of mouth marketing and astounding long term profits.


I often drove outside of that South Carolina neighborhood by old, antbellum homes. A few looked as new as their original build date in the late 1800’s. Why? Antebellum home builders typically focused on doing high quality work with serious craftsmanship to offer a one-of-a-kind experience. Time and money were not spared during this process. No rushing. No hurrying. No cheaping out.


How Do You Blog?


Do you hurry to maximize profits now?


Or do you think more like Elon?


Do you think like someone who wants to offer the optimal experience to readers, customers and clients?


Stretch out your blogging time frames from 5-10 years. Or get a job to cover bills, to comfortably stretch out blogging time frames from 5-10 years. Or quit blogging all together and go work a job to make money.


Do not try to force income through your blog. Impossible. Imagine Tesla trying to reach a $1.2 trillion USD market cap from 2004 to 2005. Impossible.


Businesses never spit out exponential increase fast because it requires many thousands of work-hours to create and master the ***content, products and services which do that for you***.


Most niche chasers totally screw up because none understand the prior bold sentence. Most believe that the hot niche makes the big money but it never does. The bigger money, the freedom, comes from spending 1000’s of hours creating the content which earns you the credibility to generate big money and freedom.


Can you squeeze 15,000 hours into 365 days?


No you cannot.


This is why hot niche chasing is pure folly.


Trying to achieve the impossible leads to disappointment.


What Is the Solution?


Click this link:


How to Pick a Blogging Niche 


for your solution.


I wrote that highly-detailed blog post based on evergreen fundamentals. If you need to choose a niche in 2005, 2025 or 2035 the tips in that post are 100% accurate at every time because:


  • human psychology is timeless; it is identical in 2005, 2025 or 2035
  • I based those niche selection tips on your human psychology and reader human psychology


Think long haul to experience:


  • exponential success
  • freedom
  • fulfillment by offering readers true helpfulness


Frequently Asked Questions


Will My Bounce Rate Increase for this Post?




Greed and desperation do not prefer to hear the truth.


What Niche Makes the Most Money Right Now?


Any niche based on you:


  • making the biggest promises
  • offering the smallest amount of value
  • attracting the attention of greedy, desperate people why buy your line of bull crap
  • attracting the hate of greedy, desperate people who begin campaigns to out you as a fraud, scammer and cyber scumbag


You make a little bit of money quickly but lose your reputation just as quickly and then completely disappear yourself from that niche. Perhaps you pick the next hot niche and repeat the quick profits / quick hate process until you realize how much you hate yourself deep down and stop hurting people by lying to them to get their money.


At that point, you follow my blogging advice above to be legit or move on from blogging.


Is Every Post on Blogging From Paradise Evergreen? Did I Pick an Evergreen Niche?


Yes, pretty much.


If blogging, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, blog commenting and guest blogging go away it is because a meteorite wiped out life on planet earth, almost certainly. 7 billion smoldering corpses cannot write blog posts or read blog posts so all is irrelevant at that point.


In all truthfulness, human psychology will never change so the fundamental steps I teach are mostly evergreen. If billions read, blogging remains relevant. Will billions stop reading in 1, 5 or 10 years? No. Billions would only stop reading if 7 billion people and their governments all agreed that words were useless and that video, audio and mind speak would completely eradicate the written-typed word in 1, 5 or 10 years.




Not probable though, is it?




The hottest blogging niche reaches its highest temperatures in 5-10 years if not beyond.


Choose one with some demand now which mushrooms based on your content, consistency and true helpfulness.


Your Turn


What do you think?


Share your comments below.


Do you find some success by chasing hot blogging niches year over year?


Or do you prefer the slow and steady approach to experience exponential success over many years?