I know the temptation to nab inorganic backlinks as a new blogger seems great.
Driving organic backlinks sounds like work!
There has to be a way to get around the work, right?
Maybe these backlink building schemes actually work…..you ponder.
Pay a few bucks.
Grab quick traffic.
Beg a few bloggers.
Gain easy traffic.
Trade via schemes with bloggers.
Capitalize on fast traffic.
Not so fast.
Hold your horses.
Inorganic backlinks are cheap, easy and fast for a good reason.
Here’s why: if anyone can do it easily no demand exists for it. If no demand exists for links it means the links offer no genuine value. Nobody really reads these blogs. Nobody really follows these blogs. No steady organic traffic, blogging income and referral traffic and/or referral income flows through these blogs.
No blogger with a:
- loyal blogging community
- substantial organic traffic
- steady blogging income
would sell that out for 20 bucks, a favor for a struggling blogger or a trade-off with an utter stranger. Successful bloggers are not insane. Struggling bloggers do make foolish choices, though.
Think about this; would you trust a blogger who valued their:
- reputation?
- traffic?
- credibility?
- blogging income?
- online business?
for $5 USD?
I certainly don’t!
I think these bloggers are nice people. I have zero problems with how each earns a living. I even commend their hustle. But their personality, choice of business and work ethic does not make their strategies:
- heavy organic traffic builders
- highly credible
- springboards catapulting bloggers into higher circles
- proven tactics for driving consistent Google trafficÂ
- steady blogging income builders
I condemn no one. But I do not trust the credibility of their backlink schemes. Taking shortcuts doubles your blogging workload and your blogging journey. Buying links, trading links or begging for links are shortcuts. Skipping the work of publishing in-depth posts screws you down the road. How can you gain organic backlinks without having content worthy to link to?
Would you trust a blogger who values their blog so little to the point of linking out to absolute strangers?
Would you trust a blogger who struggles so mightily to get any traffic that they beg bloggers for backlinks?
I hate to sound harsh. I intend to condemn no one here.
But it is time for the backlink truth to have its day.
Struggling veterans, new bloggers and the few with modest success err in chasing inorganic backlinks. Inorganic links basically become fool’s gold. No human traffic or income originates on blogs sold for 10 bucks, bartered or begged for. What does a backlink with no human traffic or income potential offer you?
No human traffic and no blogging income!Â
That’s what it gives you.
Organic backlinks are the only links that matter.
Highly-detailed, in-depth blog posts drive organic backlinks. Publishing this type of content takes year’s worth of practice. No blogger possesses the skills, confidence and clarity to publish this type of post with little to no practice. Getting quality backlinks naturally is do-able but difficult. Most quit at the difficulty instead of persisting until they do it.
Go for these links to:
- gain credibility
- drive Google traffic
- build powerful bonds with successful bloggers
- move higher in blogging circles
Check out why organic links beat inorganic links silly.
Organic Backlinks
Organic backlinks point to your blog based on your:
- skills
- credibility
- exposure
- expertise
- authority
Few bloggers exercise the discipline, practice and repetition to rise to the top of their niche. Select bloggers nab the highest quality links for this reason; doing so requires immense work executed for many years.
Organic backlinks flow to the most helpful, authentic, credible bloggers in the world. Organic link builders are masters. Leaders out-practice everyone else. Pros never take shortcuts.
Natural backlinks demonstrate your merit which positions you to drive organic traffic and blogging income.
My Experience
Consider this “day in the life” aspect of my 16 year’s worth of blogging practice to get what I mean.
I wrote this post in 60 minutes.
But it took me 15,000 blogging practice hours to be able to write this post in 60 minutes.
Now I spend 60 minutes to write the post after practicing for 15,000 plus hours. I could not write this type of post 16 years ago because I had no practice or experience as a beginner. I had not earned it at that time.
I earned the right to do it by giving much of the past 16 years to mastering my blogging craft. I assure you; it was not easy at times. I faced great difficulties during various stretches. But I gutted it out to earn my credibility.
Since I earned that right I also gained high quality backlinks from:
- Neil PatelÂ
- Virgin
- Market Watch
- Forbes
- Fox News
all of whom organically linked to me. I pitched no one. I asked no one. I begged no one. I traded with no one. Neil and contributors from each site emailed me:
“Hi Ryan, I linked to your blog. Check it out here.”
Natural backlinks from the top bloggers on earth flow to credible bloggers who practiced their ass off and earned the right to those links.
Organic links win because your:
- true helpfulness
- value-added content
- detailed blog posts
- granite-like relationships established through genuine blogger outreach
spawn the backlinks passively from respected bloggers.
Seek organic backlinks by not seeking backlinks.
Fall in love with the process of helping people with detailed, practical content.
Enjoy serving high level bloggers through a generous blogger outreach campaign.
Organic links build:
- high quality traffic
- blogging income
- Google trust
Imagine the backlink from Neil Patel Dot Com pointing to Blogging From Paradise Dot Com.
Neil’s readers perceive him to be one of the best bloggers in the world. His backlink goaded some of his readers to trust me as an elite blogger; success by association.
Ditto for my backlink and guest post on Search Logistics by Matthew Woodward.
Matthew is one of the elite SEO specialists on earth.
He linked to me based on the value I share here along with the comments I published on his blog.
Organic backlinks are earned which generates the highest level of success for all blogs involved.
Inorganic Backlinks
Inorganic backlinks point to your blog based on your:
- mendicant ways
- manipulation
- money
Any blogger can beg for links via their cyber tine cup.
Any blogger can manipulate people or pay money for links.
If anyone can do it YOU never want to do it.
Where’s the value?
Where’s the help.
Where’s the service?
Where’s the practice?
Where’s the skills?
Where’s the mastery?
No where!
How do you earn credibility by begging someone for a link? Begging proves your lack of credibility. Bloggers who skipped the work of patiently publishing detailed content for a while lack cred. Begging any blogger under the sun for links earns you nothing but the Scarlet Letter “S” for Spam.
Trading schemes occur in lower blogging circles.
How it works: bloggers with little (or no) human traffic and scant income potential ask bloggers in the same boat (barely any human readers and blogging income) to trade links pointing to blogs with little human traffic and blogging income.
What do both bloggers get?
Little human traffic and blogging income.
Being graphic to get the point across, imagine two dog walkers handing each other bags of dog poop, two pet sitters passing in the night.
Perhaps that seems harsh but you can take getting knocked over the blogging head with something called “the truth”.
How will you understand why seeking inorganic backlinks is a bad idea unless you understand exactly what these links are?
Would you pay 10 bucks for a link if you understood that almost no humans read these blogs?
Of course you would pay a penny for a human lacking human traffic.
Cheap blogs have almost no human readers.
Expensive blogs has many human:
- readers
- customers
- clients
- brand advocates
On a side note, blogger involved in these schemes may claim high traffic but it is almost always bots.
Bots do not have:
- bank accounts
- Paypal accounts
- Venmo accounts
Humans do.
Humans drive:
- engagement
- referral traffic
- referral business
Human traffic migrates from blog to blog via organic backlinks.
Nothing sentient travels from blog to blog between inorganic backlinks save for the rarest of cases.
Organic backlinks flow to you based on your credibility.
Inorganic backlinks point to your blog based on your futility.
Make gaining organic backlinks your link-building goal.
Put inorganic backlink schemes behind you for good.