Do You Prioritize Your Blog?

  February 3, 2025 blogging tips 🕑 5 minutes read
Kalkan Turkey

Kalkan Turkey


Do you make your blog the priority?


I admit; I put my blog on the back burner for a short stretch before learning my lesson. Social media became way too important to me important. I assumed that accessing half of the planet’s population seemed more important than making my blog the center of my universe.


My mentality changed with waning success.


Owners thrive.


Renters do not. Renters pay owners to live on their real estate.


Think long and hard about this analogy. Look closely at your blog. Do you think like an owner who runs everything through their blog? Do you prioritize your blog? Do you create content consistently for your blog?


Do you understand that the money you make or fail to make depends primarily on blog posts? Blogs serve as the ultimate credibility builder.


Or do you prioritize Google? That’s common. Bloggers make Google the center of their universe. What happens with each algorithm update? Heartbreak happens. Bloggers flip out with each algorithm change because Google determines their traffic and income. Google is fickle. Algorithm changes shift like the tide. Depending on Google for your income it’s like building a mansion on quicksand unless your blog is a highly trusted resource. Once again, the blog needs to be a priority to make Google a half dependable quality traffic and income source.


I do not set the algorithm at Google because I do not own the site.


I own Blogging From Paradise Dot Com.


I run the show here. I control this site. I create the content for this site. I establish the “algorithm”. I set the rules here.


Run everything through your blog. Make your blog the centerpiece of your online business. Run the show. Set the rules. Control every aspect of your site.


Posturing Problem


Bloggers usually bow down to Google. Most believe that income flows from the search engine king. But this is not true. Income flows from your blog because your credibility determines your results. Blog posts are far and away the number one credibility builder because you tailor those specifically to your liking for your highly targeted reader.


Google serves as one of many marketing channels through which traffic and income can be had. People use many other sites to access solutions. Billions of human beings use social media. Learning how to communicate with these individuals taps you in to over half the planet’s population.


But never let that number change your priorities.


Make your blog the source. Success comes from your blog but through various channels off-site. Let this idea seep deeper into your mind. Make it apart of your blogging strategy. Build your blog on this foundational concept. Don’t chase traffic from sites that you do not own. Never prioritize any site outside of your blog.


Bloggers who lack posture do not maintain the confidence necessary to prioritize their blogs. I think all of us have bowed to Google, social media and other off-site sources at the expense of our blogs at one time or another.


You own your blog. You set the rules. You run the show. Not so with any off-site source because you do not pay for the domain and hosting.


Notice how world famous sites prioritize themselves. Or the owners prioritize their sites. Never do these individuals lack posture. You never saw Mark Zuckerberg attempt to build up his massive following through Twitter did you? After Elon Musk bought Twitter he did not turn to Facebook as his prime traffic source did he?


Why do most bloggers never think like this?


Most bloggers lack confidence resulting in posture loss.


Fearing that your blog is not enough scares you to scramble towards off-site sources instead of building up your blog to be the center of your online business universe.




See your blog as a Redwood tree trunk. See the roots as your domain and hosting. See the branches as off-site traffic sources.


The roots hold the trunk in place. Investing in your domain and hosting guarantees ownership. The trunk is the foundation. Your blog is the trunk. Off site sources like Google, social media and guest blogging are just channels or tributaries which means they are not the priorities.


Concentrate on the trunk first.


Roots cannot hold a rotting trunk upright. Even the strongest root system cannot overcome trunk degradation and gravity. Can branches grow from a dying trunk? No way.


Consider the epic life cycle of a Redwood tree. These suckers last for such a long time in part because of the granite-like nature and diameter of the tree trunk. Typhoons could not blow down a Redwood tree trunk. 🌀


Do you think a Google algorithm update can wipe out the highest quality blog? Of course not! High level blogs drive traffic through all types of sources based on the dazzling nature of the blog posts which draw traffic from social media and a heavy array of quality backlinks.


Make your blog A1.




Visitors judge your blog based on its content.


Loyal readers, customers and clients buy in figuratively and literally based on the quality, depth and targeted nature of your blog posts.


Everything has to run through here in order to drive organic traffic and blogging income.


Building a loyal tribe hinges on publishing a high quality collection of blog posts.


It’s your site. It’s your reputation. It’s your blog. You own it.


Why would you prioritize anything else when this is your site?


Why would you chase Google traffic when you own a blog and can drive traffic through an unlimited array of channels to the blog?


All roads lead to Rome and Blogging From Paradise Dot Com. My mentality for the past 11 years never changed minus a few non posturing moments that I mentioned above.


Everything comes to me. Everything flows here. I built up this blog first. I gradually established traffic sources to this blog through a variety of methods over the past 11 years.


Why did I prioritize my site more than the sources?


What would have happened if I created dazzling off-site content but put my blog on the back burner? Visitors from those traffic sources would have sprinted from a low quality blog. A heavy volume of people impressed with my off-site content would have bounced instantly based on the lack of quality content here because I back burnered it.


Go ahead. Neglect your blog and see how long people stick around.


Make your blog A1.


Prioritize it.


Publish long form, practical content for your targeted reader.


Build up your home base to thrive.