I noted a few sales of this eBook recently:
7 Steps to Build a Full Time Income Earning Blog
The sales are higher than my other eBooks as of late.
7 Steps is not so much the hottest or trending Blogging From Paradise eBook.
But an obvious blogging pattern seems to be developing here.
Bloggers want the eBook currently more than other eBooks I sell.
Noting this clear pattern compelled me to lead off the blog post by mentioning the eBook. Why not put more eyes on the read if people are buying it as of late?
Bloggers want to be baby-stepped through the process of building a full time income earning blog. Evidence of this desire currently reflects back to me as a clearly obvious pattern of bloggers who purchase the eBook, read the eBook, enjoy its content then brainstorm various income-related aspects of their blogging campaign.
Ride the Wave
If your readers want something keep giving it to them.
If your readers buy something keep promoting that online course or eBook more than your other online courses or eBooks.
Spot what:
- readers
- customers
- clients
Fan the flames under their collective desire by giving more attention and energy to the sellers and less to the non-sellers.
Ride the wave.
Listen to reader feedback.
Spot patterns like:
- sales
- traffic
- comments
- social shares
- positive customer reviews
to give greater attention and energy to:
- best-sellers
- increased sales through specific online courses or eBooks
- positively reviewed products and services
Avoid Attaching to Anything
Giving greater attention and energy to 7 Steps does not mean attaching heavily to the eBook from fear, greed or desperation.
Do your best to avoid making the common error of letting fear in the mind bind you to some increased sales as a magical source of all blogging income.
It’s never the thing itself but your mindset about the thing.
For example, I am currently noting more people:
- buying the eBook
- enjoying the eBook
- using the eBook to stimulate ideas about blog monetizing
compared to my other eBooks.
My thought process observes people receiving benefit from something.
Organically, I give more attention and energy to that something to help more people thoroughly.
Increased income is one worldly benefit of following this simple process.
But it is not the eBook or the money that makes the pro blogger.
Mindset, careful observation, solving reader problems, targeting your campaign and spotting clear patterns to be truly helpful preceded the blogging income boost.
Look Closely at Your Blog Now
What patterns do you observe?
What posts generate more comments? Study those posts closely. Spot success cues.
What eBooks generate more sales? Study those eBooks closely. Spot success cues. Give these reads more promotional attention and energy to help more people as you generate more sales.
Now….here’s the uncomfortable part.
Look closely at blogging activities that yield no growth, movement, engagement, traffic or income.
Pay attention to eBooks that never generated a single sale.
Note blogging products or services that nab nil attention.
I do not advise you to trash everything that does not appear to be working. Time, work and some tweaks can boost interest, traffic and sales.
But a long, patient, honest look at non-fruitful aspects of your blogging campaign can reveal what you need to stop doing to free up:
- time
- attention
- energy
- space
- creativity
for what is working in terms of attention, traffic, engagement and sales.
Practical Example
Careful observation revealed that publishing a high volume of helpful content related to blogging tips across a range of my channels drummed up stronger interest in my blog, blogging online courses and blogging eBooks.
Closely analyzing my guest blogging campaign as of the prior few years revealed that these guest posts did not typically generate as strong an interest in my blog, blogging online courses and blogging eBooks.
I decided to free up substantial time and energy by suspending my guest blogging campaign to use that time and energy to publish blogging tips related content – adding the #bloggingtips hashtag on social media posts – to do more of what worked and to stop doing what did not bring returns.
Logically, this is a simple process to follow.
Emotionally, this can be an uncomfortable process to follow because it entails expressing fear, stretching open your mind and being flexible in your approach.
I felt guilty about not guest blogging. But I eventually realized that feeling and letting go the guilt and lesser traffic and income made more sense to make room for more enjoyable blogging activities that generated more blogging traffic and income.
Plus, I can still express my writing self through Blogging From Paradise versus guest blogging opportunities.
Readers Customers and Clients Can Show You the Way
The intuition generally leads you away from the popular approach yet this voice is highly practical.
The intuitive voice can simply guide you to spot patterns from readers, customers and clients and to give greater attention and energy to what they enjoy, buy or hire you for.
If eBook sales increase for 1 or 2 particular eBooks just promote those eBooks a bit more daily. Give more readers the opportunity to receive greater benefits from the eBooks. Organically, your blogging income will increase in the process. Everyone wins when you listen closely to the intuition.
Readers, customers and clients are a rich source of blogging feedback. Note what they love. Give them more of what they love.
If they love it then more people will love it when you expand, scale and keep doing what appears to be working.
Do Not Trust the Closed-Minded Ego
Imagine if I began the day with this idea:
“I want to promote these specific eBooks to boost these specific sales.”
Holding that idea rigidly in my mind would have blinded me from spotting the pattern of increased 7 Steps sales.
The close-minded ego cannot spot what readers, customers and clients want because it only sees what it wants.
You cannot serve two masters.
You can only listen to the voice of the intuition – which knows the good for all – or the voice of the ego which only wants to preserve itself.
You cannot observe reader feedback when you do only what you want to do.
Parking your ego at the curb reveals success-accelerating patterns for careful, close observation.
If they are buying one product at a greater clip don’t spend hours promoting other products. Spend most time promoting what they’re buying and a little time promoting other products.
Go with what’s selling to help more people and to increase your blogging income.
In the process, give some time, attention and energy to promoting products that generate fewer sales. Never write off anything completely unless you believe the product is rubbish or 100% irrelevant.
Train your mind to carefully spot blogging patterns.
Keep doing what works to help more people and to accelerate your blogging success.