Do You Need a Blogging Kick in the Pants Now?

  May 22, 2023 blogging tips 🕑 5 minutes read
London, UK

London, UK


We all need a blogging kick in the pants sometimes.


Wake up calls shock bloggers into much-needed change.


I am not immune from requiring a shot to the blogging stones in order to move forward. I reached this point courtesy of some “cold water in the face” moments. Each seeming shock either arrived self-administered or perhaps from readers, customers or clients.


Case in point; a little while back I felt an intuitive nudge to bump up my publishing schedule on Blogging From Paradise.




Observing my campaign revealed how fear dominated too many of my publishing decisions. I feared annoying readers, overloading my server and burning out.


But based on intuition’s guidance I fielded reader feedback; turns out, a healthy chunk of Blogging From Paradise readers loved my daily blog posts. Give the people what they want, eh?


Paying close attention to highly prolific bloggers gave me the blogging kick in the pants that I needed to move forward.


Wake Up Call


That’s how blogging works. In one moment, you appear to be cruising along peacefully amid your fear-based, ignorant errors.


In the next moment, seeing your blog honestly offers you a swift kick in the gullions to move in a successful blogging direction.


Deeply valuing your blog may wake you up.


Seeing a self-hosted blog as a trusted resource often motivates bloggers to get to work in order to capitalize on said resource.


Self-Hosted Blogs Are Valuable Resources


Whether you are a blogging tips blogger, a travel blogger or a developer who blogs, everyone needs a nudge, a push and a reminder that your self-hosted blog is a special gift.


Bloggers own their online real estate. Branding potential is unlimited. Bloggers – and developers – can customize their blogs in whatever fashion they please.


Owners become the most powerful, successful people on earth. Observe owners offline. Check out online business owners that branch out into something epic, like Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg.


Unfortunately though, most bloggers forget or flat out ignore the power in owning your own corner of online real estate. Sometimes you need a nudge to act, to serve and to help through your blog because you can do so much good, help so many people and experience great worldly success through your blog.


Publish a Post


Publish a post today. Go ahead. Do it. Remember the fun, freedom and liberation you set out to experience through blogging.


Even if you run a heavy service-based business model you can still use blogging to brand yourself, to diversify your income streams and to add a passive income element to your online business model. Everything depends on your commitment to publishing helpful content regularly.


Generous servants outdistance all other bloggers.


Be truly helpful to have fun. Have fun to become successful.


Everything changes with your mindset shift.


Get After It


Go ahead. Do it. Get after it. Write and publish a helpful post to solve your reader’s problems.


Think about your freedom. Think about how sharing your knowledge helps readers suffering through major problems.


You never know how you change the world every time you publish a post.


You never know who reads your posts and how your content improves their lives.


Lurkers Await in the Cyber Shadows


Some people seem to be lurkers.


Lurkers never comment on your posts, never message you on social media and remain completely hidden during the entirety of your – and their – online career.


Lurkers literally do not exist in the minds of bloggers because lurkers never reveal themselves.


But rest assured, you are helping lurkers because these folks diligently follow your blog for a good reason.


Even if you never become aware of lurkers these folks deeply appreciate how your blog posts changed their lives for the better.


I get emails from readers who had followed me for years before reaching out to me for the first time.


Shyness cripples some readers. Other readers feel no need to reach out to me because most humans benefit from blogs, eBooks and courses without ever communicating with bloggers.


Remember these folks.


People are listening.


People follow your blog despite the fact engagement seems low through comments, social media chats and other channels.


Keep blogging. Keep going.


Be a bright light for the blogging world.


Hold Your Dreams Tightly


Remember your dreams too.


Blogging turns into something special if you treat blogging specially for 1000s of hours.


Blogging helps you live your most fun, freeing dreams through this most powerful of mediums.


But you need to put in the time, effort and energy to make blogging pop because blogging gives you what you give blogging.


Remember this mirror effect to become the blogger you were always meant to be.


Prepare for Some Bumps


Blogging gets bumpy sometimes.


However, each struggle reveals fear to you.


Train your mind to face, feel and release fears to move on toward greater success.


Blogging is an inward journey.


Give yourself a little kick in the blogging pants here and there by reminding yourself of this simple truth.


Be Patient


Be patient guys.


Bloggers need a kick in the blogging pants from time to time because humans lose steam.


Be gentle with yourself. Everyone needs their own love and care.


Mindfully assess whether or not you need to move in a different direction. Everyone experiences these types of wake up calls.


But being patient with yourself is the only way to spot blogging errors. Nothing changes until you see your mistakes. Spotting blogging mistakes is a matter of patient, careful observation.




Give yourself a swift kick in the blogging pants sometimes.


Or pay close attention to readers who egg you on from an uplifting, supportive perspective.


Everyone needs a good, old-fashioned, blogging wake up call from time to time.

  1. Chris Desatoff says:
    at 4:34 pm


    I’m not much for kink, but I will gladly take that virtual blogging boot-to-the-butt anytime, man. =)

    I love daily blogs and vlogs. It’s frustrating to me when I fire up my laptop in the morning and don’t really know where to go, what to read, who to watch.

    From time to time there will be a blog or vlog that will have daily content that speaks to me, and having that as part of my daily routine really does have an impact on my mental health. I’ve experienced that.

    Anyway, happy to see you enjoying this prolific streak, Ryan. And I appreciate you making BFP a daily thing again. That’s not easy to keep up with.

    Have a great week, Ryan!

    – Chris

    PS: to all the “lurkers” lol – hey guys, we love ya.

    I myself have sat and stared at my blinking cursor in an empty comment box while nothing comes out – more times than I could count. LITERALLY thousands of times, easily.

    Professional lurker, here.

    And it’s no big deal. Comment or no comment, you are appreciated either way. You folks have a great week too =)

  2. Ryan Biddulph says:
    at 9:13 am

    Chris you have helped me make some bold and freeing decisions over the prior weeks, including triggering some deep, pulsating fears in my mind. How? You guiding me to step it up via your feedback is influencing me to take my own medicine. Thank you for that.

  3. Chris Desatoff says:
    at 1:04 pm

    Your comment here made my day, dude. I’m so happy to help. You inspire me and so many other people too. It makes me feel pretty good to be able to return the favor in some way.

    You help us.
    We help you.
    That’s the deal.

    And it’s a pretty good deal =)

  4. Ryan Biddulph says:
    at 6:03 am

    Good deal indeed bro!