Do You Fall Prey to this Common Blogging Income Meme?

  May 21, 2023 blogging tips 🕑 5 minutes read
London, UK

London, UK


Bloggers fall prey to a common meme concerning income.


Some believe that blogging for fun disqualifies one from profiting financially.


Bloggers believe that you need to choose one or the other.


Either blog for fun and make no money or blog for money and stop having fun.


As with all memes, this limiting belief is not true.


Bloggers can blog for fun and make money.


In truth, blogging for fun is the direct way to make money. When the work is the reward all else feels like a bonus. Being happy to blog detaches you from outcomes like traffic and money. Being detached invests you in the process. Being invested in the process makes your blog irresistible to money…..eventually.


Odd Blogger Question


For odd reasons, bloggers ask other bloggers if one needs to blog for fun or money, as if only one choice exists in a universe of abundance.


Think; can you have it all? Or can you have just one thing?


Do you need to pick one or the other? Who taught you that? Who said that one can only have fun or make money but not enjoy both choices?


Odd limiting beliefs get passed down for many generations in the ego.  People condition people to believe in lack, scarcity and poverty.  The fun-money “Sophie’s Choice” scenario is one such decision to be let go immediately.


Why Can You Have Both?


Anyone can blog for fun.


Blogging to enjoy the process of helping people is a mental choice.


For example, I write posts to enjoy helping people. Making this decision comes from me, using my power of will. You and I choose what to think, ya know? No blogging robots exist….save AI.


Anyway, anyone can choose to have fun with any endeavor. Blogging is one such endeavor.


What about the money part?


Money is a neutral means of exchange people pass back and forth for receiving something, some product or some service.


Emphasize the word “neutral”.


Neutral is not good or bad, right or wrong, the best thing or the worst thing, loving or evil, hard or easy. Neutral is just neutral. No emotional charge clings to neutral ideas because it just is.


If money is neutral and if you can have fun blogging you can receive a neutral means of exchange for having fun with your blogging campaign.


Where the Problem Begins


The ego mind assigns:


  • fear
  • straining
  • striving
  • seriousness
  • heaviness
  • toil
  • tension


to the neutral means of exchange that we call “money”.


Fear does not seem fun. Straining does not seem fun. Striving, seriousness, heaviness, toil and tension do not seem fun.


This is where the problem begins. Listening to, trusting in and being guided by the voice of fear in the mind telling you that money is hard work, straining and striving creates an instant disconnect in the mind between blogging for fun and blogging for money. In one moment, blogging seems like a fun venture. But if you choose to assign fear, tension and stress to the money-making process you will make blogging an either-or scenario.


In this moment of misunderstanding you begin making choices versus deciding to have fun and receive money in the process.


In truth, blogging is an inside game. As you think and feel in mind so shall you act. Your actions and feelings bring specific results.


Shifting from the fun or money debate to the fun and money choice is one necessary shift to make to go pro.


You Need to Blog for Fun to Make Money (to Enjoy the Ride)


Not only is the “fun or money” debate not really a debate, but if you want to enjoy the blogging ride you need to blog for fun to make money.




Making the work feel like a fun reward sustains you during the appearance of droughts.


For periodic blogging stretches, nothing seems to happen with traffic and income. Your content is top shelf. Connections? Strong. Income channels? Check.


But 20 people visit your blog daily and no one has bought your eBooks for the past 6 months.


What gives?


Nothing gives.


Good things take time, patience and generous service. That’s reality.


Blogging for fun keeps you blogging during the 6 months when no one bought your eBooks because fun not eBook sales drives you. Blogging for fun keeps you blogging when no one reads your blog because fun drives you, not people reading your blog.


Inner drivers position bloggers to blog for a long time before success arrives; it will be a long time before you go pro.


This is why blogging for fun and profits is required if you want to succeed and enjoy blogging.


Is There Another Way?


Yes; some blog mainly to make money.


Most of these money-chasers fail. Making money requires patiently developing skills, credibility and exposure. But since beginner bloggers have no skills, credibility and exposure the newbies make no money. What happens when someone driven by money sees no money through their blogging efforts? Most quit quickly. A few stragglers quit 6, 12 or perhaps 18 months into their blogging careers. A few more quit 2-3 years into their blogging careers.


If you blog for something that you will not see for a long time you will quit blogging in most cases, sooner than later.


A few rare bloggers struggle, strain and strive in a joy-less journey of manipulation, coercion and persuasion.


Does that sound like a worthy goal?


Do you believe that blogging should be using people for money?


Do you feel that a depressing, stressful, unhappy sprint toward money makes for a fulfilling blogging career?


Do yourself a favor.


Blog for fun and money.


Succeed by having fun helping people for a while.


Make the work the reward.


Position yourself to succeed.




Blog for fun and money.


Enjoy the freeing, long-haul blogging journey.


Succeed by creating the mindset of a successful blogger.


Make the blogging work the reward.


The money comes when you get lost in enjoying the process of helping people for a while.

  1. Luke Young says:
    at 7:13 am

    Great post, Ryan!

    100% agree here, and there definitely needs to be an element of fun and LOTS of it!

    Having fun and patience will naturally lead to bigger and better things.

    Happy blogging, all!


  2. Ryan Biddulph says:
    at 9:14 am

    Having fun and being patient are super duper blogging powers Luke. Once you enjoy it and stick with it all else seems to fall into place.