Do you need blogging help?
Everyone needs some blogging help on this journey.
Blogging involves many moving parts. Blogging seems to be many skills sitting under the umbrella of one skill.
Goodness knows that I seek help at times. Bloggers need to learn to change with the times.
Beginner bloggers require help more than anyone. Newbies have much to learn.
Figuring out the help you need sets the tone for getting valuable assistance.
Decide on the Type of Help
First, determine the type of help.
Do you need more traffic and income?
Ask professional bloggers for advice on what to do to get more traffic and income.
Do you need other bloggers to actively help you drive greater traffic and income?
Help other bloggers drive traffic and income by promoting their blogs through social media and your blog.
Ask Pros for Advice Then Get to Work
Ask a professional about how to get blog traffic then get to work on earning blog traffic.
Never ask pros to do the work for you. Most ignore your request because you cannot get something for nothing.
Never beg a pro to do blogging work for you. Ask professionals what work YOU need to do in order to succeed. Get advice then busy yourself acting on the advice to succeed.
Blog traffic responds well to skilled bloggers. New bloggers create and connect patiently to become skilled. Skipping the work skips the skills-development process. In essence, skipping work robs you of the opportunity to succeed.
Ask for help on what to do in order to succeed. Help yourself by doing what you’ve been advised to do in order to succeed.
This doing process takes a while, folks.
Kick back, relax and put in time and work to help yourself to a thriving blogging career.
Be open to receiving advice. Be willing to be taught. Act on your blogging lessons to help yourself succeed.
Allow this process to imprint upon your mind to let go the desire for taking blogging shortcuts.
Invest Money in Blogging Resources
Buy blogging courses and blogging eBooks to get premium advice.
Get the best, most thorough help through in-depth guides.
Blog posts only take you so far. Pros put their best work into premium resources.
For example, I spent many hours creating this course:
How to Get Featured on World Famous Blogs
to offer you a complete guide for getting featured on sites like Forbes, Entrepreneur, Neil Patel Dot Com and John Chow Dot Com.
If you need all the help you can get and resonate with my teaching style then buying the courses and following it closely is the easiest and simplest way to gain assistance.
Sometimes, investing in your blogging education is the best way to get help now.
Give Successful Bloggers What You Desire
Do you want blog traffic?
Drive traffic to successful blogger’s blogs.
Retweet their posts. Share their posts on Facebook. Drop links to their blog on your blog.
Do as much as possible to drive traffic to blogs other than your own.
At first, this strategy does not make sense. Why would you boost traffic for other bloggers if you need more blog traffic?
Making friends by being generous influences blogging buddies to drive traffic to your blog.
Pros Never Link to Struggling Strangers
Asking a successful pro for a retweet, Facebook Share or backlink does not work because no pro promotes strangers who struggle to succeed. Pros maintain credibility by only linking to and promoting credible, trusted blogs. Bloggers begging for links and social shares struggle with non-credible, untrusted blogs. No way in a million years do pros link to strangers having a tough blogging time.
Pros never owe you a favor (for what?). Pros build businesses, not charities. Professional bloggers do not respond to pity or panic.
Flat out, you earn backlinks and social shares from pro bloggers because blogging is a serious skill. Professionals run serious businesses.
Do the top entrepreneurs on earth feature unvetted strangers on their websites?
Don’t expect pro bloggers to do this either.
Business owners succeed by establishing credibility. One link doled out to a less than credible site dissolves cred earned over years in seconds.
No top blogger shoulders that risk for an utter stranger.
Would you walk down the street offering complete strangers the keys to your house?
I didn’t think so…..
Pros Link to Bloggers Who Earn their Trust
Promote pro bloggers.
Ask for nothing. Expect nothing in return.
Earn their trust. Prove that you want to build a strong relationship.
Slowly, pros trust generous bloggers who earn credibility in their eyes.
Proving that you just want to help by helping without asking favors or expecting anything forms the foundation for a long-term blogging relationship. Pro blogging buddies tend to promote your blog via social or their blog after you patiently earn their trust. Getting a retweet or backlink from pros increases your blog traffic.
As you can understand by now, most bloggers overlook this indirect strategy because it seems less obvious. Asking for a backlink makes sense from a direct perspective but as I said before, no professional links to struggling strangers because why would a veteran pro damage their credibility by linking to someone they know not?
This makes no sense.
Think like a pro blogger. See this strategy from their perspective to make sense of the tactic.
Go the indirect traffic route. Make friends. Earn trust. Get blogging help not by asking for a backlink from a pro but by earning a backlink from a pro via good old-fashioned relationship building.
Be patient. Take your time. Engage in genuine blogger outreach. Give help to get help. Be of service to influence blogging friends to help you.
Respect this evergreen process. It worked 15 years ago when I began blogging, now, and 15 years from now because being generous magnetizes you to generous bloggers.
The simplest way to get backlinks or retweets is to give backlinks or retweets, to let go expectations and to allow blogging friends to drop backlinks and retweets to your blog organically.
Ask how to blog successfully from top bloggers. Get busy with following their advice.
Help pros and ask for nothing in return.
Follow these two simple tips to get the blogging help that you need.