Note my blog content.
Note my social media content.
Do you see that I speak to one specific reader with each post?
I want serious bloggers to follow my blog. I want committed bloggers to follow my blog. Keeping this idea in mind influences me to create the type of content appealing to this specific reader. My content resonates with committed bloggers because each blog post and social media post speaks this message. I do not waffle. I do not waiver.
But most bloggers never develop this laser level of clarity. Most bloggers just want any random person off of the cyber street to stumble upon their blog. This is a mistake. How can you succeed by wasting your time? Why would you succeed by trying to appeal to someone who has no desire for what you offer?
Even though asking these questions provides clear answers most bloggers turn around and chase random traffic through the type of content they create. Some just want more followers. Others crave more comments. The masses typically want to get anyone to visit their blog without understanding that targeted traffic matters and nothing else does.
Analyze Your Content
Look closely and honestly at your content. Figure out who the content appeals to both on your blog and through your social media. Do you notice any patterns? What reader do you serve?
For example, I do not believe I’ve ever published a post during the 10-year stretch of this blog claiming that blogging or any aspect of blogging is easy. Quite to the contrary, I explain how success is very doable but feels difficult in moments. I also stress that putting in the work for many thousands of hours is the only way to drive quality traffic and blogging income.
Publishing this type of content sends the tire kickers to the cyber hills. Publishing this type of content also rids me of bloggers hell-bent on finding shortcuts to success. My content is not terribly popular because I am honest. My version of honesty involves telling human beings that they need to patiently practice for many years in order to become a successful blogger.
Not only do I sleep well at night, I also align with serious, committed bloggers based on the type of genuine content published to this blog and my social media arms. Connecting with like-minded people feels fun. Better than that, I largely avoid the headaches plating bloggers who use fear and manipulative tactics which opens a big old can of worms for them.
Blogging Headaches
What do I mean by avoiding headaches?
I mean not having to deal with legions of readers or flat out critics who skewer me for being dishonest, deceitful, manipulative and flat out foolish. Only the brain did would accuse me of being a scammer or dishonest since I am painfully mindful of sharing the ups and downs, ins and outs, highs and lows, and pretty much the rest of the blogging story to reveal what goes on behind the scenes. Scammers hide various challenging aspects of blogging. I do not.
I do this to maintain integrity but also to connect 100% with people who know exactly what to expect with my blog posts, online course and eBooks. You get what you see here which is the core message of Blogging From Paradise. I do not sugarcoat things. I stress that you can and will live your dreams but have to do some serious mind training and work over many thousands of hours to lay the foundation for a thriving blogging career.
Content Draws in Resonant People
Since all of my content preaches this message I attract serious, committed bloggers who want to put in the fun work – and some difficult work too – in order to succeed. I take off the kid gloves so do not attract victims to my blog. If people choose to victimize themselves they did not find it in my content and certainly that did not draw them here. You better believe that those folks hit the door quickly when you see I treat them with respect and power and not through some victims lens.
I have compassion for bloggers going through a tough time which is why I gently tell those prepared to hear it the peaceful but perfectly clear truth. Your life is your mindset. My content speaks this reality. Organically, I attract people who take increasing mental responsibility for their experience because that’s what I put out through my blog and social media.
However, fear in the mind often scares bloggers or guilts them into creating the type of content which appeals to those who want to take shortcuts, get rich quickly, victimize themselves or perhaps those who desire to use others to get quick traffic and money which of course flows in and out like the tide.
Observe your social media posts. Pay attention to your blog posts. Do you send out mixed messages? Do you appeal to a wide range of bloggers with all types of different intents? Who do you attract to your blog? Readers just show you predominantly the type of content you choose to publish.
Visualize One Reader in Mind
Get razor sharp clear on the one particular reader you intend to serve. Create and publish all content on site and off site to target that reader. Never stray. Never deviate. Never run away from that reader. Never run towards greed or desperation because creating content for the desperate of greedy attract these individuals which creates a big old can of worms for everyone involved.
Bold Claims Thin-Dishonest Content
You know the content I’m talking about guys. I condemn no one for blogging in their style but gently point out that certain headlines attract certain readers. Claiming that it’s easy to make $20,000 a month through your blog with four simple steps largely attracts desperate or greedy individuals who create a nasty backlash when your four simple steps do not yield $20,000 a month during your first, second or third month of blogging.
If 4 simple steps lead to $20K months easily then all bloggers would be millionaires. Any moron easily follows 4 steps to make $20 grand a month….right? The title even claims this to be true. Of course, dozens of sometimes highly uncomfortable steps taken over 1,000’s of hours net $20,000 per month but over the years. No honest person dare claims this process to be easy.
Negative reviews flood you….because you lied through your content to vibe with greedy, desperate readers whose expectations (from your content claims) did not quickly, easily match their reality/experience.
Whose fault are the negative reviews?
If you attempt to appeal to the desperate or greedy with dishonest claims then the dishonesty, desperation and greed in your mind reflect back to you through the negative reviews of others. That’s the beautiful mirror effect of the world which I dissect through this blog. That’s also why we tend to have a genuine community here. Our readers generally take responsibility for their inner world versus blaming externals for their circumstances.
Content Attracts Its Message
Typically speaking, minus a few outliers, your content brings a specific reader to your blog. Or perhaps if you jump around with your content as far as its tone and overall message, you will attract a hodgepodge of readers with varied interests. That’s really not a great thing because publishing according to one core message creates loyalty and online business stability. Readers stick around if they know what to expect and perceive you to be a leader in your singular niche.
Take a look today at the specific reader you choose to serve. Dial on that individual. Create and publish content only for that one person.
Become a credible niche leader.
Align with like-minded people.
Become a trusted specialist.
Accelerate your blogging success by doing one thing well and also by aligning with individuals who know exactly what to expect from your content, blog and online business.