3 Questions for AI Bloggers to Ask Themselves

  April 19, 2024 blogging tips 🕑 4 minutes read
Grecia, Costa Rica

Grecia, Costa Rica


Should you use AI to write full blog posts?


Ask yourself 3 questions.


Wait for honest answers.


Answering each question genuinely gives you all that you need to know to make a clear decision on whether or not to use AI to write full blog posts.


Before we dive in, this post is not for bloggers who use AI lightly to outline or brainstorm blog posts. Stimulating a wee bit of thought with a computer program does not quite compare with using it to spin an entire blog post.


But if you use AI to generate entire blog posts at least ask these 3 questions before walking down that path.


1: Would You Trust AI to Diagnose a Serious Illness in a Loved One?


No you would not.


Unless you hate your mom or dad, wife or husband, son or daughter, brother or sister, or best friend, you would never be clinically insane enough to hand a cancer diagnosis over to a computer program.


Perhaps you are genuinely mad enough to say to your wife:


“Hey babe; I luv ya and all, but I will put your life in the hands of this collection and 0’s and 1’s.”


I think none of you types read Blogging From Paradise, though.


Highly experienced, mindful, compassionate and skilled human medical doctors handle this job.


2: Would You Trust AI to Completely Handle Your Checking Account Savings Account and Retirement Investments?


No you would not.


Unless you are as Mad as a Hatter, handing your money, your savings, your nest egg, over to a computer program is the work of someone as sane as Caligula Caesar.


Highly experienced, mindful, compassionate and skilled human financial experts handle this job.


3: Would You Trust AI to Fully Educate Your Children?


No you would not.


Does it sound wise to hand your children’s future over to the Terminator?


Oops; I jumped overboard on that one.


Does it sound sane to hand your children’s future over to Vicky from Small Wonder?


Whoops; I give away my age and any semblance of a pop culture reference.


Does it sound mad to hand your children’s future over to a computer program?


You best it does.


Highly experienced, mindful, compassionate and skilled human teachers handle this job.


Where Am I Going with this?


Party people whose minds have not been turned into AI-inspired mush…..you realize by now where I am heading with this post.


If you do not trust AI to handle tasks for loved ones you should not trust AI to handle tasks for dear readers.


Readers are humans who deeply value genuine, human-vetted content published by an experienced, skilled professional, for making highly important decisions in their lives.


It is just as insane to use AI to generate content for cherished human readers as it is insane to turn to AI for a cancer diagnosis for a loved one.  At the end of the day, a human being is a human being whether it is your husband or a human with problems, hopes and dreams, reading and trusting your blog posts, to use that information to solve problems or improve their lives in some way, shape or form.


Dehumanizing Blog Readers


Consciously, or unconsciously, AI bloggers dehumanize readers.


Love, respect, compassion and empathy exit stage left as the dehumanization process unfolds.


When you stop seeing humans as being humans you will not personally care about helping them and will do whatever you can to use them to get money into your pocket.


Welcome to the AI Blogging Mindset folks.


The Solution


Write and publish your blog posts with your mind.


Help people with your human experience.


Write genuinely.


Be authentic.


Add compassion to your work.


Be empathetic.




Think of your readers.


Write posts with human readers in mind.


If you do not trust AI to handle important tasks for loved ones you will not trust it for your human readers, either.


This is why writing and publishing posts with your mind and fingers is the only sane, reliable, credible solution.


Practice writing 500-1000 words offline daily.


Become a clear, confident writer.


Publishing content gets easier if you practice writing diligently.


Blogging only appears to be difficult if you snooze at the blogging wheel.






Hone your skills.


Be truly helpful.


Short one today guys; we are heading to the weekly market here in Costa Rica.

  1. Tanish Shrivastava says:
    at 1:23 am

    I don’t use AI for my content, apart from spelling and grammar check. I do think generative AI has its uses, but I am not going to give up my writing to this tool.

  2. Ryan Biddulph says:
    at 10:27 am

    Keep on writing, my friend.

  3. Cynthia | Adventuring Woman says:
    at 11:09 pm

    I must agree, I think AI has its uses but writing a full blog post ain’t it. I was working for someone who wanted me to write a blog post. He gave a description of the post to an AI tool twice and came up with 2 totally different posts he wanted me to use to write the post. This caused me so much headache. The references could not be vetted and the organization wasn’t the best. It sounds like a machine writes it.

  4. Ryan Biddulph says:
    at 10:27 am

    AI will never re-create the heart, the divine center, because something artificial cannot become something real. Maybe Ted pulled it off in the movies but AI will not.