Incheon, Korea
Blogging is between the ears.
Bloggers follow practical tips or do not follow practical tips based on their mindset.
What you do or refuse to do depends on the predominant thoughts and feelings in your mind.
Life is mind.
Quite literally, your experience reflects your mind back to you.
Doesn’t that feel empowering?
Now you can leave a victim mentality in the dust, along with a fear-based attachment to various strategies, techniques, people and things.
Of course you and I follow practical blogging strategies to go full time. But your mind determines who goes full time and who does not go full time.
One blogging success accelerant requires some mental gymnastics.
But the results seem worth the mental game of Twister.
Teach bloggers how to succeed.
Actually, let’s repeat that.
Only teach bloggers how to succeed.
Teaching only success aligns you with success far quicker than teaching how to avoid failure.
Where your attention and energy goes, grows.
Teaching only successful principles attracts success-hungry readers who build your blogging business. Tire kickers, iffy types and other less than clear readers do not follow clear, success-teaching, high energy bloggers closely. Less clear readers follow less clear bloggers.
Clear readers follow clear bloggers.
Clear bloggers teach readers how to succeed.
Incredibly clear bloggers only teach readers how to succeed.
I count myself as not fully being in that teaching lot as of now although I do trend toward that strategy.
Guilty as Charged
We have all been hypocrites because none reading this post became enlightened before reading the post.
I have and still focus a bit on problems as teaching mechanisms. I also point out mistakes, struggles, errors and other manner of teaching bloggers:
- what they do wrong
- why these are mistakes
- why the error-prone blogging strategies never work
This is totally OK some of the time.
Pointing out errors gives bloggers the truth. Being armed with the truth serves as a springboard toward working successful blogging strategies.
Basically, seeing your mistakes gives bloggers a:
“Oh shit! I didn’t realize that was a mistake.”
level of clarity in the mind as the light bulb goes off.
Point out errors some of the time if you wish.
But devote most time and work to teaching successful blogging principles because where your attention and energy goes, grows.
Do Only This
I read and practically apply principles from a mind-training manual every single daily.
One principle is:
“Do only this.”
Basically guys, this means do only this from the perspective of live with love, teach abundance and do your absolute best not to bring fear into the equation.
I know this is not easy. We all have a tendency to project our fears into the situation. But showing a little bit of willingness makes it easier to develop the “do only this” skill of teaching mainly success…..not how to avoid failure.
Perhaps you lead off a blog post with some pain points.
After the brief introduction on how to avoid fear just dive in to successful blogging tips swiftly to:
- empower
- uplift
- embolden
- inspire
because the world loves love and seems tired of fear. At least, minds in the world who crave a better way, love love and wish to put fear in the rear view window.
Practice “Do Only This”
Think about the next piece of content to create.
Do only this.
Teach readers how to succeed in your niche.
Inspire readers to be free.
Be empowering.
Do your best.
Focus readers on success principles.
For example, teach bloggers how to boost traffic by sharing only tips for increasing blog traffic. Do not fiddle around with asking bloggers about their traffic struggles or problems. Get right to the success tips.
Do only this.
Share practical traffic driving trips. Toss in some blogging cheerleading. Believe in your readers. Tell your readers that you believe in them.
If I Can Do It So Can You
A lovely member of the Blogging From Paradise community reminded me of something recently.
AÂ while back, I regularly included the idea that if I can live this life of circling the globe as a full time blogger then so can you, in my blog posts, blogging courses and blogging eBooks.
I stopped sharing this truth for a while but this dear reader resurrected the idea in my mind by writing these identical words recently.
Share this simple idea to cheerlead readers. Pick them up. Remind readers of their potential, abilities and power. Help readers to succeed. Point them in the successful direction.
Instill faith in your community. If you can succeed in any way, shape or form then your readers can succeed too. Say it. Do not just think it. Practically apply the idea.
Minds really do need nurturing, compassion and hope from outside sources temporarily. Everyone needs someone to remind them of their potential brilliance brimming from within.
Your readers deeply appreciate these not so subtle reminders to get them on the right blogging track again.
Why This Strategy Works Well
Teaching success brings bloggers hungry for success to your blog.
Hungry bloggers:
- follow blogs loyally
- invest money in coaching
- invest money in online courses
- invest money in eBooks
- click ads
- buy affiliate products
- grow referral business
Readers who build your blogging business deeply desire to be happy, successful and free.
Speak directly to this crowd by teaching successful blogging principles.
Feel free to hit some pain points in your blog posts.
Focus mostly on uplifting, empowering, inspiring and teaching practical tips for becoming a successful blogger.
Do only this.