Blogging is between the ears.
Bloggers stress physical work but your mindset determines the actions you take or do not take.
Mindset plays the main role in becoming a successful blogger.
How you think steers your blogging career.
Challenges arise when nothing appears to be happening even when you blog the right way for a bit.
What gives?
Every pro needs to blog like a professional well before full time income flows in freely.
When you seem to struggle horribly it feels as if a dark cloud rains constantly on your blogging campaign.
Mindset training is the way out of blogging darkness to migrate toward the blogging light.
Emotional Hygiene
People practice bodily hygiene to care for the body.
Wise bloggers practical emotional hygiene to care for the mind.
Each step below forms a diligent emotional hygiene campaign cleansing the mind of fear-filth holding you back.
Develop a successful blogging mindset by going within.
Follow these tips to think, feel and act like a professional blogger before going pro.
1: Train Your Mind to Let Go Past Struggles
Train your mind to release past blogging struggles.
Let go blogging heartache to refresh your mind. Being burdened by blogging struggles of the past holds you back.
How can you move forward while being held back?
How can you grow if stuck in regression?
Why would you succeed if burdened by past failure.
Releasing past failure grounds you in the present. All of your blogging power resides in the moment.
Admittedly, I blogged from a shell-shocked intent for a while by clinging to past failure. I replayed past struggles like a tape recorder in my mind anytime I appeared to grow my blog slowly. Panic set in. Struggles followed as I ditched what worked and dove into impatient, frenzied blogging strategies which of course never work.
Going within to face fear, release it and move forward gradually dissolved these past traumas in my mind.
See failures of the past as building blocks bringing you to this moment. Every step moved you to now. Accept this simple truth to learn lessons from the past before forgiving these missteps.
No one enjoys feeling fear, experiencing suffering and inviting in pain. But revisiting emotional trauma is the only way to shed these energies fueling obsessive thoughts about the blogging past.
Observe your feelings as past failures arise in your mind. Practice feeling these emotions versus resisting the pesky energies. Face, feel and let go past struggles for a bright, new blogging present.
Practical Tips
- meditate daily
- read and apply A Course In Miracles
- practice mindfulness during daily activities
- note details in the world around you to be present
Strengthening the mind facilitates presence of mind.
Being present erases the blogging past.
2: Invest in Resources to Think Like a Successful Blogger
Invest money in premium resources to think like a successful blogger.
In-depth resources guide you to take what seems like a quantum leap when times seem tough on your blogging journey.
Access top shelf advice from professionals to strengthen your mindset.
Thinking, feeling and acting like a pro blogger usually feels alien for beginner or struggling bloggers. Blogging eBooks, blogging courses and blogging coaching position you to strengthen your mindset with the best guidance from seasoned bloggers.
See financial investments in a blogging education like paying your blogging tuition. Accelerate your learning curve by investing in thorough guides created by professional bloggers who know a great deal about what it takes to succeed.
3: Walk the Extra Blogging Mile
Develop a successful blogging mindset by walking the extra mile that most bloggers skip.
Blogging is a marathon, not the sprint that new bloggers usually expect it to be. Do the extra work ignored by most to condition yourself to think like a successful blogger.
Pro bloggers add necessary details to become successful. Groom your mind to note and add these details by stepping a few feet forward daily.
For example, I will set aside as much time as possible to write and publish this long form post at about midnight. Even though it will keep me awake until 1 AM to 2 AM, I walk the extra blogging mile to get the job done.
Nike CEO Phil Knight advised his employees that their job wasn’t done until the job was done. Concentrate on this concept to establish the habit of walking the extra blogging mile.
Practical Examples
- optimize posts for SEO versus writing and publishing thin, 500-600 word blog posts
- create and self-publish online blogging courses to gain authority versus only being an affiliate who sells other entrepreneur’s products
- write and self-publish eBooks to earn greater credibility versus just writing and publishing blog posts
- publish detailed, personalized blog comments versus tossing out mindless spam comments
Train yourself to walk the extra blogging mile.
Put in the work that failing bloggers avoid.
4: Think Big But Take Small Steps
Think big as a blogger.
Dream big dreams to exit your comfort zone.
Bloggers usually struggle for thinking small. Thinking small puts you into survival mode. Blogging to survive versus to thrive leads to:
- spamming
- scamming
- taking short cuts
- cutting corners
all of which precede blogging failure.
Dream fun, freeing dreams. Let these grand visions guide you to baby step your way toward a successful blogging career.
No blogger takes quantum leaps because small shuffles promote learning, study and patient practice for building a strong blogging foundation.
Succeeding takes time. Overnight success does not exist. Dreaming big anchors you for a long haul blogging journey of taking simple steps on a daily basis.
Believe it or not, becoming successful is doing simple things for a long time. The simple things become uncomfortable when the ego mind tries to take long steps fueled by a diminished vision.
Most bloggers think small and try to take long steps – aka shortcuts – which lead to failure.
Be wise.
Dream big.
Baby step your way to a successful blogging career over the long haul.
Free your mind of the blogging past.
Face what holds you back.
Let it go to accelerate your blogging growth.