1 Mind Expanding Way to Frame Blogging Work

  October 9, 2023 blogging tips 🕑 6 minutes read
Songdo, South Korea

Songdo, South Korea


Right now, whatever you are doing with your blogging campaign….it is blogging work.


Let’s say that you spend 10 hours daily working various blogging groups on Facebook by dropping a link pointing to your blogging services.


This is blogging work.


Imagine spending 10 hours tweeting links pointing to your various blogging services.


This is blogging work.


Picture yourself spending 10 hours writing and publishing thin, light, 600 word blog posts and guest posts on a scattershot mix of random blogs.


This is blogging work.


The Work Wake Up Call


Now, imagine if I advise bloggers to go pro by publishing:


  • long form
  • detailed
  • in-depth
  • thorough
  • intelligently planned
  • targeted


blog posts.


Most bloggers instantly balk at the idea of doing “that” blogging work and resist the idea by claiming:


“That is too much work!”


Do you see the problem here, guys?


You are already doing too much blogging work. You are working for 10 to 12 hours daily on your blog.


I am simply inviting you to do different blogging work that may edge you outside of your comfort zone but always leads you to a full time blogging career.




Few bloggers think this concept through. Most do comfortable work that always leads to long term failure and quitting. Few choose to do the sometimes uncomfortable work that always leads to a fun, freeing full time blogging career.


But rest assured, as long as you are blogging, you are putting in blogging work.


This is why it is silly to make the “That is too much work!” excuse when you have already been working, and putting in too much blogging work for days, weeks, months then years, doing too much blogging work to struggle and fail.


You Are Always Working


No matter what, you are always putting in blogging work.


Never forget this truth.


Future pro bloggers decide to do what works in order to succeed.


Everyone else decides to do what does not work, to fail.


The difference between the future pro and everyone else is this: the future full time blogger decides to work on fun, freeing and sometimes uncomfortable blogging activities to enjoy the experience of being a pro blogger, down the road.


Never resist what works to do work that does not work just because the mindless, failing work feels:


  • comfortable
  • familiar
  • mind-numbing


Do you want to forever fail by engaging in comfortable, familiar, mindless work?


Or do you want to be free and succeed with the same amount of work, even if executing the work feels a bit scary, sometimes?


Today, you can spend 4 hours doing something that leads to blogging failure.


Or you can spend 4 hours today doing something that leads to a successful blogging career.


Would you rather work to fail comfortably or work to have fun, to be free and to face a few uncomfortable fears along the way?


At the end of the day, you are doing blogging work, no matter what.


You choose whether to work and succeed or to work and fail.


Everything is on you.


Practical Example


Amateurs who desire to go pro practically act on this idea by spending time:


  • researching pressing blog post topics aligned with their niche
  • writing and publishing thorough, detailed, targeted, long form blog posts
  • helping people offsite in highly targeted areas


Following these simple strategies lays the foundation for a professional blogging career. Doing this work leads to a full time blogging gig.


Amateurs who desire to go pro do not spend hours spamming blog comments, only blasting links to their blogging courses and eBooks on Facebook Groups and LinkedIn Groups and doing similar things which lead to a failed, amateur blogging gig.


No matter what, you are putting in blogging work.


Follow pro blogger advice to do the work that leads to a pro blogging career.


Most importantly, never complain that doing what leads to a pro blogging career “is too much work” because you have already been doing too much blogging work, those activities feeling comfortable, familiar and leading to perpetual blogging failure.


Why Is This Mind Expanding?


Understanding that you have always been doing some form of blogging work but that directing the work effectively allows you to go pro stretches the mind.


In a way, you begin to give yourself credit for working but redirect your strategy to do what accelerates your success. Confidence blooms in this proper blogging state of mind. Now you know what works and simply give your time and energy to doing what it takes to go pro versus mindlessly numbing yourself with failing, foolish blogging busy work.


Knowing what works expands your mind. New possibilities arise. New opportunities exist. Realizing these truths feels exciting. Embracing the truth feels promising. Hope springs! Everything feels fresh and new.


Renewing your mind puts failure in the past and fun, freeing success in the future.


Now it’s time to get busy doing what works – with your blogging workload – to experience freeing, sweet blogging success.


The Only Obstacle


Fear – popping up as resistance to working on what works – is the only obstacle.


For example, mindlessly posting products and services links to endless Facebook Groups feels comfortable even if it promotes perpetual blogging failure.


Sitting down to research, write, edit and publish a highly targeted, long form blog post scares most bloggers. Most feel intimidated by doing something that requires thought, deliberate planning, patience and trust in self and in the blogging process. At this point, the majority of scared bloggers decide NOT to face this fear and scurry back into the comfortable, familiar blogging cocoon, resting in the cyber sewer of perpetual blogging failure.


Most bloggers scramble back to spamming business page links to Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn even though this means failing forever.




Most bloggers prefer comfort and failure over temporary discomfort, fun, freedom and a professional blogging career.




Fear is insane. Trusting insane fear makes you do insane things.


Make the sane choice.


Face, feel and release your fears to do the sane, fun, freeing and sometimes uncomfortable things required of a future pro blogger.


Learn how to write long form blog posts. Learn how to do blogger outreach. It’s the only way to go pro, folks. Choose freedom over fear to engage in temporary uncomfortable but always successful blogging work preceding a full time, fun, freeing blogging career.


Ask this Question


Would you rather be free, happy and feel at peace by doing blogging work that triggers temporary discomfort and perpetual freedom or do you prefer to choose depression, blogging failure and familiar, habitual, mindless comfort?


Asking this question and waiting for an honest answer reveals that you want fun, freedom and yes, the temporary fears that arise and go away on the journey to peace.


No one desires blogging failure, depression, comfort and familiarity unless you are in your insane, egoic, not right mind.


Shift to your loving, honest right mind today.


Choose to work to be free, to inspire others and to go pro.


Never again will you choose to work to be bound, to deflate yourself, to be comfortable, to do familiar things and to fail forever.


Blogging Resources


Check out my resources for guidance on your blogging journey:


  1. Morris Grand says:
    at 4:28 pm

    What a wake-up call, Ryan! You make a good case that putting in the hours isn’t enough. We have to put in the hours into the RIGHT things. Unfortunately, doing the right things means doing things that are often uncomfortable, pushing our limits. Same time investment, different effort.

  2. Ryan Biddulph says:
    at 12:08 pm

    Yes yes Morris. Doing the right things from a relaxed energy – for a while – brings the success and freedom. Sometimes, these actions feel scary to engage in but only because greater freedom awaits.